Hi! I've been watching this for awhile, I was a reserve player (in case there weren't enough players, I would join in) in one of the thread starter's topics but I found this! I've been interested in Tolkien lore (the background and landscape), but not it's history and events and I think that would be very fitting for playing a character that has not personally experienced the events of the destruction of a certain finger ornament. Thus, I express my interest in playing a character here. Likely of The Race of Man (or perhaps even elven, IF there are too many Humans around. Then maybe beorn-like if too many elves too. Then maybe ...*goes on for a good half an hour or so*). I'll be inclined to play my character as ignorant of the details of what happened during the times of the movies and books, except for having heard word of recounts and stories that were told throughout the land - even then my character might still have not heard them due to a rather isolated lifestyle, apart from the occiasional trip to the markets and stores. So if my character starts asking things like: [i][b]"I know where we should bring this! ....Where was that place they got rid of the ....that ....I forgot, necklace or was it ring -thing again? The one which Saurus wanted ...you know where I mean. You know. You know? You ...that ........neverind."[/b][/i] Bear with me.