[center][img]http://fontmeme.com/embed.php?text=Rae&name=Signerica_Thin.ttf&size=60&style_color=DBA0DB[/img] [img]http://36.media.tumblr.com/ee55e36d3b3db61e90bbd41b4c91ecd2/tumblr_o1u4sa3dUt1swwx3co7_250.png[/img] [@phunkyphoebe] [hr][hr][/center] Rae spun at the very disgruntled voice coming from her side. Her eyes widened as they landed on the piece this new man was carrying. She let out a long, low whistle. That gun was powerful. And Expensive. And illegal. Only the highest levels of Inquisitors were allowed to use it. Rae had been forced to practice with it once or twice, but had never had much opportunity to properly get the hang of one. And he'd held that gun against a batch of teenagers before even knowing they were convicts. Pragmatic. Suspicious. Possibly dangerous. More than likely involved in something shady. Rae would put money on this guy being some sort of pirate or smuggler. Maybe a bounty hunter. She raised an eyebrow as she saw him and a few others start trying to work on fixing the ship. Hadn't he been the one to declare it dead? What, was he a miracle worker? Gonna bring the dead back to life? Rae rolled her eyes and looked around as an idea popped into her head. She smirked when she spotted Isabel. [color=plum]"Hey Iz!"[/color] she called as she trotted over. The older girl – and one of the few people she liked in juvie – was always a willing companion for mischief, even if she liked to pretend otherwise. Rae lowered her voice as she reached her. [color=plum]"How much you wanna bet there's some kind of supply stash in that ship?"[/color] Weapons, food, drugs… Rae wasn't sure what she expected to find, but there was bound to be [i]something[/i] right? [color=plum]"Wanna scavenge what we can and explore a little?"[/color] Her smile turned teasing and she nudged Isabel a bit with her elbow. [color=plum]"C'mon, I know you're dying to check this place out."[/color]