'Oh, she's gone,' Nick realises, noticing the girl's absence... and, more notably, the distinct non-absence of a duffel bag. Come to think of it, she was carrying something around before... and now what? Should he leave it here, potentially for somebody else to find and steal, or should he pick it up and risk being snagged for theft himself on top of what will inevitably be considered murder? Or at least what will likely be considered murder, before a distinct lack of sustainable evidence exonerates him- the Ripple, in addition to many of its other effects, is very good at making sure spare threads and cells do not stick to anything, and he was quite certain there were no cameras around to document the fight in question anyway- but even so. 'Yeah, so we have to leave right now,' Rick says hurriedly, 'there's gonna be police here pretty soon.' 'Hell with it,' Nick decides (loudly, as an afterthought just to draw the lady's attention if she's still around), 'she can come pick the bag up either right now or later! She knows what to do,' he adds under his breath, hoisting the bag up under one arm and beginning to sprint away rapidly, along with the rest of his cohort. The Kaisers are liked by a lot of people, much of the city's police force included, but they certainly aren't above the law; though Nick has avoided trouble by making himself scarce before, there isn't much hope for his escape from prison if he allows themselves to fall into police hands at a time like this, and similarly for his fellows. It will take time for the police to show up, however, and should he be allowed to leave the scene so soon, escape is all but assured. [@Dark Eternity][@Gentlemanvaultboy][@Lazy Rocktime][@Eviledd1984][@Lurkerlurks]