[center][hr][hr][img]http://i.imgur.com/btbJH7x.png[/img] [img]http://i.imgur.com/jMHlMRq.png[/img] [img]http://i.imgur.com/C3XHjvl.png[/img][hr][hr][img]http://i.imgur.com/8Fb1dgq.png[/img] [img]http://i.imgur.com/hQz5N6J.gif[/img] [img]http://i.imgur.com/DV8wu0B.gif[/img] [b][color=9e0b0f]Location;[/color][/b] Cherry blossom tree near library [b][color=darkcyan]Interacting with;[/color][/b] Each other [sub][@Legion02][/sub] [b][color=9e0b0f]Tired → Concerned → Curious → Attentive → Unsure → Caring → Jealousy → Gleeful → Envious → Ashamed → Surprised → Realization → Elated → Hungry → Cheerful[/color][/b] [b][color=darkcyan]Exhausted → Paranoid → Cautious → Gracious → Being soothed → Small talk → Caring → Anxious → Passionate/Mixed Feelings → Better → Playful[/color][/b] [/center][hr] [indent]Amelia never thought she’d be so sleepless at the very start of the year. Never the less the head nurse commanded that she kept first watch over her regular customer. At first Amelia thought he'd need a lot of blood. But when she saw him he looked fine. But there was something off. He writhed and moved, as if trapped in an endless nightmare. She kept her silent vigil over him, feeling particulary weak. Unable to help him, sometimes she wished she had mental powers like many others. She'd sap away the sadness and replaced it with her own happiness if she could. But she couldn't. When the nurse had come to relieve her, Amelia was rather tired of feeling so useless in the face of such clear pain. Restless. The calmest place for Eliana was outside. The moment she returned from her date not only did she find out that Lucas was in her room once again, having taken her pills, and met her little sister, but also he was recently sent to the infirmary due to a stimulation room incident. Her mother had sent Jenna home, believing this unsettling occurrence was far more important than a party her youngest daughter wanted to go to. When Ellie pranced happily on campus to her dorm, feeling massive butterflies from her date with Elijah, her mother stood outside the building waiting for her. Her mother was on the edge, more so than ever. This incident not only tainted her reputation as a teacher but it also required officials to inspect the Control Room this entire week. Mrs. Lovelace would not share everything with her eldest daughter, but she did ask Eliana her relationship with the Farweights, one Farweight specifically. The dominant presence also demanded to know her whereabouts this fine morning. Her mother's cold and disappointed stare striked the very core of Eliana's being, but the young girl would not tell her mother about her hatred toward Lucas, she would not tell her about the feud, and she would not tell her about the battles within her. Ellie knew she had to tell her mother something, but what? Not one to lie to her, Eliana gathered herself before telling her mother that she was on a date, with Elijah Masterson. She also expressed that her and Lucas weren't given many opportunities to get to know each other, which wasn't entirely a lie. Every incident she has had with Lucas usually had to do with them arguing, fighting, and testing each other's patiences... and her breaking the rules and using her abilities outside of the Control Room. They never gave each other a chance to get to know one another. They didn't want to. Long story short, her mother said words that would keep her up for the rest of the week. Along with her words, Lucas stole her pills, her mother would be pissed if she 'lost' them, and she's been feeling this eerie presence, like somebody was watching her, wherever she went - especially when she was indoors. Ellie would surely pass out soon enough. Her senses were heightened, due to paranoria, her world was slightly disoriented, due to sleep deprivation, and her mind was restless, filled with questions of her own life and the events transpiring on campus, due to her nature. Pacing back and forth in front of her go-to cherry blossom tree by the library, Eliana thought to herself. [color=darkcyan][i]If mom catches me dating, I'm dead. If I don't get sleep soon, I'm going to die. Lucas getting hurt wasn't your fault, don't blame yourself. There was a problem in the Control Room. Yes, technical error...[/i][/color] Amelia nearly passed the girl. If anything, she would have passed her if Eliana didn’t constantly move. She heard of the freshman. But never really recognized her, nor spoke with her. Right now she looked distraught and a little mental. Amelia recognized it. Too much had happened too recently. Sometimes the bad piled up so much that it feels like you’re carrying granite in your heart and you can’t look past the harm in your own world. She couldn’t help but walk up to Eliana: [color=9e0b0f]“Hey euhm… are you okay?”[/color] obviously she wasn’t. But it often opened a door towards hearing what just happened. Amelia herself probably didn’t look too nice either. She pulled off her sunglasses, revealing the big bags under her eyes. Her hair was a mess and her face a little pale. Her clothes were simple, just a jeans and a top. Over her shoulder, she carried a simple black bag in which a book was the biggest and heaviest object. On her left arm hung her leather jacket with soft lining. The Lovelace girl’s [url=https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/236x/88/b2/f0/88b2f0a70a493ccd66508893eba4e4d5.jpg]outfit[/url] was more casual than most people usually saw her in. A gray sweater, a long, flowing, thin black shirt, jeans, gray sneaker-boots, and her brown hair in an untamed bun. Her chartreuse green orbs were wide, but her expression was cold as winter. Even with her mind running rampant, Ellie was still capable of having a resting bitch face as she looked at the girl she only knew by pasting. “[color=darkcyan]Oh, don’t mind me. This isn’t the first night I haven’t been able to sleep.[/color]” Not wanting to be rude, she introduced herself but kept to herself, keeping a fair amount of distance between her and the stranger, “[color=darkcyan]Eliana Lovelace, you?[/color]” [color=9e0b0f]“Amelia. Carstein.”[/color] She kept the von away. Not wanting to sound like some German royalty or something. She eyed the now rather bitchy girl. Still, Amelia wasn’t someone who believed most people were bitchy by nature. Oh sure, there were assholes and bitches. Who acted like kings and queens among peasants. But more often than not people just acted bitchy because they lash out at people. She just had to understand what people were going through, and she’d understand why they were acting so bitchy. [color=9e0b0f]“Got a hint of sarcasm there, very subtle.”[/color] The vampyre noted, with a slight but friendly smile. [color=9e0b0f]“Maybe you should sit down for a second?”[/color] Amelia offered while getting a little closer. The girl looked like she might just collapse on her own. Like a cautious animal, Eliana watched the woman approach her slowly, causing her to take a step back into the tree. “[color=darkcyan]Sorry.[/color]” Tonight wasn’t a night she could handle a long interaction. Her enemy still had her journal and even if he was disabled temporarily, he’d come back for her. He even got Jenna involved. The blonde’s stare felt like scrutiny and the trust Ellie had in people was little to none, especially after hearing about Samantha and Gianna officially declaring war. Yeah, she wasn’t that in the dark anymore. Leaning against the bark, she slid down until her bottom was planted on the ground. Hugging her knees, Ellie muttered honestly, “[color=darkcyan]Please don’t come too close to me. Not right now.[/color]” Carefully Amelia sort of circled around the collapsed Eliana until she reached a tree herself. Slowly she descended on the ground, sitting with her face towards Eliana. Who looked as if she was about to break. She had assumed that certain people’s power were linked to their emotions. So when they broke down, so did their powers. She just looked at Eliana for a moment, in silence.[color=9e0b0f] “You’re not doing too well. Are you? I don’t mean like, right now. Or since last week.”[/color] She meant for a long time. Months, maybe even years. Such people had a certain weariness about them. When too much went wrong and too little went right. From her bag, she pulled a sugar waffle, held it up and asked Eliana: [color=9e0b0f]“Want one?”[/color] “[color=darkcyan]I’ve been better…[/color]” Ellie lowly said, not knowing how much Amelia was aiming to know. Life was complete and utter shit. Nothing was going to change. She just needed to take the hits as they came, grow stronger. There was no choice in the matter. Her train of thought was interrupted when Amelia offered sugar waffles. Instantaneously, Ellie’s eyebrow perked and there was a sign of her paranoia slightly going down. With a light blush on her cheeks, the brunette extended her hand, scooting a pinch closer to where the other woman was sitting, “[color=darkcyan]Yes, please.[/color]” After her colleague handed her the treat, Ellie felt inclined to tell her more, it was the least she could do for getting a waffle, “[color=darkcyan]A lifetime.[/color]” Showing a faint smile on her face, she opened the wrapper elegantly, leaving half of the waffle still in it, and took a polite bite into the cooked dough. Obviously, one with manners. Once she finished swallowing, Ellie sighed, “[color=darkcyan]Just know, I have a lot… to live up to.[/color]” Amelia herself took out another waffle and undid the wrapper too. Slowly eating it as Eliana talked a little. Again, she let calm and quite fall before she asked: [color=9e0b0f]“Pushy parents?”[/color] Sometimes parents didn’t know how much influence they had over their children. Even the rebellious ones. Sometimes their expectations put a horrendous amount of stress on people who should not be expected to hold it. Of course, they wanted the best for their child. What parent wouldn’t? But they didn’t always realize what that was. In Amelia’s case, they thought that a successful job would ensure her a comfortable life. But that was not what Amelia wanted. After she asked her very short question, she took another bite from the waffle. Chewing it slowly. Indicating that she wasn’t planning on talking anytime soon. This was what she did. Small questions that could lead to big answers, so the other person kept talking. Because no matter what people told her, she believed that talking helped. Was Amelia generally concerned about her? But why? She hardly knew her. Ellie was simply an acquaintance. Bringing her waffle down, the brunette glanced at the other woman, contemplating her expression. Rather bluntly, but not meaning to come off as rude, she asked, “[color=darkcyan]Why do you want to know?[/color]” However, Amelia was too busy chewing, as if subtly demanding Ellie to release her thoughts and emotions. Eliana deeply stared at the girl, who looked just as bad as she did in terms of lack of sleep. Bringing her attention back to the sugar waffle, Ellie peered down at it and stood silent for a second or two before replying, “[color=darkcyan]Mother. She wants what's best for me, but at the price of…[/color]” she didn’t finish her sentence, instead she added, “[color=darkcyan]She’s strict. But I know there’s more than just that. I don't think she's being completely honest with me...[/color]” Looking up at the night sky, her tone shifting to a hidden sadness, Ellie muttered, “[color=darkcyan]I hardly ever see father, but I want to assure him… I can handle taking over the family business.[/color]” Her green orbs wanted to fill up with tears, but she held them in, as she turned to Amelia, her lips fighting to go into a frown, “[color=darkcyan]I’m not a complete mess, am I? Why can’t I make anyone happy? Why does everyone…[/color]” A tear trailed down her cheek and she turned to look ahead at the silent campus, “[color=darkcyan]I’m sorry, Amelia. You shouldn’t hear any of this.[/color]” Not an entirely unexpected question. Still, Amelia had to take her time to formulate the right kind of answer. Why did she want to know? Did she care about Eliana? Not really, not yet. She wasn’t a friend but quickly started to become one. Still, why did she want to know? [color=9e0b0f]“I guess it’s not so much me knowing than it is you saying it. I reckon you don’t get to vent quite often..”[/color] Amelia said, but rather uncertain. She could be entirely wrong about the girl. No, the girl didn’t vent quite often. Amelia realized that much when Eliana started talking about her problems. Breaking off one sentence to start another. Going from her mother and then to her father. As if she wasn’t entirely sure about what she was supposed to talk about. Was there so much happening to her? Amelia couldn’t help but feel pity for the girl. [color=9e0b0f]“You’re a bit of mess.”[/color] Amelia said with a slight comforting smile. There was no reason to lie. [color=9e0b0f]“But then again. Most are at our age.”[/color] As if raging hormones and a generation of demanding parents weren’t enough, many had to walk themselves through grasping and controlling their powers. But when the tear dropped, Amelia realized that the poor girl was far deeper down the rabbit hole than she first thought. She stood up, letting her bag near the tree and approached Eliana. Carefully, to show she didn’t mean harm. She kneeled next to the poor girl and put her own leather jacket over Eliana’s shoulder. [color=9e0b0f]“Hey, hey. It’s okay. I’m not going to force you to talk but… I really think you should. If not to me, maybe to some other friend. Because you look like you’re about to burst.”[/color] The jacket was warm, this stranger's comfort was gentle. There was a deep-seated desire to share everything with her, but... Ellie couldn't. She just couldn't. Not to her. Not to Jess. Not to Jenna. Not to anyone. Opening one's heart was not easy, but if she were to do it, her weight would become the other person's problems - and that wasn't right. No one deserved to carry her issues like it was their own burden. Wrapping her treat back into the plastic neatly, Ellie decided to save it for later, placing it in her small backpack. Holding onto the coat close and leaning her head back on the tree, the young girl closed her eyes, “[color=darkcyan]You're kind, Amelia, but some things are better left unsaid.[/color] After breathing in the calm of the air, not letting her inner battles rule her, she gently patted the ground giving the other woman the 'ok' she can sit next to her - it didn't seem like Amelia wanted to use or abuse her (well for now). Gingerly opening her eyes once more, she turned to her acquaintance, her gaze soft and welcoming, “[color=darkcyan]I love to read. My favorite genre is Gothic Fiction. If I could, I would read in my garden back at home.[/color]" A light smile fell on her face, as Ellie decided to chat about the little things, "[color=darkcyan]Yeah, I like to garden as well, but this particular garden was a gift from my dad. A garden of Moonflowers. Perfect flowers for night owls, late night strollers, and people like me, who suffer from insomnia.[/color]" Small facts that Ellie didn't mind Amelia knowing. She didn't think anyone could use these things against her, or at least, she was too tired to care, “[color=darkcyan]Your turn.[/color] Eliana had an odd way of socializing, but at least she was slowly, but surely, sharing a bit of herself. Amelia smiled at the invitation of sitting next to Eliana, and did take the seat. The jacket, along with the waffle and so much more was simply a part of her belief. That every tiny thing, every small act of kindness, helped a person further than people could imagine. Attentively she listened to Eliana’s story about her garden. A pang of jealousy went through her. Her father would never change a part of their massive garden just for her. The von Carstein garden, much like the castle and the lands surrounding it, had but a singular purpose. To intimidate and impress. With Buxus hedge statues so massive that they could pass for trees. Large marble fountains that spat water high into the sky, defying gravity itself. It even contained a gazebo, though when a party was hosted there, Amelia was sent out of the house. But the entire garden felt cold. Despite the plants. It was conformed and confined. Every edge trimmed to perfection with no freedom what so ever. The plants were specifically grown for a singular purpose: to impress. It sounded so much unlike the garden of Eliana. Her cheery smile vanished a little, as she looked at the ground. But soon the blonde caught up with her own feelings and hid them again behind a smile. [color=9e0b0f]“I’m… not much of a reader, honestly.”[/color] She chuckled at that. [color=9e0b0f]“I’m more of a drawer. Well, no, I’m not. I suck at it.”[/color] This was followed by a full laugh. [color=9e0b0f]“But you know what they say. Sucking at something is the first to getting kind of good at it. I also like to cook. I’d offer you to come over when I cook something but… well. I don’t want to give you food poisoning.”[/color] She kept it all light, though. Realizing very much that that was how Eliana wanted it for now. Even just a light conversation could be a flicker of a candle light in a sad person’s life. [color=9e0b0f]“Your dad seems nice, though. Planting an entire garden for you.”[/color] She realized rather quickly she was trailing down the wrong path again. Feeling the envy creeping out of her own heart. She quickly pushed it back. [color=9e0b0f]“Your turn again!”[/color] she exclaimed gleefully. There was something about Amelia's smile that Eliana felt like she could relate to. A smile's worth a thousand words and was capable of masking burdensome problems. Ellie carefully listened as her finger traced the grass around her. There was optimism in the other woman's voice but there was also subtle self esteem issues. They were of the age where their battles were more prevalent now than ever. "[color=darkcyan]I'm a mediocre cook at best. I'd be like my father and read a newspaper at sunrise, while I ate a bowl of coco pops. Coco pops, the breakfast of champions.[/color]" she let a little chuckle out. The amount that Eliana could talk about her father was her way of keeping his presence alive. She couldn't wait until Family Day, where he would come home. She missed him so much. Resting her head on her knees, she gazed at the other woman and let a tendar smile grace her face. When she didn't have her guard terribly up, Ellie was truly a beautiful woman, with great ambition, an affectionate heart, and wisdom like honey. "[color=darkcyan]Pleasant words are a honeycomb, sweet to the soul and healing to the bones. I do appreciate all of this, Amelia. I have a hard time expressing myself to most... that being said--[/color]" Ellie made sure her eyes were locked with her acquaintance's stare, "[color=darkcyan]I cannot be entirely selfish.[/color]" Without any rhyme or reason, the Lovelace girl mused a poem outloud, "[color=darkcyan]Thought my soul may set in darkness, it will rise in perfect light; I have loved the stars too fondly to be fearful of the night.[/color]" She took the next silent moment to gaze at the stars before adding, "[color=darkcyan]Sarah Williams, Twilight Hours: A Legacy of Verse.[/color]" This train of thought led her to ask, breaching into the personal domain of her hopefully soon-to-be companion, "[color=darkcyan]Are you okay? You look just as bad as me. No offense.[/color]" Amelia chuckled along with the coco pops part of Eliana. Mr. Lovelace seemed so much unlike her own father. Whose breakfast consisted of a protein shake and a croissant while the secretary was already up, briefing him about what transpired in the world the past 6 hours he was asleep. That all happened at 5:20 a.m. and if he was in a foul mood, bad news would wake up all his children. She didn’t expect him or any of her brothers to show up at Family Day. Maybe her mother, if her father let her. Which was doubtful at best. All these feelings went through her like firework. Still, she did her best to keep up the mask. Hopeful plebs keeping the small fires inside their hearts burning with dull words and bad grammar. That’s what her father called poems. He read some, and could cite some. But mostly he did that to impress potential business partners. Appearances were everything, and Alexander von Carstein would make sure that he was the greatest, most impressive person in any room he entered.[color=9e0b0f] “I don’t know much about poems. Sorry.”[/color] Amelia knew that the question of why she looked so bad should come sooner rather than later. Still, she was battling inside with what she should say. She didn’t want to lie to her new friend. But then again, she knew that she’d turn hostile the second she broke the name: Lucas. She took a deep breath, trying to muster the courage. But she could bare to look at Eliana. So she just looked down. [color=9e0b0f]“I was up all night looking after Lucas.”[/color] And then she closed her eyes, afraid of what Eliana might say. But in fact, she feared silence more than getting yelled on. “[color=darkcyan]Why… are you ashamed for taking care of someone?[/color]” Eliana’s words were considerate. Her feud had nothing to do with anyone else. Grabbing a piece of hair, she absentmindedly braided it, while comforting Amelia, “[color=darkcyan]Lucas and I… have a bit of history, as the entire campus already knows, but that is between us. You have every right to aid someone, if your heart truly desires. Shame on me if I were to get upset with you for being a good person.[/color]” Remembering her night at the infirmary with him, Ellie nervously laughed as she finished a braid on her right side, “[color=darkcyan]Eh-heh… at least it was you this time.[/color]” Her fingers dived into her brown hair, undoing the braid she had just did. The interaction was long and she didn’t mind it, but that wouldn’t stop her nervous tic from unleashing. Amelia looked up when Eliana’s tone wasn’t one of anger. [color=9e0b0f]“Wait… You don’t mind?”[/color] It came as a total surprise to her. Many people, even some of her friends, though the idea of helping a Delphina alone was ground for treason. If they ever knew that she helped Lucas, she’d probably be cast out of the group. But here she was talking, with the girl that had the most reasons (if rumors were true) to hate him. And she didn’t mind. [color=9e0b0f]“That’s… a surprising view.”[/color] She wanted to add mature. But she was a child herself, how could she know what mature was? [color=9e0b0f]“Many people think that you should only help your friends… I mean I do help my friends. But not just them exclusively. How can we grow to become one school if we don’t ever try to sit down and just… you know? Try to get along? I mean, look at Mayweather.”[/color] She turned her gaze to the building near her. [color=9e0b0f]“Even before Delphina came here we hated them. When they did get here, we hated them more. We, the students, never stretched out a hand towards them. We never tried to [b]understand[/b] them. We never imagined us in their shoes.”[/color] Then she realized what Lucas did to Eliana, and she realized that Lucas has been just as horrible. [color=9e0b0f]“I’m sorry… That’s probably the last thing you wanted to hear. Me telling you that we should [i]understand[/i] our enemies.”[/color] She mocked the word understand now. But only in the hope that she wouldn’t get on Eliana’s bad side. [color=9e0b0f]“Hey but wait!”[/color] she then realized the bandaged knuckles. [color=9e0b0f]“How did you know he was in the infirmary before?”[/color] She never told anyone, and Lucas didn’t seem like the person to tell his enemies that either. [color=9e0b0f]“No-one knows but me, him and… Did you… bandage him up?”[/color] Fiddling with her hands anxiously, Ellie listened to the girl talk about the animosity each school had for each other for as long as anyone could remember. She waited in nerve-wrecking anticipation for the subject to turn into the inquiry about the infirmary incident, after the party. Biting her bottom lip, her cheeks beamed red, as she whispered, “[color=darkcyan]Don’t tell anyone, okay?[/color]” She didn’t want Lucas, or anyone on campus, to look at her differently. This would just make people want to know what goes on in her head and ask so many goddamn questions. Bringing her voice back up an octave, Ellie explained, “[color=darkcyan]I hate him. I hate him so much, Amelia. He reminds me of everything that is bad in this world. All my past comes crashing into me when he verbally attacks me. I just get so caught up in the heat of the moment that—I don’t want to hold back.[/color]” Breathing in the night air, she sighed, “[color=darkcyan]That night. We clashed at the party. I kinda got really… depressed, so I do what I always do when I get that low. I go to my cello. After I was done, feeling somewhat better, I found him unconscious. It was good that two others helped me bring him to the infirmary and then... I took care of the man I hate the most in this godforsaken world.[/color]” Covering her face, Ellie muffled, “[color=darkcyan]I don’t know why I did it. I just felt guilty. I hate him yet I still felt inclined to take care of him![/color]” The heated emotion in the brunette was seething out. “[color=darkcyan]This feud is incredibly stupid. I know, I know already.[/color]” She brought her hands down and balled them into fists, “[color=darkcyan]I can’t let him win! I don’t care about what happens to the schools. He has so much against me, and I won’t allow him the satisfaction of having his way![/color]” [i]Don’t tell anyone… Don’t tell anyone!? Girl, this is exactly the outstretched hand our schools need![/i] In her thoughts, she was screaming as the girl told her story. But then she calmed down, trying to put herself in Eliana’s shoes. The girl must have it hard. The hatred just flowed out of her, and Amelia couldn’t help herself. She hugged the poor girl, wrapped in her leather jacket. [color=9e0b0f]“Shhhh. It’s okay. It’s okay.”[/color] She tried to calm her down a little. But in her heart, she couldn’t stop thinking how perfect that would be to get both schools together. [color=9e0b0f]“You’re just a good person, Eliana. You’re just a good person who helped a person in need.”[/color] Then the feud came up. Just when Amelia released the girl, feeling the aggressiveness oozing from her. [color=9e0b0f]“Hey, hey! Listen. Sorry to tell you but that feud of yours… You don’t really believe it’s stupid.”[/color] She tried to look in Eliana’s eyes, putting seriousness behind her words. [color=9e0b0f]“Look whatever you’re saying is not what you’re feeling. I don’t know why but look at yourself! You’re so caught up with it! You care about it! More than you want to admit.”[/color] After that, Amelia tried to let silence settle. Only then did she realize how worked up she got. She could feel her own blood pumping, but worse, she heard Eliana’s heartbeat. Her pupils’ dilated quite a bit, and suddenly she looked with an intense hunger at Eliana. She started smelling fresh wheat, and the most exquisitely cooked vegetables. Her first reaction was to lick her own lips, as she felt her fangs spring into attention. Luckily her mouth was closed. The intense hunger and delicious smell lasted only for a second. She then realized what she was feeling and immediately pushed it away, while she pushed herself away from Eliana. Not sure if the other girl noticed anything, she still decided to say sorry, while she looked shamefully down at the ground. She came to Mayweather trying to control her hunger. She would not give into the primal lust of vampyrism. [color=9e0b0f]“This… This all got far too real. We need some distraction.”[/color] Amelia said as she tried to act cheerful again. The big girl jumped up and stretched out her arm. [color=9e0b0f]“C’mon! If we can’t sleep tonight we may at least fill it with ice cream, Disney movies and singing along with whatever movie we choose to watch!”[/color] Having been too caught up in her rage, Ellie didn't notice the lascivious hunger in Amelia's gaze, even if it was brief. Her companion called her a 'good' person. Ellie didn't think she was. Everything she did was entirely selfish. It was the truth that she could careless about both schools. If Mayweather were to burn to the ground, taking everyone with them, the only losses she would care about were of the people she loved. Lucky for her, there weren't many. Yet, Amelia was right that her feud with Lucas was important to her. He underestimated her. He thought her to be weak. Perhaps this was her ego talking, but she wanted to shut him up once and for all. Show him that she could withstand anything, and she meant anything, he threw at her. Yes. Her life was not rainbows and butterflies, but when it came to Lucas, none of that mattered. What mattered was she was capable of being more than this weak girl that everyone stepped on. She would take him down by storm and that elated her. Grabbing Amelia's hand, Ellie was brought up to a standing position. Meeting the woman's gaze once more, Dream Catcher freely grinned, "[color=darkcyan]I'd like that. I don't watch movies often. If I do, it usually has to do with murder. I'm weird, I know.[/color]" Letting her anger shift to a playful side of her, the brunette teased, "[color=darkcyan]BUT, I'd love to hear you sing~[/color]" After gesturing for her new friend to lead the way, Ellie frankly asked, "[color=darkcyan]I'd also love a 'terrible' drawing from you at some point.[/color]" Running her hand through her hair, she gave an unintentional, inviting smirk, "[color=darkcyan]I'll be the judge of that.[/color]" [/indent]