[quote=Dragon princess] Seril looked at the dire wolf staring at his soul and other beings of him but grunting she walked toward the shadows of the trees and looked up at them slowly “such nature beauty is not defined by name Alister, It known through their works and wonders much like the spirit of Tumik it breaths and flows through our hearts like that of a gentle river. We are never called by name but if you listen close you can hear a name in the wind rushing by the world around us is alive” she closed her eyes and listened to the forest above her happily and smiled deeply. She listened to the wind whisper names of souls that had passed and had died, the world ruffled up by gusts of steady wind. The girl grumbled and eyes opened gently “My name is Seril the chief of the tribe of gifted animals” she said finally but stares up at the trees and then sunlight streaming around them. --- Tryuis looked at the wolf that was scared and blinked ‘come on no need to be afraid of me i am playful and lets play” chirps and ran around happily jumping around and pokes the wolf ‘come on lighten up you're not in danger in these lands” mews and pokes him “TAG your it” and ran around happily with amazing speeds. he looked back at the wolf ‘come on catch me if you can” he chirps and ran around. --- Scythe chuckled darkly at the wolf nervousness “yes ferki has risen from the pits of the world once more. Our master is awake and where is your spirit? has she left you to die in this lands that hate animals of the forest? “ she laughed insanely dark eyes glowing and in a swirl of green she was gone to leave the wolf alone in the darkness of the forest of shadows, unholy screams and scary snarls echoed around the wolf everywhere. The lioness appears on a rock few feet away “such fools you are to think that one is enough to beat an army, not even the great spirit would show her ugly face to challenge us right now she has nothing, weak and sorry she is and always shall be” the clouds grew red and scary looking over them but this was not of the great spirit this was of the darkness of the valley the winds screamed and bashed aroudn the trees and the water became unsteady. [/quote] Alistar gave a slight nod, closing his eyes to listen to the many voices that spoke around him, it was an interesting spectacle. He looked toward the tigress who now introduced himself as Seril. "It is an honor to meet one such as yourself.." He said, bowing respectfully toward her. --- Axton looked at the cheetah as it ran around him happily, maybe he didn't need to be scared of anything. He had a determined look on his face when he was tagged, he giggled and pounced at the cheetah. --- Katan growled and looked around himself, the screams of whatever he had heard were all around him and it was making him very uneasy. "That's not true, she would never abandon us..." He said to her, snarling a bit, spikes protruded from his metal hide like a porcupine. he growled viciously. He fired a torrent of spikes at the lioness, engaging her.