[Center] [Color=blue] [h2] Alexis (Lexy) Sandra Dremmel [/h2] [/color] [/center] Alexis wiped off the dust that lingured on to her, or at least attempted to, but the red stuff didn't help much. She knew that she probably had a few minor scratches, and her back still ached, but it wasn't much of a problem to her capability to accomplish any tasks, nor was she going to let it be. One thing she didn't want to be at that moment was helpless. She turned to Jack as she shook her head. [color=blue] "I'm good, thanks." [/color] Lexy raised her eyebrow at Alex as he had answered her question. Out of anything he could of said not in a million years would she of expected him to spurt out that answer. Well she wasn't to sure of what she was expecting exactly. [Color=blue] "Were in hell?" [/color] She questioned. She would of doubted it a bit more if it wasn't for the fact everyone else had accepted it already. [Color=blue] "Well who would of thought hell would be like this." [/color] She mumbled to herself as the question came to mind, 'Why was everything covered in red?' She didn't bother to ask the question because she knew there was probably no explanation for it otherthan, 'because it is.' Also the question didn't seem to be relevant to there situation. From what she heard so far they were debating on where to go. She listened in not giving much input as she still tried to understand what was happening. There were so many things racing through her head as the conversation continued,the most redundent thought being, 'this is all just a crazy dream.' She assumed that had to be right in some senses. Hearing them talk about monsters seemed insane. She wanted to say that they weren't trying to pull some prank or something of the matter but it was harder than it sounded. She knew that the whole class teaming up was unlikely. It was beyond unlikely and its not like they would plan to make her fall from the ceiling. Looking around at the others once again, she changed the thought to that most of them wouldn't. She knew someone would be stupid enough and suggested that if it was a prank. Shizune's voice seemed to pull her back into reality.She raised an eyebrow.[color=blue] "And how exactly do you know all of the things that are here?" [/color] She asked. She didn't want to use the word monster. It seemed out of place to slip out her mouth, but for some reason she believed that there was something here even though she hadn't seen it yet, and along with this Shizune seemed to know a lot more than anyone else did. Alexis was hesitant as she looked around the room, before she followed Shizune into the dark hallway. She placed her hands in her pocket as she kept a hopeless eye on her surroundings. It was to dark to see but she couldn't help trying to look for something.