[@SunsetRoses] Mako nodded in agreement, "[color=00a99d]Yes she appears to have fled...[/color]" His face returned completely to normal as he finished putting himself back in line, his teeth being hidden behind his lips again, "[color=00a99d]Must have scared her.[/color]" He smirked again giving LL a quick look that said "I'll deal with you later." Before turning away. Mako then took the girls arm almost without question, "[color=00a99d]You speak like the people of my home."[/color] His eyes betrayed nothing to what he was feeling, they were simply cold and dark as they usually were, "[color=00a99d]And here I thought all humans were apes with no culture.[/color]" The boy started walking forward without waiting for anyone else from the group, "[color=00a99d]Nothing against you personally but most humans I have met are pond scum...there are a few of your kind I enjoy...but not many.[/color]" He placed the little waterproof com in his ear while the walked but didn't bother testing it. As they arrived in the city Mako took one look at everyone in their costumes and burst out laughing, his laugh was dark and cold as if he was a great white shark, these humans looked hilarious. "[color=00a99d]Dear Neptune my sides![/color]" Quickly composing himself with a breath he straightened up, and cleared his throat, "[color=00a99d]So all we must do is steal money from one of the human strongholds...sounds challenging but fruitful.[/color]"