[center] [h3][i][color=9932cc]Eclipse Princess[/color][/i][/h3] [/center] [color=9932cc]"Is it my impression or, have you gotten all the more bolder all of a sudden, Cassandra?"[/color] Eris asked as Cassandra replied positively to her declaration, indeed, when did Cassandra became like this or, was it always the case and Eris just never noticed because of her own on ignorance? Either way, it didn't mattered, just knowing it was reassuring for Eris, which was enough to drive Eclipse Princess forward as she ignored the rest of the chaos around the Black City, while wondering what the hell had happened to Moon Rider, and made a beeline to walls. [i][color=9932cc]"Oh, right, that probably is the fake I met the other day, trying to spread chaos once again. Well, it's Moon Rider's problem now, I alerted her about it and she chose to ignore, pretty much like she's ignoring us for the whole afternoon. Had she interfered, the issue would never have escalated this much. Either way..."[/color][/i] Eris recalled the incident from last week but chose to do nothing about it as she and Cassandra finally got atop the wall, beholding the destruction left behind by the first wave of the Bruisers' assault. [color=9932cc]"I can't follow a King like that. Moon Rider is nothing but an apathetic bitch that cares only for herself and uses everyone else as tools. She does not deserve my loyalty just because she's powerful."[/color] Eclipse Princess said, more to herself than Cassandra, before sweeping the Nies off her feet, catching her in a bridal carry. [color=9932cc]"I apologize for the roughness, Cassandra, but this is the best way for us to reach the White City, my original destination. I'll tell you more about it once we are away from this madness."[/color] Eclipse Princess ran along the wall's edge, at a speed that few avatar's could match, perhaps even enough to catch up with most vehicles, until she reached a point where she would be the closest to the Bruisers' vehicles and... simply jumped from the wall, with Nies Hellum held in her arms. [color=9932cc]"Now that I think about it, you know how to drive those things, don't you, Nies? That will sure come in handy just, hold tight!"[/color] Princess cleared the huge gap, landing with an Icarus Strike drop kick to the face of driver of one of the buggies, before roundhousing the player riding shotgun. He didn't die because of the attack but, the strength was such that he'd sure be tasting the steel of the tank he crashed in for a few days. [color=9932cc]"It's all yours, Nies, take us to the White City."[/color] Eclipse Princess placed Nies on the driver seat and gave her a pat in the shoulder before drawing her lance again. [color=9932cc]"Just concentrate on driving, I'll handle our defense."[/color] [center] [h3][i][color=bf0147]Emma Fujioka[/color][/i][/h3] [/center] [color=bf0147]"Well, then, what are we waiting, Nixon?"[/color] Emma said as she pulled Aaron in another hug, leaving the cinema, just as the movie's credits began rolling. Sometime later, after a taxi ride, they would find themselves at Emma's house, a simple two-story building in a quiet residential area. Nothing out of the ordinary, for sure... which was kind of weird considering Emma. [color=bf0147]"I just want to make sure that you understand that I'm doing this because it's you, Aaron. I really like you, so I think it's about time we become a serious thing. I would offer you dinner, but it seems that I forgot go shopping this afternoon, unless you want to have some instant ramen I guess we can go to my bedroom already."[/color] Soon enough they were inside of Emma's room, a simple and not very spacious room on the second floor, decorated in a practical, yet girly way that really looked like a place that a girl like Emma would live in. [color=bf0147]"Wait a little, Aaron, I'm going take a shower first. If you want to, you can read some of my manga in the meanwhile."[/color] Emma left the door half open as she left, if Aaron checked the manga that Emma mentioned, he would find that a rather large portion of it were in fact hentai magazines, but there was some mixed titles out there as well, most of them being action shonen titles that Emma seemed to be a fan of. [color=bf0147]"By the way, you don't need to worry about Grandma, I just texted her and she replied saying that she'll spend the whole night out. You don't have to care about sleeping over."[/color] Emma yelled from the bathroom, a moment before the sound of running water muffled her voice. [center] [h3][i][color=00bfff]Absinthe Blue[/color][/i][/h3] [/center] [color=00bfff]"Ehhhhh? What the-!?"[/color] Absinthe's jaw pretty much hit the floor as the tour she was giving to Azure Panther got them close to the heavy weapons hangar where the Cobalt Bruisers pride and joy should be stored. [color=00bfff]"Ho-how did this happen? That's a big emergency! How could they take the tanks out of the hangar without the activation code? Only Titania-sama and I are supposed to know that, unless... we got hacked?"[/color] Absinthe's mind whirred to action as she considered the possibilities, before she reached for a NPC mechanic, shaking the poor creature frantically. [color=00bfff]"Wh-who made this? Who got the tanks and other vehicles without authorization, or paying the rent and the repair deposit?"[/color] [color=00bfff]"They took the weapons to the Black City? That's the worst thing that could happen, what will Moon Rider-sama think of us -of me- now?"[/color] Absinthe's head was spinning just as all hell broke loose around her, the announcement of the Ebony Strykers declaring war against the Cobalt Bruisers made her knees give in. [color=00bfff]"Wha-why is this happening? Just when Titania-sama trusted me to get things right? Even look over her sister?"[/color] Absinthe was about to give in to her panic when a system ping alerted her that Mercury Titania had just logged in. Grabbing Azure Panther's hand, [color=00bfff]"Let's go Panther, we have to tell Titania-sama about this. Only she can stop this train wreck."[/color] Absinthe ran to the Blue Guild's throne room, unaware of what was transpiring there... [hr] [center][@RoflsMazoy], [@TheWindel], [@Mega Birb], [@Lucius Cypher], [@Caits].[/center]