[color=fff200][h1] B.A.M[/h1][/color] [center][i] Back Alley Metal [/i][/center] [color=bc8dbf][right][h2] Kijo Kokorensin[/h2][/right][/color] [indent][indent] As she turned the corner she could hear shouting, this time the voice had been foreign too her ears, she would turn fluidly too look towards the person calling out too her. You and your friend? She would glance back too The Outsider. How could he see it, she hadn’t ever met someone who was able too see The Outsider, but given that thought she could see that The Outsider had been curious itself, tilting it’s head in a manner she had never seen. Kijo had been lucky, in her life after she obtained her Stand, she hadn’t run into many stand users- perhaps it was because she wasn’t in one area long enough, perhaps it was because she typically stayed off radar. If one would ask The Outsider what it was, it would give some cryptic riddle, and after the riddle wouldn’t change- EVEN when Kijo guessed the right answer, she gave up on asking. Often too just referring too The Outsider as her guardian. Oh, the Zens? Did they own that restaurant? Raising an eyebrow too him, it was pretty odd- even though it wasn’t her fault the one guy decided too make a make a mess, and most mobsters had been knuckle dragging neanderthals. Staring too the man, he was right in one point.. she had too be responsible for it, just a little bit. [color=bc8dbf]“....They will be compensated for the damages then.” [/color]She’d have too leave a nice amount of her goods. She’d give half, even though half of what she had stole would easily pay for the damages plus some. She would look too him, now the better question was how he saw The Outsider, this odd funny looking man. But then again, she was a woman dressed in all white, so she couldn’t really say anything about the balding hippie. Kijo would glance too The Outsider, and her eyes would narrow as she’d see the entrance of the Alley way be blocked. A smirk would grow on her face as she stared too the hulking form, standing in the alley way. Recognizing him as one of the men who chased her she’d look too The Outsider. [color=bc8dbf]“Not yet... let me have some independence.”[/color] Suddenly she would run at the Hippie like man, however if he would wait he’d see she would run past him, the silencer would make sure the bullets had been barely audible, and Kijo herself wouldn’t even realize what had happened until a burning pain would singe at her shoulder, the pain would spread like a disease through out her body, however the girl would seem too ignore the pain, the white of her dress slowly becoming red- as if ink spilled on paper. This wouldn’t stop the girl, or even slow her down so it’d seem. The large man would growl, let’s call him Gunner, for obvious reasons. A powerful ‘whack’ would echo through out the alley way, as the girl would punch the goliathe of a man hard enough to cause his head too tilt too the other side. Kijo didn’t believe in killing, she didn’t believe in always turning too her stand’s ability, which is probably why she had a nice souvenir of her fight embedded in her shoulder, she was just lucky it wasn’t a through and through- the last thing she needed was more lives on her head. Yes, Kijo blamed herself for the deaths of those criminals; Perhaps if she hadn’t come here, they’d still be alive- but she was no doubt. This was a trade of souls, her [s]work[/s] life.. but she knew she’d never find peace in a [i]normal[/i] life. The stand would stay far from Kijo, floating next too the man. It would turn it’s curious head back too the man, looking him over. Humans in general were weird looking too it, so it showed no different gaze on the ‘hippy’ that it would Kijo. Another fluid movement, and her leg would go up, kicking the gun out of the man’s hand, it would flutter over the group and land behind The Outsider and the strange man, who sought her out. [b]Gunner[/b] would chuckle softly too her attack, [b]”Good, I like too be more personal myself.”[/b] now.. one on one, just be eyeing up the two, Gunner easily had two hundred pounds on the woman in white, factor in his hulking form, and bulging muscles- and then factor her wounds into the battle; no doubt this would be suicide for her. However, Kijo wasn’t an idiot. Ducking low-not so gracefully- mind you, she’d avoid a powerful punch. The Outsider would be able too feel the gust as Kijo’s eyes would glow purple suddenly, and the stand would quickly fly towards the wounded woman, and the stand would shift into a long scythe, granted.. she hadn’t planned on killing the man. Grabbing the scythe she would turn the blade towards herself, and using it’s long hilt- more like a staff, the fight would end that moment, in a blink of an eyes. With her good arm, she’d easily trip the man, allowing him too fall back on his ass, with a loud thud. Blood would hit the ground, her blood- she would seem too ignore it as she’d place the blade of the scythe at his neck. [color=bc8dbf]“Take the lost, and take your life. Let your group know what kind of monster I am, and tell them.. if they wish too pursue me, they will.. the money is mine, if you and your boss wanted it, you should have hid it better.”[/color] glowing amethyst eyes would bore holes into the man’s own, she could feel the massive form shaking in fear. Of course, most people feared what they didn’t know. The scythe would disappear, and The Outsider would stay by it’s user now. The Outsider- her fighting spirit, her only companion. Glancing too the man, she’d smile. [color=bc8dbf]"Your friends will be compensated, it was not my intentions too turn that restaurant into a battle field." [/color] [color=bc8dbf]“I like this city, i will stay here for a while- and trouble tends too follow me. So, pick a side and place your bets.”[/color] With those words she would move slowly towards the fallen gun, Gunner wouldn’t wait around too see if she’d use it on him, scrambling to his feet he’d move too run out of the alley way, screaming something along the lines of the woman in white being death, or was it the grim reaper. She would hold her shoulder before pausing. The moron, but then again his profession was in crime... she doubted he was the smartest. If she had been death, the grim reaper how did she bleed? The unknown endorsed fear. [color=bc8dbf]“Oh, by the way, how can you see The Outsider?” [/color]The unknown also endorsed an unsatiated curiosity. Gunner would run back too the two who had been watching the ‘hero’ ever soo quietly, even the crowds were still there, however no doubt the distant howl of the the police sirens were no doubt getting closer. [b] “What do you mean she’s the grim reaper? Can you twits deal with anything?”[/b] there boss wasn’t going too be happy about their string of failures. [/indent][/indent]