[img=http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-MS9JMusIseg/Usz2uA3SNlI/AAAAAAAABwQ/YT6LquQZn2g/s1600/640px-AlvinCutIn.png] [b]Name:[/b] Alvin [b]Gender:[/b] Male [b]Age:[/b] 26 [b]Species:[/b] Human [b]Origin:[/b] Tales of Xillia [b]Personality:[/b] Alvin is competent in his work as a mercenary. He is also quite sociable with the other party members and he shows often mature composure. He does not show his own feelings very easily, rarely speaking about himself. Though he outwardly seems to be acting just for himself sometimes, he can be very calculating in the times of need. He also seems to enjoy teasing the members of his party. [b]Weapons/Abilities:[/b] Alvin dual-wields two weapons, a broadsword with his right hand and a gun with his left hand. His gun is powered by spirit artes with the affinity of fire, allowing for a more explosive charge. Pretty much his fighting style is all on physical and brute force. Also, he is able to charge the power of his gun into his broadsword, thus allowing him to use advanced versions of his usual artes. Like the rest of his party members, Alvin can activate his Overlimit mode when in doubt, doubling the power and effects of his artes and attacks for a short amount of time. [b]Short Bio:[/b] As a mercenary, Alvin stuck with Jude and Milla's group during their mission into Rashugal. And even if he did betray their group several times, he is immediately forgiven and let back into the group, and becomes more trustworthy to the rest of the group. Once their mission was done, Alvin continued on his mercenary travels, but planned to go to Elympios to expand his business. [b]Other:[/b] The Alvin I'm playing as takes place between Xillia and Xillia 2.