[@Akayaofthemoon] I went another step on self-projection and changed him from Persian to Kurdish...Oh dear... [center] [b]Name:[/b] Namo Malik, deadname Newa. In front of his family, you should probably stick to the deadname, unless you hold spite towards the boy. [b]Age:[/b] 14 [b]Appearance:[/b] (I'll draw a picture too...later...) Small, scruffy, and slightly chubby, Narek isn't all that much to look at; Brown hair, brown eyes, brown skin, all the dullest shade one can imagine. Sometimes it almost seems as if light itself will not reach his eyes, and if light were to try anyway, it'd be swallowed whole by the dark circles beneath them, permanent on his sleep deprived face. Donned in equally brown and dull clothes, Narek would probably be completely unnoticeable if it weren't for the fact that he always wears clothes far too big for his size and often unfit for warmer weather - his best shot at hiding his feminine features without making it obvious to his parents, and it already lands him enough trouble as is. One of said features he cannot hide is his nose which he'd gladly swap for Voldemort's if it meant passing better, which is small and round and reminiscent of every Disney princess he has laid his tired eyes on. Luckily his eyebrows somewhat make up for it, being far less curved than most female bodied folk and thicker as well. His hair is currently roughly cut short by his own hands - another feat which landed him in much trouble - and is oddly dry to the touch. His skin is likewise - rough and dry. He constantly seems to be tense, carrying an air which is both pitiful and eerie, and seems to drag his person along as if a deadweight. [b] Other:[/b] All you really need to know for now is that he's probably scared of you and you should probably be scared of him.[/center]