"I need to commune with my god, if you would excuse me, I will be at the nearby church. I too have preparations I need to make." Alexander said. He immediately got walked out after he collected his things. He immediately walked to the church without any delay, and entered. He walked up to a clergyman and asked for a private room for him to commune with his god in peace. The clergyman nodded and shown him to a homely room. He got down on one knee, and started to pray. "Oh, great and merciful god, I plead for your help in the coming battle. I wish to slay any goblin who seeks nothing but to raid and pillage the land and whose heart is nothing but a black speckle of coal. Please, allow me some of your power so that I can defend these fair people." Alexander paused for a moment to catch his breath and gather his thoughts, "If you may, great deity, allot me the ability to be unharmed by fire and a tongue which knows no boundary caused by language. As always and forever, I will accept any vow you deem necessary to keep holy in this life and the next. Please, give me your divine approval for this question which I am about to part take." He then sat there, and prayed while he waited for a response from his deity.