[@Kiss Of Night] [color=89fdc5]“I was raised right, you could say. Thank you for the compliment.”[/color] Dianna said, fighting back the blush in her cheeks. She was raised by the Wise One, and was otherwise solitary. It gave her an old soul, but she could tell it came in handy with Mako. If she stayed on his soft side, the team business would be much more bearable. Dianna’s eyes scanned the crowd of humans. She looked down at her feet, where Ms. Muffins II was trying miserably to keep up with them. Dianna swept down, picking up the kitten and setting her in the pocket of her blazer. There, she pointed at Ms. Muffins II, muttering in Latin. The cat became a simple golden ring that was quickly slid onto Dianna’s finger. She would be a bit stiff when she left the form, but otherwise unharmed. Dianna looked around, the men and women in costume either didn't see, or paid no mind to her act of magic. She watched Mako as he flailed about, before straightening like nothing had happened. It left a lopsided smile on her face, that she couldn't force down. [color=89fdc5]“This, Mako, is a small part of our human culture.”[/color] She whispered, gesturing at the place. [color=89fdc5]“Strange isn't it? If you looked well enough, I bet you could find someone here dressed as you.”[/color] She added with a chuckle. [color=89fdc5]“The tech lovers have it easy in this situation. If they're well versed, they could probably hack into the bank. We'll have to get a bit..creative.”[/color] Her eyes gleamed with something downright malicious. [color=89fdc5]“It shouldn't be too much of a problem, really. Three billion a piece, you have to wonder what the Presence wants with it all.”[/color]