[quote=@NeutralNexus] So good news is the power is back, so tonight when I get home I can try to write my post. Bad news is that I see a second thunderstorm coming... [/quote] What you need to do is utilise the power of lightning to charge some kind of vehicle that inexplicably travels back in time and tell your past self to stop being such a slacker while Zeus isn't trying to destroy you. Failing that you have to type really fast... Anywho, thought I'd pop in to show I'm still around, even if I'm not currently posting anything IC. When the second season comes around I'm planning to introduce my second character hopefully. He'll be something a little different, so far it seems the things that have come from space have been trying to kill us all, I thought I'd bring in a guardian of sorts for a little change of pace and to help fight some of the big bads. But don't worry, Silence will continue his descent into villainy and sow more chaos to balance the new guy out. The bad guys could use a few more victories. Looking forward to seeing how everything wraps up.