[center][color=fff200][h3]Lord Jeyco Swan[/h3][/color][/center] [center][img]http://66.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_mdgidcQasl1rq4v2lo1_500.gif[/img][/center] [center][color=fff200][b][u]Location[/u]:[/b] Standing in the Arena[/color][/center] [center][color=fff200][b][u]Interacting with[/u]:[/b] Princess Madeleine [@MissCapnCrunch] and Arthur Gully [@Pundii] [i]Mentioned:[/i] Lord Ithobal [@Tmitche23][/color][/center] [hr] The moment finally arrived, and looking back on all the charades the northern, landlubbing bastards had him go through just so that he could relish in this moment…it hadn’t been worth it for he figured that he could have fought Ithobal Gully on his own either on land or on the sea. He hadn’t been the best competitor for the tests were foreign to him, but even Cs got degrees. Finally, the tournament of blades. Out of them all, this had been the one that Lord Jeyco was most confident and certain of and he shed all that ridiculous armor so that he could fight in his skin and clothes—the way a true warrior of the Diovire fought. Jeyco, wearing a white tunic and deer skin pants, approached the chipped and splintered weapons table and selected his two favored weapons, the knives. They weren’t [i]his[/i] knives but they would do. (I’m just cutting to the end of the fight because I don’t know what weapon Ithobal would have selected or if his writer is still around and active.) ~~~~~~~~~~~~ The sand bags had all been busted. Breaking them had been an easier task than attempting to murder his own brother that was one aspect of the northern games that he liked. He had shed the burden on his chest and shoulders to the Gully heir, but winning…he hadn’t had expected to win. He had expected to forfeit, but when he was showered in a deluge of cheers, he was speechless. Lost for words, Lord Jeyco stood in the presence of over thousands of witnesses. A mixture of roars swirled about him as though he stood in the center of a whirlpool. He was enraptured…was…was this what glory felt like? Was this why fighters fought to the death in a sandy blood-strewn pit so that they could stand before thousands and be baptized in their praise? It had been an unsurmountable feeling. Wait…he hadn’t only won. This meant…he would be the king. The Diovirene stood there with his one dark eye wide in shock. He was the true king. The corners of his lips twitched slowly curling into an overjoyed smile. Drunk in victory, Lord Jeyco was filled with the euphoria from his win and raised his arms to rally the cheers and praise that doused him. As he turned in a full circle, there was one man in the audience that he most certainly wanted him to see. It took him a few slow turns, but eventually, he found him looking down on the tournament—probably disappointed in his full-blooded boy that he had lost to the true heir! Lord Jeyco made sure to make eye-contact with Lord Arthur Gully. Arrogance pulled at his lips as he conveyed a silent message to him that he probably wouldn’t understand. The last time they had seen each other was when he was a child and had both of his eyes. Would father recognize his son? Lord Jeyco didn’t think so, but if he did, then it gave that stare meaning. Finally lowering his arms, Lord Jeyco set his gaze on the Ainsworth. Princess Madeleine didn’t look too pleased, and he didn’t blame her. If only she knew who he truly was. He bowed to her nonetheless with a smile, and as his banner was unfurled in victory—he had been expecting the shocked gasps, but not the screams. Lord Jeyco raised his head to see that the Swan banner they had for all of the tournament until now had been switched. It was all orchestrated. Whether he had won or Ithobal had won, both banners had been switched. Unfurled for thousands to witness was the black banner of the Pirate King. The white undead kraken and its numerous tentacles that had a hold on the entire world was displayed for all to see. Lord Jeyco frowned…but why was it soaked in blood? Lord Jeyco straightened, the scowl still hard on his face. Queen Margaret screamed bloody murder and veiled the princess’s eyes. Guards were rushing about everywhere. Did he miss something? [i]The king is dead![/i] He heard a spectator shout. [i]The king was murdered![/i] Lord Jeyco’s brows couldn’t get any higher at that moment. This had been horrible timing. The one time where he thought he could flaunt the pirate king’s fame for all the world to see was the same day someone had decided to murder the king and they had soiled his banner with their blood. “Shit!” Lord Jeyco cursed and quickly strode away. It was time to disappear. There would be too much hype and hostility for pleading innocence. The kingsguard would not hear it. His banner was waving and the Pirate King was already far from innocent. Brandt was pissed. This was not how things were supposed to go!