[center](Banner Created By [@Altered Tundra]) [img]http://i.imgur.com/jscfD1a.png[/img] [h2]The year is [b]2054[/b]...[/h2] Exactly one century after the Kaiju Era began. It all started back in 1954, after a giant kaiju being, known simply as "Gojira", invaded the bay of Tokyo, Japan, engulfing the entire city in flames and killing hundreds of thousands of innocent civilians. It was said that this giant, hideous, monster was created unintentionally by the detonation of an atomic bomb, and was known as man's bastard "Nuclear Child". It was only after the brave effort by scientist Dr. Serizawa, while using a powerful weapon called the "Oxygen Destroyer", was when Godzilla was ultimately defeated, turning him into nothing more but an empty skeleton. But while doing so, it also intentionally takes the life of both the scientist and the secrets of the Oxygen Destroyer. The world breathed a sigh of utter relief, many of us thinking that they would never have to worry about such a threat again... [b]WE WERE WRONG.[/b] In fact, this marked the age of the Kaiju, monstrous beings that rose from the depths of the ocean or from unseen lands far from civilization. And yet... these figures have been seen taking the forms of US, the forms of humans! These beings have been called "Kaiju Gijinka" or simply "Monster Humanoids", which are basically supernatural humans that have the ability of shapeshifting into massive giant monsters! Each of these beings come in all different shapes and sizes, along with different abilities, origins, and motives. Some kaiju have been seen to protect Earth from threats of the unknown, with some surprisingly protecting the humans from harm, while some come with a thirst for power and destruction, some even coming from the depths of space itself. And yet, even they can turn into one of us, walk amongst us, and on very rare occasions, some even fight for us. Earth is now a new playground for these figures of intense power... we, the human race, are no longer the dominant species on this Earth. But that doesn't mean we can fight back. Major powers all over the world have banned together, setting aside all our differences, on simply to protect cities throughout the world from getting trampled over by these beings of mass destruction. To fight monsters, we created monsters of our own. From human-piloted mechs, to size-changing androids, we have invested much into keeping humanity safe and sound. And not just our cities... but the entire world. Today we face the monsters that are at our door and bring the fight to them! Today, we are [b]canceling[/b] our extinction! [hr][hr][/center] Welcome to [b]"Let Them Fight - A Kaiju-Gijinka RP"[/b], a roleplay based off the giant monster films and animations from Japan and beyond, and turning them into shapeshifting humans. Here you have the chance of making characters, whether they be a Kaiju shapeshifter, a mecha android, or even a human working alongside them as a scientist, pilot, or anything else you can imagine! This world can be considered as one massive playground, with multiple scenarios, missions, and episode arcs taking place all around the world. I'm pretty sure you guys know the rules, but of course, allow me to plant the ground rules in case you are new or simply happen to forget: [list] [*][b]Respect:[/b] Always respect your fellow players! Keep any major disagreements to the PMs. [*][b]No Godmodding:[/b] Pretty straight forward, don't have your character do an action or series of actions that are without limits, and that they seem to avoid injury no matter what, can land every attack and so forth. [*][b]No Autohitting:[/b] The act of making an attack of yours automatically connect with another player without giving them a chance to react, respond, or attempt a dodge, again very simple. [*][b]No Powerplaying:[/b] Don't operate anyone else's character without their consent. [*][b]No Speedposting:[/b] Please don't speedpost! Wait two more posts from someone else before you can post again. This only applies to a three player congregation, otherwise this rule doesn't apply to a 1x1 conversation as long as it doesn't divide into other players' business. [*][b]Posting Length:[/b] This is a casual roleplay, not a free one. That means I do expect a good amount of effort when making your post. Two paragraphs are the least one can do. Also, I would like people to post at least twice a week, preferably more but I understand people get busy. If you'll be unable to post for a few days, just let me, the GM, know. [*][b]Questions:[/b] If you have any questions, ideas, and whatnot, feel free to ask me. [*][b]And lastly:[/b] HAVE FUN! [/list] [hr][hr] [center][hider=Character Sheet] [Image] Name: Gender: Age: Race: (Kaiju, alien, human, android/robot, etc) Faction: (GDF, Earth Defenders, Mutants, Alien, etc) Personality: History: Powers/Abilities: Other: [/hider][/center]