[Color=lightgreen]Clara Moon[/color] & [color=cyan]Alex Hill[/color] Collab with Demonic Angel & alexfangtalon Clara's temper seemed to flare as soon as Alex mentioned not knowing that Erin had a crush on him. For years the girl had dressed in male styled clothes, making sure they were pure black, while wearing her mother's necklace underneath her shirt. When the young man meet the child she began asking her guardian for more girlie magazines instead of more horror books such as Edgar Allen Poe. A while seemed to zoom by and the kid started wearing his favorite color instead of black. Now this man had the guts to say that he never noticed. It was like this person never liked spending time with the lighter half. More like it was just a job in which he was being payed to do like an adult. Not to mention that Alex had laughed making the thought seem like the correct assumption. [Color=lightgreen]”Your kidding right? A girl changes her whole looks and you say that you never noticed? I'll have to beat some sense into that thick skull of yours.”[/color] the darker half threatened toward the guy before the six others showed up. “Hey! Didn't you noticed the guns in our hands little girl?” One of the men said. [Color=lightgreen]”Have you come to rescue me? Please I was separated from my brother and father. I'm scared for my life. Won't you please help me sir? My father will be willing to pay you when we arrive back to our campsite. I will do anything to repay you.”[/color] she said rather sweetly. This was the teenager's normal strategy. Act like a helpless person before walking up, pulling the knife out while the person embraced her, then stab upward into the skull. After all how harmless could a girl be. “Nah. I'm pretty sure you want to pay a game.” Another said while licking his lips. [Color=lightgreen][i]”Why is it so easy to get people to fall for this act? Is it because once the infection started their brains died as well?”[/I][/color] the teenager thought to herself. “Wait Jackson. She looks kind of like that guy you described. The one that killed your old man. Vincent McGarth was it?” The first man said as he pulled the other one's shirt. “Yeah, he was apart of the Irish Mob family. Was supposed to go to jail until he joined with their army. I've always wanted to get back at that guy and now it seems that God has given me the perfect way boys.” [Color=lightgreen]”Ah. This was rather unexpected. You say mobster in Ireland yeah? Guess killing runs in the family but have to tell you that you won't be killing Erin today or even ten years from now because I will kill you first."[/color] She drew her knives out just as one shot. It hit off target as if it was a warning or maybe the guy was a bad shot. “Girl is mine boys. Kill the guy first since she's not a threat.” When the words spilled from the person's mouth two moved to the side to restrain the girl, which was the wrong thing to do. Clara slashed downward on the upper leg while the other knife cut across just below the knee before she headed for cover when another shot rang out hitting her side. [Color=lightgreen]”Nothing like the smell of blood to wake you up.”[/color] As the chaos started Alex stayed in cover waiting for one to get close. While the gun wielders stayed back the other four split up to get Alex and Clara evenly. Clara easily injured the two attacking her, but got shot by one of the gunmen. Alex waited til the ones coming for him got close then he popped out of cover making sure they were in between him and the shooters. One of the men raised his bat to try and strike Alex, but the young man quickly unsheathed his blade aiming for the man's hand. The blade made a clean cut and the man dropped his bat. The other attacker went around the other side attempting to corner Alex. However, Alex quickly back kicked the man right in the knee causing him to slam his leg into the ground. Alex used his elbow to smack into the man's temple dazing him. Alex turned back to the other fighter who had used his good hand to throw a punch. The fist connected squarely on Alex's jaw causing him to stumble backwards and fall over the other man hitting his head in the process. The one man hopped over Alex's cover and Alex quickly kicked the dazed man towards the other to make them topple over each other. Alex grabbed a small rock nearby and started to smash the skull of the first man. Alex quickly grabbed a knife from the other and pulled him up with the knife to his neck, [color=cyan]"Alright you idiots. Bring every biter near here right on top of us. Or put down your guns and grow a pair. Or are the two of you that scared to fight us like men?"[/color] One of the gunmen started to put his gun away with a big grin, but the other fired his gun right through his man hitting Alex in the left shoulder. Alex fell over but before getting up he slit the man's throat that was a obviously not worth being a hostage. Growling all around could already be heard. Some behind the shooters and a few coming from inside the drug store. "You aren't gonna trick me into putting away my gun. We can get away from these Walkers a lot easier than the two of you can, especially now." Clara stood up from her cover, eye darting between the newly arrived walkers and the wounded men, before just walking back out like there wasn't anything wrong in the world. In a way there wasn't because there was always violence and chaos around certain corners of the world. Yes, the danger changed massively from just humans killing humans to undead as well as humans killing each other. Did anyone expect this to ever happen? Most likely the answer would have been very few. The girl didn't notice the men struggling to stand until one grasped the iron pipe once again inside his hands. [Color=lightgreen]”Don't you boys ever give up. Look around and you shall see the undead crawling all around us. Place the weapons down and run away for your life maybe spare for eternity. If you don't than I'll have to show you what it's like to meet your end before living your life in this little dandy. Ugh. Those Leprechaun movies rhyme too much for my taste so why don't you boys drop the weapons and escape with your lives or for at least today?”[/color] the teenager ask in a cold tone. “I'm sure we can take care of a wounded little girl. Besides you two are all alone.” One of them said with a smirk. The girl sighed before taunting him to bring it on. Which the guy complied by rushing at her like a bull in a China shop giving the young woman time to dodge. He swung clipping her shoulder before stopping completely. Fear showed inside the person's eyes as he watched the walkers inch closer toward his buddy showing his guard was nonexistent at the moment. The darker half stood up and rush toward the victim using one knife to slash across his stomach and the other to stab into his heart. [Color=lightgreen][I]”One down and one to go not counting Alex's.”[/I][/color] she thought before hearing screaming. [color=lightgreen]”Never mind.”[/color] Clara said as she corrected herself. The pain started to settle in her wounded side. [Color=orange]”Wow. If I knew you were going to try and injure yourself while I was away then I would have come back sooner. Raven mind helping out our little sister's friend before he gets himself shot. Please.”[/color] Vincent stood in front of the teenager with a smile upon his face. She glared at him while trying to stand up once again. [Color=lightgreen]”I don't need help from a mobster. Erin didn't need you growing up and she doesn't need you now so just beat it Vincent.”[/color] the darker half said before the man picked her up off the ground. “Vincent!” The leader screamed while rushing toward them, only just to be shot in the head without remorse or even hesitation. [Color=orange]”Hey kid. Need a lift to the high school? If not I can always have my twin sister drop you off somewhere else. As for you Clara I think it's time to go to sleep since your already falling asleep inside my arms.”[/color] the older bother said as he carried her toward the high school's direction. [Color=lightgreen]”I'd rather stay with Alex than your ass. Who in the hell just disappears without a trace? Erin was getting worried about you two and now you decide to show up!”[/color] Alex was impressed a little at the fighting style of Clara. Very fluid and little room for error. He was more impressed by the cold blooded nature of the new pair that showed up. He then stood up to say, [color=cyan]"So, this is the new brother you've told me all about. Seems like a swell guy. However, you seem to have forgotten to mention a sister as well. Lots of surprises from you today. As for your offer, I need to get some stuff from inside real quick. If you wanna leave that's up to you. I know how to get back and can stay hidden very well."[/color] Alex then turned to the drug store and walked in. If they chose to stay and wait on him that was their choice, but he already knew something was off about the two new additions to the McGarth clan. Mobsters usually spell bad news, but some can be fairly good allies. Either way Alex needed to add some stuff to his mental list so that he could deal with the bullet in his shoulder. When he walked in the store he could see two walkers. Piece of cake. If he could use both arms. Good thing he grabbed that [url=http://g01.a.alicdn.com/kf/HTB15AC3JpXXXXcAXVXXq6xXFXXXw/Japan-katana-sword-SPL-Carbon-steel-Daggers-katana-samurai-japanese-sword-business-gift-free-shipping-katana.jpg_640x640.jpg]dagger[/url] which as he looked at it more resembled a Japanese Tanto. At least it match his weapon tastes. He waited for the first Walker to get up before he slid a cart into it so he had some space to aim for the skull. He dug his new weapon right through the top right as the other one showed up from behind the counter. This time Alex waited for the beast to reach for him before sidestepping and kicking the feet causing it to tumble to the ground where he stabbed it in the back of the head. Just as Alex stood back up he stumbled to the ground hitting the ground with a loud thump. [Color=orange]”I'm glad you're talking to someone, but how come you aren't talking to me?”[/color] Vincent asked as he carried Clara inside. He didn't really understand why they were acting so familiar with each other which could only mean that this young man knew Erin before all of this. [color=lightgreen]”Wait a minute here Alex! Hey come on and let me down. I'm injured not some damsel or princess that needed her older brother to come rescue her every time she's in trouble. As for the little moron that fell down why don't you pick his arse up? I demand that you release me from your arms this minute! I mean it Vincent. This second. You're not my brother so you can't touch this body without explaining where you have been. Erin was so worried about you as I'm sure everyone else. It was like Alex was walking out the door and never coming back again hard for her.”[/color] The darker half nearly shouted in his ear before the older sister placed a hand on the youngest sibling’s mouth. [Color=orange]”Ah. Much better. Thank you Raven. Allow me to give you a proper introduction. My name is Vincent James McGarth. The woman beside me is my twin sister Raven Lillian McGarth.”[/color] As the man spoke he placed the darker half on the floor which allowed Raven to support the now muffled girl as he placed a hand out to help Alex up. The older sister nodded toward the man then glared at her sister. The teenager rolled her eyes as if she was mentally getting scolded then glared back as if she was hit by something that was said back. [Color=orange]”Clara, please be nice to Raven. She hasn't spoken a word since Maria passed away. As the head of this family I do ask you two to get along. No, I order that you two get along. Now then. Alex was it? How do you know our youngest sibling or do I have to beat the answer out of you?”[/color] the guy said coldly.[color=lightgreen]”You wanna run that by me again? No one tells me what to do. I do what I want when I want. Nikki was the one who decided this moron comes with me. As for Raven I don't care what happened to her. I... don't...care…”[/color] the girl said as she finally fell asleep against the twin’s shoulder. The man sighed in relief before deciding to pick the teenager up once again inside his arms. Alex looked up at the hand that was offered to him, but stood up on his own. He shook his head slightly and slapped himself. [color=cyan]"Word of warning. Get sleep when you can. My head is spinning like a dreidel. Oh, and seeing as you gave your names I shall give mine. Alex Hill. As to your threat it doesn't matter to me. I don't have the right to answer that question. Only Erin. Because it's kinda obvious that if I did know her you would ask questions about her. I was raised in the south where we treat people with respect. If I did know Erin before this mess I wouldn't be able to tell you anything about her that she doesn't want you to know."[/color] Once he finished saying this Alex began digging around until he found two pieces of glass. He used them so he could see a reflection of the back of his skull which had some of the skin split apart and bleeding a little. [color=cyan]"Great. Looks like it needs stitches. Look if y'all wanna stick with me that's fine, but I plan on bringing a good amount of supplies back. May take a few hours. You can leave if you want just make sure you don't die."[/color] The rest of the hours went rather smoothing except for the walkers that shifted in the store which was taken care of very quickly. They were able to gather a lot of the leftover items before hijacking a truck then headed back to the high school on the second day which was rather impressive due to the truck dying as soon as they were inside the gates. When they arrived Haru had jogged out and helped with the boxes and things before blowing up on the twins for disappearing and making more work for him. Once inside the young man brought Alex and Erin to the new doctor's office and the other two to their rooms. After that nothing eventful happened until the morning.