[hider=Jackson Tanner] [hr][hr][h1][b][i][color=D09A57][center]Jackson Tanner[/center][/color][/i][/b][/h1] [center][img]http://24.media.tumblr.com/8d1a161471b47ce706cd7456ab4deb0d/tumblr_mfhuczT1ll1s03cw6o1_500.gif[/img][/center] [hr][hr][h3][b][i][color=D09A57][center]Character Summary[/center][/color][/i][/b][/h3] [b][color=D09A57]Name:[/color][/b] Jackson Tanner [b][color=D09A57]Aliases:[/color][/b] [list][*] Jackie - Used by The Captain - Love/Hate [*] Jack - Used by The Crew - Likes [*] Lieutenant - Used by Veterans - Hates[/list] [b][color=D09A57]Age:[/color][/b] 37 [b][color=D09A57]Birthday:[/color][/b] Febuary 27th [b][color=D09A57]Ethnicity:[/color][/b] Caucasian [b][color=D09A57]Birth Planet:[/color][/b] Shadow [b][color=D09A57]Allegiance:[/color][/b] Browncoats [b][color=D09A57]Starting Location:[/color][/b] Vengeance [b][color=D09A57]Gender:[/color][/b] Male [b][color=D09A57]Occupation:[/color][/b] Smuggler - First Mate of Vengeance [hr][center][img]http://media4.popsugar-assets.com/files/thumbor/I2UlQsjuawWnmL83k0eXo3Oqim0/fit-in/1024x1024/filters:format_auto-!!-:strip_icc-!!-/2015/07/17/969/n/3019466/297be1137b2d4cf7_98f4ff9a91680aec_500full.xxxlarge/i/Show-Your-Vulnerable-Side.gif[/img][/center][hr][h3][b][i][color=D09A57][center]Appearance[/center][/color][/i][/b][/h3] [b][color=D09A57]Height:[/color][/b] 6'1" [b][color=D09A57]Weight:[/color][/b] 174lbs [b][color=D09A57]Build:[/color][/b] Lean, Muscular [b][color=D09A57]Eyes:[/color][/b] Blue [b][color=D09A57]Hair:[/color][/b] Light Brown [b][color=D09A57]Skin Tone:[/color][/b] Light Tan [b][color=D09A57]Tattoos/Scars/Piercings:[/color][/b] 32nd Overlanders Regiment Tattoo - Right Bicep, Large shrapnel wound, left thigh [b][color=D09A57]Personal Style:[/color][/b] From the way he looks, it'd be pretty clear to see that the war never quite ended for Jackson. He dresses comfortably, and usually always with his brown trenchcoat, along with a red scarf to go with it from time to time. He'll dress differently if the situation requires, but generally he'll wander around in the usual get-up, and always with his holster. He always wears his necklace, cares more about it than his holster, though he keeps it under his shirt around those he doesn't completely trust. His hair is cut short in a standard military fashion, and he is always clean shaven. He makes at least somewhat of an effort to keep himself groomed, but he isn't too much of a stickler for it, on a rough day, which is rather often, he'll at least have a little stubble. He doesn't particularly bother to style his hair, or anything fancy, Jackson has never been particularly fussed over his appearance. [hr][center][img]http://media4.popsugar-assets.com/files/thumbor/lhclE_wyiLpgmJks4XZ5A4yVs_w/fit-in/1024x1024/filters:format_auto-!!-:strip_icc-!!-/2015/07/17/969/n/3019466/e770aff9c8cf7bea_726f9132fa075cfd_tumblr_m22uhck27C1qazkdco1_500.xxxlarge/i/Like-public-transportation.gif[/img][/center][hr][h3][b][i][color=D09A57][center]Psychology[/center][/color][/i][/b][/h3] [i][color=D09A57][center]Loyal * Closed-Off * Good-natured * Overconfident * Idealist * Wiseass[/center][/color][/i] [b][color=D09A57]Sexuality:[/color][/b] Heterosexual [b][color=D09A57]Relationship Status:[/color][/b] Widower [b][color=D09A57]Personality:[/color][/b] Jackson is a tough, but all-in-all good man. He sees the 'Verse as he believes it should be, and not as it is, and often takes actions to the benefit of others, even at risk to himself. He believes as long as he's one of the 'good guys' he can't really lose, and so he's been noted as fairly overconfident as well. He is fiercely loyal, and for those few who have earned his loyalty, he will never betray them as long as he lives, he lives by a harsh code, and has no intent to break it. The war changed a great deal about Jackson, once a friendly and open man, he's since become closed off, and dismissive of a great many things. He will avoid any possibility of speaking about the Unification War, and anyone who brings up his wife is likely to get a fist across the jaw. To even come close to mentioning these things, or to talk about them with Jackson - one would have to have worked a long time, and worked very hard to get close to him. From time to time his old self does still shine through, mostly through the wiseass remarks that he makes, usually when he's on-edge. [b][color=D09A57]Habits:[/color][/b] [list][*] Tapping his thumb on his gun when tense [*] Scratching his Chin [/list] [b][color=D09A57]Hobbies:[/color][/b] [list][*] Weapon Maintenance [*] Poker (Cheating at it, too) [/list] [b][color=D09A57]Fears:[/color][/b] [list][*] Reavers [*] Atmospheric Entries [*] Clowns[/list] [b][color=D09A57]Likes:[/color][/b] [list][*] Cheating (at cards) [*] Strawberries [*] Target Practice [*] Being off-world [*] Fist-Fighting [*] Working[/list] [b][color=D09A57]Dislikes:[/color][/b] [list][*] The Alliance [*] Downtime [*] Being Grounded [*] Talking about the last war [*] Talking about his wife [*] Fancy Folk[/list] [hr][center][img]http://65.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_m4a00pvCO11rwqz66o1_500.gif[/img][/center][hr][h3][b][i][color=D09A57][center]Cards On The Table[/center][/color][/i][/b][/h3] [b][color=D09A57]General Skills:[/color][/b] [list] [*] Bribery [*] Deception (Bluff) [*] Discipline [*] Forgery [*] Gun Combat [*] Leadership [*] Streetwise [*] Weapon Eng [*] Melee [/list] [b][color=D09A57]Specialty Skills:[/color][/b] [list] [*] Slug Pistol (Gun Combat) [*] Slug Rifle (Gun Combat) [*] Natural (Melee) [*] Ballistic (Weapon Eng) [*] Heavy (Weapon Eng) [/list] [b][color=D09A57]What Is On Your Person:[/color][/b] [list] [*] Clothing - Brown Trench Coat, Black T-shirt, Dark Brown Trousers, Black Combat Boots [*] Basic Weapon Maintenance Kit [*] Lighter [*] Deck of Cards [*] Moses Brothers Self-Defense Engine Frontier Model B [*] Necklace w/ Gold Ring & Small, clean marble stone [*] Fake IdentCard [*] Lock Picks [*] Commlink [*] Quickdraw Holster [/list] [b][color=D09A57]Quarters:[/color][/b] [list] [*] Winchester Model 1200 [*] Crew Files [*] Collection of Photographs (Mostly From the War) [*] Collection of Expensive/Quality Whiskey [*] Stockpiled Ammunition [*] Blackbox Cortex Terminal [*] Survival Gear [*] Guitar [*] Babbler [*] Medical Kit [*] Encyclopedia [/list] [hr][center][img]http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-tgPRYpSd5Yc/UzxAG7VJRyI/AAAAAAAA0Ro/MHTPv8YpL4o/s1600/tumblr_n1siysPB3b1ro95bto1_500.gif[/img][/center][hr][h3][b][i][color=D09A57][center]History[/center][/color][/i][/b][/h3] [b][color=D09A57]The Reason You Chose The Side You Did:[/color][/b] Jackson had as much of a reason as anyone else from Shadow to sign up with the Browncoats. A simple and normal life cut short by horrific bombing which turned his home, and the homes of those close to him to ash. He signed up with the Browncoats to try and protect whoever he did still care about that was left. That was a purpose he failed in many times throughout the war and even afterward, now he just holds to that as well as he can, despite failures. [b][color=D09A57]History:[/color][/b] Born to a pair of simple horse-ranchers, Jackson was on the fast-track for the simple life, he had no desire for the fancier side of the 'Verse, the more civilized worlds like Persephone had nothing alluring for Jackson. He loved the open sky, the dirt and the green of the border worlds. He grew up alongside Anisa Crowe, a girl from the neighbouring Cattle Ranch who was the same age as him. The two of them were good friends, helping out on each other's ranches and spending a great deal of their free time together. When the war came, and the bombings with it, Jackson had been on his way to the Crowe family's ranch when it was destroyed. He watched from a distance as the bombardment completely destroyed the ranch, and he could do nothing to stop it. Initially believing his friend Anisa to be dead, he went to the ruins to try and salvage any remains to bury, but Anisa came back to find the destruction. For a while, Jackson's own home managed to avoid damage. When Jackson did sign up with the Independents, he did it alongside Anisa, being placed into the 32nd Overlanders Regiment. Jackson rose through the ranks quickly through the war, and within the 32nd he met the woman who would become his wife. They married half-way through the war in a small service on leave. Toward the end of the war, just before the battle of Serenity Valley, Jackson took part in a major operation, his first as a Lieutenant, and although he got his unit out without casualties, he was badly wounded when a large piece of shrapnel pierced his leg, just barely missing the artery. His wound meant that Jackson was unable to participate in the Battle of Serenity Valley, but he did still see it burn. Taking part in the evacuation, Jackson was on the shuttle which picked up Anisa, she was the one who had the unfortunate task of letting Jackson know of his wife's death during the battle. Immediately after the battle, the 32nd Overlanders was disbanded, Jackson had been the only remaining survivor, the regiment entirely wiped out during the battle of Serenity Valley. After the war, Jackson wandered for a while, he helped bury his wife at the Serenity Graveyard on Hera, but otherwise did nothing for a long while. That was until Anisa got in touch with him again, having just picked up a Firefly Class, she needed a First Mate for her crew, and Jackson had been her first pick for the job. Having not much else he could have done, and no where else to really go, Jackson accepted, happy for the work, and happy to keep doing things until he forgets about everything behind him. [hr][center][img]http://66.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_m2hm89mDZe1r9413r.gif[/img][/center][hr][h3][b][i][color=D09A57][center]Extras[/center][/color][/i][/b][/h3] [b][color=D09A57]Character Quote:[/color][/b] "I [i]hate[/i] dirty tricks like that, especially when I don't pull 'em first!" [b][color=D09A57]Theme Song:[/color][/b] [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tzL96Yu-XGE]Lady Heroine - Space Oddity[/url] [b][color=D09A57]Alliance Record:[/color][/b] Smuggling, tariff dodging, transporting illegal cargo, assaulting an officer of the law, murder, burglary [b][color=D09A57]Anything Else:[/color][/b] [hider=Let's go to a party][center][h1][color=686F91]Lucas Walsh[/color] & [color=a187be]Risa Couri[/color][/h1] [img]http://i.imgur.com/RKNmoPD.jpg?3[/img] [img]http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-h1HqgEj7Aqc/UVC6eKXG9zI/AAAAAAAACYU/cQs8Piw_Il0/s1600/amarhante.jpg[/img][/center] [hr][center][b]Location:[/b] Braun Mansion, New York State [b]Interacting With:[/b] Each Other, A Waiter[/center][hr] Lucas had only been to the United States a few times, once as a tourist during his years at University, only spending his time in Los Angeles, and once more for work, infiltrating the Irish mob in Boston. Both times he'd only spent his stay within the city, so this was his first time experiencing the countryside - and he had to admit, it had a great beauty to it, but perhaps that had to do with the stunning, decadent and massive mansion he and Risa had just arrived at. Risa leaned back in her seat, her arm laced through Lucas's as she looked out the window. She had spent much more time in New York than he had, having to attend multiple events over the years with the U.N. She preferred D.C. but she had to admit the scenery was beautiful. Looking at the mansion as they arrived she sat up and adjusted her dress some, she hated the thing and could not wait to change; having several sets of clothing stashed in various places so she could get out of the dress as quickly as possible. [color=686F91][b]"Y'think they'll let me keep the car?"[/b][/color] Lucas asked idly, running his hands over the steering wheel one last time before he opened the door to step out. [color=a187be]"Only if we dent it, then maybe,"[/color] she chuckled as she looked over towards him. Argus had generously provided them with a BMW i8 for the drive out to Braun's mansion, one with a few agent-worthy modifications of course, and gorgeous enough to allow Lucas and Risa to fit into the shoes they were supposed to be filling, a couple of millionaire party-goers. Closing the door behind him, he moved over to her side of the car, gently opening the door as he held a hand out toward her, a half-smile gracing his face as he watched her, waiting to help her out of the car. Rise smiled gently towards him as she rested her hand in his and stepped out of the car, her dress cascading down her body as her thick braid rested on her shoulder. [color=686F91][b]"Don't know why you kick up such a fuss about the dress, I think you look stunning."[/b][/color] Lucas commented idly with a smirk, closing the door behind her once she was out and locking it as he moved toward the entrance, following a few other couples in. [color=a187be]"I still say you should be wearing this, would provide for a greater diversion,"[/color] she whispered against his ear. It wasn't hard to pick out the killers, thieves and drug lords from the other guests, they all had the same knowing looks, and each seemed far less pleased to be there than the millionaires and movie stars. The latter was a mold which Lucas fit in to surprisingly well, considering his past, a smile on his face as a waiter approached the pair, asking for any specific drinks the two desired. [color=686F91][b]"I'll have a glass of the best whisky on offer, on the rocks."[/b][/color] Lucas established simply, he wasn't usually one for fancy drinks, and wasn't going to conform to the stereotype by getting something as silly as a [i]Vodka Martini, shaken not stirred.[/i] Shifting his gaze over to Risa momentarily, he allowed her to make her order while he shifted his gaze over the gala, it didn't take long for him to spot Mr. Braun, the man was greeting a few of the individuals who'd come in just before them, no doubt he'd approach the two in a similar manner. [color=a187be]"Yes, Cognac: Martin, Louis Xiii,"[/color] she said with a curt nod before turning her attention back towards the Gala, her eyes falling on Braun. Hearing as the waiter gave a 'very good' to their orders and moved off, Lucas smiled as he held out his arm to Risa, letting her take it before he moved down the stairs to the main event, the sound of chatter only barely overpowering the sound of the band toward the back of the room. [color=686F91][b]"You went to these kind of things often? I could get used to parties like these."[/b][/color] Lucas commented as he glanced around, forgetting for a moment or two that he was there to work, not play. He'd spotted the security, larger men in the same black suits, no visible weapons but on a few, Lucas could spot the telltale lump of a concealed weapon, from the shape, he figured an MP7, or something similar, he doubted he'd end up in a gunfight that night, but the heavy armament was something to note, nonetheless. [color=a187be]"Yes, all too often for my tastes,"[/color] she said with a smirk as she stood there with her arm laced through his. [color=a187be]"And trust me my dear, you'll be hating it quickly I imagine, especially once you have to mingle,"[/color] she snickered. She knew how much Lucas hated the uppity types and this place was spilling over with them. Lucas went to make on of his usual vomiting noises, but forced himself not to at the risk of drawing some unwanted attention from the other party-goers. A momentary smirk gracing his face, he decided to repay the sort of teasing she had been giving him, leaning over to hover his lips by her ear. [color=686F91][b]"I'm sure it won't be all bad - some good looking women, after all."[/b][/color] Lucas smirked, shifting his gaze over to the Waiter as he returned, taking his drink with his free hand and taking a long drink, a slight and momentary sneer on his face as he felt the sharp sting of the high-class, top shelf whiskey running down his throat. [color=a187be]"Yes there are, and some very handsome men. I wonder if there is a couple that would like to play tonight,"[/color] Risa said without missing a beat as she took her glass off the waiters tray and swirled it slowly as it warmed against the palm of her hand. [color=a187be]"I am sure there are some who wouldn't mind me not wearing this getup,"[/color] she said as she glanced over towards Lucas, teasing him before she took a slow sip. As much as she taunted the man, it was always in jest towards him. Neither of them seemed to take the others [i]threats[/i] seriously. Neither was the jealous type and Risa was more than secure; self confidence was something neither of them lacked. Braun was still eagerly chatting with a few of the other guests, not that Lucas was displeased, he had no real desire to speak to the man at all if he could avoid it, or any other guest for that matter. Just as Risa had said, his enjoyment would rapidly dissipate once he was chatting to the other snobs who were present. [color=686F91][b]"Y'know, everyone here looks like a near carbon-copy of Oliver,"[/b][/color] Lucas groaned quietly, forcing himself to hide the sneer which threatened to reveal itself. [color=686F91][b]"Hell, even I look like the bastard."[/b][/color] He continued in a hushed tone, glancing down to his own attire. He'd been provided with a rather fanciful velvet smoking jacket, which while visually appealing, was still a bit high-end for Lucas' taste, the black bow tie around his neck was tight enough to be giving his neck a light squeeze, but just loose enough to be comfortable. Either way, he figured he had the better end of the deal not being in her dress. [color=a187be]"Hardly,"[/color] she whispered as she leaned against him, taking another sip. [color=a187be]"I'll go deal with our host, you just wait for my signal,"[/color] she said before brushing her lips against his cheek and sauntering off. Her hips swaying as she made her way over towards their host with a graceful smile playing on her lips.[/hider] And i'd be hard-pressed to decide between Mal and Wash. [sub][color=ed1c24]*By submitting this CS in its completion I am stating I have read all the rules for this Rp and am agreeing to follow them to the fullest with respect and courtesy.[/color][/sub][/hider] [hr][hr] [hider=Relations Sheet] [center][h1][color=D09A57]Jackson Tanner[/color][/h1] [img]http://66.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_m68teknMFe1qh95r3.gif[/img] [color=D09A57]{[/color][i]"Love keeps her in the air when she ought to fall down..."[/i][color=D09A57]}[/color] ⚜ Respects ~*~ ☯ Neutral ~*~ ☮ Friends ~*~ ♫ Best Friends ~*~ § Tense ~*~ ♥ Crush ~*~ ⚤ Significant Other ~*~ ☠ Enemies [hr][hr] [center][img]http://fontmeme.com/embed.php?text=%20%20Vengeance&name=Bleeding_Cowboys.ttf&size=35&style_color=f26522[/img][/center] [hr][hr][/center][center] ⚜/♫ [color=f26522][b]Anisa Crowe[/b][/color] ♫/⚜ [i]"Cap' might be the only one what I got left to protect."[/i] Jackson grew up with Anisa, they've been through almost all of the major parts of their lives together. From Shadow's destruction, to watching Serenity Valley burn, they have been through hell and back together. Out of all the people Jackson has sworn to protect throughout his life, Anisa is the only one still alive, and he plans to keep her that way. When she called him to become her First Mate, he accepted without question, knowing she would need someone she could trust at her side. Although he still is hesitant to talk about the things plaguing him, Anisa has a much better chance of getting him to open up than anyone else. [hr] §/⚜ [color=D09A57][b]Jackson Tanner[/b][/color] ⚜/§ [i]"You're doin' what you can."[/i] Part of Jackson feels a great deal of regret - regret which lingers in the old war, around his inability to save any of his regiment, to save his wife and his friends. He feels he did not deserve the position he was given, or to live in their place. But another part understands that Jackson has done all he could do, and continues to do all he can - living on in search of some retribution for them, or just to live to their memory. [hr] §/☮ [color=EF5C86][b]Genevieve Dupoit[/b][/color] ☮/§ [i]"A biǎozi by any other name..."[/i] Jackson could not respect Genevieve's profession any less - he has no love for the Companions or their line of work, to him a petty thief is a far better choice of employment. However, he's fair enough to make the distinction between Genevieve's job, and her as a person. He treats her similarly as the other crew members, he endeavors to ensure she is protected both physically, and from anyone who would disrespect her. He certainly does not appreciate Genevieve trying to dig into his history, but there are certainly things which endear him to her, although he doesn't show it. [hr] ☯ [color=slategray][b]Gideon Engelhart[/b][/color] ☯ [i]"The xiǎo guǐ needs a smack on the wrist every now and then."[/i] Out of all the other members of the crew, Jackson takes Gideon perhaps the least seriously. Some of Gideon's antics he takes somewhat lightheartedly, but others he's generally in no mood for. What he most disagrees with when it comes to Gideon is his self-serving attitude, Jackson feels the need to smack him into shape when it comes down to it, and he needs to make sure Gideon is on the right track to doing what is best for the crew and the job, rather than himself. He appreciates that Gideon is one hell of a mechanic however, and protects him like any other member of the crew. [hr] ⚜/☮ [color=4dffa6][b]Dorothy Pender[/b][/color] ⚜/☮ [i]"Just about the only one who keeps her head out of my past."[/i] Jackson considers Dorothy a friend, she's a good doctor - and he respects that, enough to look past her history with the Alliance, a stain which would usually make any friendship difficult. He particularly appreciates that Dorothy doesn't make a major effort to learn more about Jackson's troubled past, except to distract him when she's about to cause him a fair bit of pain, but he lets that slide. [hr] ⚜ [color=fff79a][b]Atticus Pearson[/b][/color] ⚜ [i]"Preacher's done some good, and some bad."[/i] Jackson does not interact with Atticus a great deal, and the two are not particularly friends. However, Jackson knows for a fact that Atticus went to prison for giving his wife her last rights, and he appreciates that greatly. He may not be a religious man, but he understands the worth to what Atticus has done. [hr] § [color=f6989d][b]Camilla Powell[/b][/color] § [i]"Long as she stays out of my way."[/i] Jackson has little qualms with Camilla herself as a person, but he does have issue with her choices and judgement. He refuses to accept any explanation from her about her choice of Fiance, believing that there is no way that Quinn could have been a decent man under the monster which is his exterior. As long as Camilla does not get between him an revenge, he has no problem with her. [hr] ☯ [color=#9c6e6e]Lionel Wickett[/color] ☯ [i]"A killer with bedside manner."[/i] Jackson has no qualms with Lionel, but he doesn't actively engage with him a great deal. He understands the kind of man that lays beneath the polite facade, but he believes at the same time that his polite manner is genuine. He sees Lionel as a reasonable man, and is content to have him aboard. [hr] ⚜/☮ [color=39b54a]Daphne Pender[/color] ☮/⚜ [i]"She's a leaf on the wind."[/i] Jackson respects Daphne's ability as a pilot, and particularly respects her efforts to prove she is a better pilot than anyone else who's touched Vengeance before. While it is sometimes a danger, he is content to put his life in her hands on a more dangerous run. [hr][hr][center][img]http://fontmeme.com/embed.php?text=%20%20%20%20Retribution&name=Bleeding_Cowboys.ttf&size=35&style_color=f26522[/img][/center][hr][hr] ☠ [color=FF2F2F][b]Gregory Quinn[/b][/color] ☠ [i]"Ain't no power in the 'Verse can stop me from guttin' that man."[/i] Jackson will never forget Quinn's name, or his face. Having learned of him from Anisa following the Battle of Serenity Valley, Jackson knows well that his wife was murdered by Quinn, and while she was surrendering. He has no intention of simply capturing Quinn, but making the man suffer for what he has done to his wife and his friends. [hr] Symbol [color=17A589][b]Carla Lobo[/b][/color] Symbol [i]"Thoughts on person'[/i] [hr] Symbol [color=#00C5CD][b]Friedrich Knochengeiger[/b][/color] Symbol [i]"Thoughts on person"[/i] Relation Details [hr] [/center] [/hider]