[color=fff79a]"I see...t-thank you M-Miss Lily"[/color] after which Lucas shifts his gaze towards Ryland. [color=fff79a]"J-just tell me when the training starts and I'll be t-there."[/color] with a stern look in his eyes. He then proceeds to take Milx of his head and pat him gently, the rat squeaking in delight [color=fff79a]"There, there Milx, we'll do our best to help those like ourselves right?"[/color] said Lucas in a low tone having Milx squeak enthusiastically in response." [color=fff79a]"Oh..also, is there anything we [b]SHOULD[/b] know about this m-mansion?...Y-y-you know, like places off-limits or that might be a danger to us?[/color] [@KatherinWinter]