[@Gentlemanvaultboy] Maverick couldn't help but be amused when Phone Freak was yet again harassed by another patron of comic-con. She was right, the group was technically promised riches. Still, a pinky promise wasn't nearly enough for Maverick to even begin willfully complying with the Presence, let alone trusting it. [color=6ecff6]"You should get people to dress up as you." [/color]She had a mental image of a Super punching someone in a paper mache Phone Freak costume. That'd be a sight to see. [@PlatinumSkink] Metallia said something about the possibility of needing "physical protection". Certainly was a clinical way of putting it. Still, if they were going to be on a team, she might as well assure her that Maverick wouldn't be eager to abandon her. She turned to look back at Metallia. [color=6ecff6] "No problem, Metallia. I can get your back, if the All-Mighty Presence's plan allows it," [/color] She said, as an aside.