[center][b][h1]Active Characters[/h1][/b][/center] [hider=Godzilla] [center][h1][b]Gojira[/b][/h1] [img]https://i.imgur.com/Qkhpzmg.jpg[/img] [hider=Kaiju Form] [img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/564x/94/86/0f/94860f5c88fb061315132118bb2f5082.jpg[/img] [/hider] [/center] [b]Name:[/b] [indent]Godzilla "Gojira" ゴジラ[/indent] [b]Gender:[/b] [indent]Female[/indent] [b]Age:[/b] [indent]60 Years; (May turn out to be older)[/indent] [b]Race:[/b] [indent]Kaiju[/indent] [b]Faction:[/b] [indent]Earth Defender[/indent] [b]Personality:[/b] [indent]Godzilla's personality is usually portrayed as a solitary kaiju, who often is seen alone or with her offspring. While she does tolerate some company from other Earth Defenders, usually they being closer allies and/or friends, she usually prefers to be alone otherwise. She can go into an enraged state of anger if someone happens to piss her off to an intolerable degree, usually if it revolves one invading her own territory, harming her allies, and most importantly, one who threatens the destruction of Earth. When it comes to saving all that she loves, Godzilla will do whatever it takes to achieve this goal, even if it means destroying everything that gets in her way. She doesn't like many regular people however...[/indent] [b]History:[/b] [indent]Godzilla's true history is rather unknown, but it's known that she comes from a long dynasty that is known simply as the "Gojira Dynasty". It's been theorized that this family had been living on Earth for hundreds of years, but scientists have only identified three of them, going only as far back as the 1950s. The first Godzilla was identified in the year 1954, shortly after a nuclear bomb testing around Bikini Atoll. There, witnesses aboard the military battleships identified what appeared to be a large hulking mass, with sharp, maple-leaf-like, spines dotting down it's back. However, it wasn't taken seriously until around November 3rd, where the first Godzilla hit the shores of Japan and began it's rampage throughout the land, sacking city after city. The military tried to stop the beast, using every weapon and arsenal they had to destroy it, from tanks, to jets, even high voltages of electricity. None of them worked. It wasn't until a scientist named Dr. Serizawa, who invented an advanced super weapon that would finally kill the beast, which was known simply as the Oxygen Destroyer. When Godzilla was lured back into the ocean, the bomb was detonated, creating a deadly chemical reaction that ultimately reduced the beast into a skeleton. Everyone thought that this would be the last they'd see of Godzilla. However, another being was sighted just a year later, but unlike the predecessor before it, it appeared to be a human-kaiju hybrid, and it even happened to be a female. She will become known as the Godzilla we know today, being at first portrayed much like the first one, but gradually been seen fighting off other hostile kaiju forces who would invade Japan or even from extraterrestrial threats from space. She has also been seen transforming into a giant kaiju of her own, looking very similar to that of the first, while also developing her own physical features. Many people even see her as a goddess, or some mythical being, with one person mentioning her as 'nature's order' and that she has 'the power to restore balance'. She even has become quite popular in various forms of merchandise. Regardless, she is both beloved and feared by all of humanity, they knowing all too well about the full capabilities of her sheer power. The third Godzilla has been identified as the Second's daughter, or so scientists say, for even they don't even know her true origins. Some scientists say that more are still out there... just waiting to be discovered from the depths of the ocean. [/indent] [b]Powers/Abilities:[/b] [indent][list] [*][b]Atomic Breath:[/b] Godzilla's trademark and iconic ability is to spray a blue laser beam of radioactive energy. She can fire this beam of energy both during her human and kaiju forms. When charged enough or during a fit of rage, she can also unleash a devastating red spiral beam at her opponents, causing triple the amount of damage compared to the regular beam. This special beam is often used as a finishing move. [*][b]Nuclear Pulse:[/b] Godzilla can unleash a powerful nuclear pulse that can repel opponents within a tight radius. [*][b]Kaiju Transformation:[/b] Godzilla's kaiju transformation turns her into a giant 60 meter tall dinosaur-like kaiju, fit with jagged spines down her back, thick arms and strong claws, thick, stumpy, legs, and a long tail. [*][b]Superhuman Strength:[/b] As a human, Godzilla can throw objects the size of a semi-truck, as well as slashing through metal plating and breaking down concrete buildings using her tail. [*][b]Enhanced Regeneration:[/b] One of Godzilla's secrets in keeping on her feet in battle, or even being alive in the first place, is the enhanced regeneration that is in her cells. Weather in kaiju or human forms, she can heal up a pretty bad injury, say a gash on her arm, in around an hour, with more severe wounds taking several more hours to a day of healing. Of course, this doesn't mean she can't be killed, given if you are able to damage her grievously enough, but say that she can recover from some injuries that a regular person would unable to do. [/list][/indent] [b]Theme 1 (The March):[/b] [youtube]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4oDouJ9IrVc[/youtube] [b]Theme 2 (Alt. Theme):[/b] [youtube]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mv6mcB9g5-4[/youtube] [/hider] [hider=Gipsy Danger] [center][h1][b]Gipsy Danger[/b][/h1] [img]http://pre10.deviantart.net/6e8f/th/pre/i/2013/298/f/d/gipsy_jaegirl_by_jaegirlsdeviant438-d6rrb04.png[/img] [hider=Super Armor] [img]http://static2.comicvine.com/uploads/scale_super/11116/111165599/3880750-2.jpg[/img] [/hider] [/center] [b]Name:[/b] [indent]Gipsy Danger[/indent] [b]Gender:[/b] [indent]Female[/indent] [b]Age:[/b] [indent]5 Years; (Looks 20)[/indent] [b]Race:[/b] [indent]Android[/indent] [b]Faction:[/b] [indent]GDF; Jaeger Program[/indent] [b]Personality:[/b] [indent]Gipsy Danger may be an android, but one that can think independently and with almost perfect emotional ques on par with organic humans. She's quite a patriotic Jaeger, created as one of the first that represents her country of the United States. She's usually a fun person to be around, as well as almost undyingly loyal to supporting the human cause against any enemy kaiju force. However, she has been slightly more cautious around her opponents after one... accident, but being an android she was easily repaired. In fact, some say that she's even more fearless then she ever was before! Gipsy will just simply not quit until she completes the objective given to her.[/indent] [b]History:[/b] [indent]During the recent years of the early and mid 2010s, humanity had been finding more ways in combating the kaiju forces and defending the cities from such attacks. One such example are the creation of size-changing androids, made solely for protecting Earth's cities from these threats. With the success of those like the MechaGodzilla and MOGEURA programs funded solely on both the Global and Japanese Defense Forces (GDF & JDF) specifically, other major companies decided to make fighting machines of their own. The Pan Pacific Defense Force (PDDF) and United Nations from the western countries ,such as Europe and the Americas, decided to create what's known as the Jaeger Program, an organization who can release more armed android mechs to at the very least, protect the Western and mid-western countries from the imposing kaiju threats. Over the years, the mechs have been categorized into marks, which are labels assigned to each Jaeger refers to the launch schedule. Currently, there's been 5 Marks over the years starting from the year 2015, with the Mark 1s being the first in their kind (Example: Horizon Brave), and up to the most recent Mark 5 units (Ex: Striker Eureka). Jaegers have no standardized design template with body-types vary widely within each “mark." This level of diversity among the Jaeger designs and weaponry was a tactical response to the high variability in Kaiju shapes, yet as the Marks go up, so does the price in creating them. But out of all the Jaeger forces, one has been identified to be recognized as the poster girl for the Jaeger program. Her name... is Gipsy Danger. Gipsy Danger is a Mark 3 Jaeger that has been in prime service since 2017. Despite being an older model, created by scientists Releigh Becket and Mako Mori, she has proven time and time again to come out victorious in most of her battles against the ferocious kaiju. But while she may be a good fighting mech in battle, there had been times where she came dangerously close to death. One such example was when she was fighting a Category III kaiju known as Knifehead, who bit right through her frontal lobe programing region, almost leaving her for dead. Thankfully, she was able to take the kaiju down through sheer luck, but indeed it had made her more cautious when fighting these giant beasts. But despite that region being repaired, it also seems as if she has been more fearless against the creatures more than ever before, which could've been a rather "small" side effect due to the incident. She is one such example of both a powerful Jaeger and indeed a survivor.[/indent] [b]Powers/Abilities:[/b] [list] [*] [b]I-19 Plasmacaster:[/b] For each hand, Gipsy possesses an I-19 Plasmacaster, a particle dispersal cannon that fires plasma via a charged carrier rail, which wound and cauterize Kaiju anatomy, which is handy when dealing with one that happens to have toxic blood. [*] [b]GD6 Chain Swords:[/b] Gipsy also has two retractable GD6 Chain Swords which is created from steel-obsidian alloy, that can be used as solid blades or whips. [*] [b]Mega-Punch:[/b] Gipsy is able to dump much of its coolant as an improvised weapon and possesses a rocket for increased punching power in its right or left elbow. [*] [b]Turbine:[/b] Gipsy's Vortex Turbine maintains health checks and returned radio chemical readings in excess of safety parameters. The turbine can also be utilized to fire a directed heat weapon powerful enough to puncture completely through a grappling Kaiju when fired at point blank range. [*] [b]Twin Rear Jets:[/b] Gipsy also features two rear jets which allows for an increase in forward movement for a limited amount of time. They can be used to aid in the the Jaeger's ability to leap into the air, quickly decreasing the distance between it and a kaiju to land a melee attack. [*] [b]Size Increase:[/b] Like all the Jaegers, Gipsy is outfitted with a special height enhancer that increases her height up to 50 meters tall, as well as being able to make her back to normal size. It does waste a ton of energy, having a time limit of up to 8 - 10 minutes, depending on how much energy she uses, before she either shuts down or is forced to go back to regular size. [/list] [center] [hider=Theme] [youtube]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AK0ocnRfdSc[/youtube] [/hider] [/center] [/hider] [hr][hr] [center][b][h1]NPC Characters[/h1][/b][/center] [hider=Akane "Kiryu" Yashiro | NPC] [center][h1][b][color=silver]Akane "Kiryu" Yashiro[/color][/b][/h1] [img]http://orig06.deviantart.net/04c8/f/2015/086/1/6/kiryu_girl__gamerag3__by_lmpkio-d8nda2o.jpg[/img] (Colored by me) [hider=Full Body] [img]http://orig05.deviantart.net/56cc/f/2014/325/e/e/kiryu_by_gamerag3-d874zjt.jpg[/img] [/hider] [hider=Super Armor] [img]https://myanimeshelf.com/upload/dynamic/2013-06/03/FIGURE-000317_102.jpg[/img] [/hider] [/center] [b]Name:[/b] [indent]Akane "Kiryu" Yashiro[/indent] [b]Gender:[/b] [indent]Female[/indent] [b]Age:[/b] [indent]28[/indent] [b]Race:[/b] [indent]Android Cyborg[/indent] [b]Faction:[/b] [indent]GDF[/indent] [b]Personality:[/b] [indent]During her life as a child, Akane Yashiro lived a rather regular life as a special forces pilot. She was passionate when it came to doing her job when flying fighter planes and helicopters enjoying being high in the sky and flying at great speeds. While she is usually seen being very serious and silent while working, in outside situations she's usually quite friendly to her comrades, as well as her close friends and family. However, when her mind was literally transferred into her new android-like body, her personality changed. While her skills and abilities in combat are still in prime condition, her social personality went a slightly opposite direction. She became more cold and reserved, often showing little to no emotion, saving for a few rare instances of anger or faint traces of PTSD. She usually resides in her quarters or workspace, simply doing her job as the chief commanding officer of the Android Division. But secretly, from within the cold exterior of her armor, lies a still beating "heart". A heart that vows to protect the ones she loves and cares, both human and android, from getting crippled and killed by the kaiju forces.... especially towards a certain atomic breathing kaiju.[/indent] [b]History:[/b] [indent]Akane Yashiro lived a rather normal life in Tokyo, Japan. She achieved good grades in school, made many friends, and basically followed in her father's footsteps to become a pilot for the Japanese Self Defense Force (JSDF) to battle the imposing kaiju forces. She has helped take down around four kaiju within her 3 year career, piloting her jet fighter and occasional battle helicopter. However, on one faithful day, it seemed to have been all over for her... In 2002, Godzilla made landfall in Fukushima in a fit of rage, desperate for some atomic fuel to quench her thirst after a heavy battle with an unidentified kaiju. While she headed towards a nearby power plant, the military was doing all they could to stop the menace of Japan from getting to the power plant, with Akane joining in on the fight. While they did fairly well in stalling the weakened Godzilla for a bit, it suddenly turned a full 180 as she ultimately began to continue her run on the power plant, destroying many military tanks and jets. One of her atomic breath blasts, beamed right in Akane's direction, melting off her jet's left wing and ultimately was sent crashing down into the rubble below, with the ejection button failing to help her get out of the jet. She laid silently in the rubble, bleeding and knocked out in a comma. The military sent help to carry the body of Akane to the hospital, where they tried to save her life. They didn't seem to succeed, with the parents of Ms. Yashiro waiting days and weeks for her to snap out of it. Sadly, they were forced to put her off life support... But before she could be left for dead, the military canceled the connection and thought of something that could save Yashiro's life. The plan was a highly risky one, but if it succeeds, not only would she be alive, while still retaining most of her memories, but also a powerful weapon against the kaiju forces. They were going to take her brain... and implement it into an android weapon... all for free. It was a very hard decision to make, but eventually the parents decided to give it a go... thus was the creation of Kiryu... aka "MechaGodzilla Type III". At first, Akane wasn't too excited about her body, actually a little horrified, but regardless she was thankful for the GDF in helping her to stay alive, even if it mean't that she had to live in this robotic "cyborg". However, this also came at a price of her own expense. Her personality, while still partially intact along with her memories, was not the same as when she was a human. She became more cold and reserved, often showing little to no emotion, saving for a few rare instances of anger or the occasional flashback of that faithful crash almost every night for the past six months until it ultimately went away on its own. More mysteriously, her right eye seems to be permanently blind, which results in Kiryu wearing an eyepatch for it. Weather it was from the crash, or the error in the android, no one knows for sure. Eventually though, Kiryu quickly became to be the chief commanding officer of the Android Division in the GDF, observing all activities within the sister branches, which includes the Jaeger Program itself. But from within the cold exterior of her armor, lies a still beating "heart". A heart that vows to protect the ones she loves and cares, both human and android, from suffering the same fate she once had.... especially towards a certain atomic breathing kaiju.[/indent] [b]Powers/Abilities:[/b] [indent][list] [*][b]Flight Pack:[/b] Akane's primary weapon of choice in both regular and Super Armors is the flight pack on her back and waist, allowing her to fly fluidly in the air for long distances. In addition, the pack also comes with twin laser cannons on her shoulders and two forward firing rocket launchers and four batteries along its back and sides for launching guided missiles. Upon emptying its payload, the flight pack can detach from Kiryu's body and launched to push the enemy a safe distance back before being remotely detonated. It can also be replaced by weapons pods where rockets were fired; leaving the attached thrusters on Kiryu's body to maintain its aerial capabilities. [*][b]Electrical Blade:[/b] For close combat, a short blade can be extended from Kiryu's right wrist which was not only able to penetrate a kaiju's hide, but was also able to discharge a crippling electrical surge into the opponent's body. [*][b]Drill-Hand:[/b] Kiryu's right hand can collapse into a revolving drill, which allows to tear through hard rock and armored kaiju hide. [*][b]Oral Maser Cannons:[/b] Only present when wearing the Super Armor, Kiryu can blast maser cannons for her mouth. [*][b]Absolute Zero Cannon/Triple Hyper Maser Cannon:[/b] Kiryu's chest, both as an Android or in the Super Armor, can unleash two ultimate firing weapons behind a trio of folding panels that can deal a great deal of damage towards the opponent, but at the cost of wasting a hefty portion of her energy reserves. The Absolute Zero Cannon fires a ball of energy that flash-freezes its target to Absolute Zero, thereby causing it to disintegrate under the weight of its own mass at the molecular level, but wasting 40% of her energy reserves. The Triple Hyper Maser Cannon can fire a large volley of maser fire and can be fired simultaneously with Kiryu's mouth cannon, wasting less energy than the AZC. Only one weapon can be equipped at a time. [*][*][b]Size Manipulation:[/b] Kiryu can grow up to a height of 60 meters and can then use her super armor. She can only stay up to that size for up to ten minutes at a time, due to the energy it consumes. [/list][/indent] [center][hider=Theme] [youtube]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1qRCqB3ZLKY[/youtube] [/hider][/center] [/hider] [hider=Godzilla Junior | NPC] [center][h1][b][color=8dc73f]Godzilla Jr[/color][/b][/h1] [img]http://pre00.deviantart.net/921f/th/pre/i/2014/154/c/e/godzilla_jr__by_gamerag3-d7kw2sn.jpg[/img] (Farthest to the right is her design) [hider=Pic 2] [img]http://img03.deviantart.net/d2df/i/2014/194/1/b/life_of_g_jr__by_gamerag3-d7qhi6z.jpg[/img] [/hider] [hider=Kaiju Form] [img]http://tamashii.jp/images/item/item_0000010064_06.jpg[/img] [/hider] [/center] [b]Name:[/b] [indent]Godzilla Junior "III" ゴジラジュニア[/indent] [b]Gender:[/b] [indent]Female[/indent] [b]Age:[/b] [indent]16[/indent] [b]Race:[/b] [indent]Kaiju[/indent] [b]Faction:[/b] [indent]Earth Defenders[/indent] [b]Personality:[/b] [indent]Godzilla Jr acts in a similar way to her adopted mother, only that she isn't as destructive or angry most of the time. In addition, she's also much more friendly to other kaiju opponents, as well as surprisingly docile to some humans, including to those whom acted as parental figures to her. She also isn't the one that would result to violence as her first choice, rather she'd want to keep the peace. However, if anyone decides to hurt her mother, she will be the first that would come to her aid. She occasionally visits the GDF lab where she was born to visit her surrogate "parents" in her human form, and is in fact the only kaiju that the GDF allows to enter the facilities. She can be considered an ambassador for the kaiju, or in this case, regarding Godzilla.[/indent] [b]History:[/b] [indent]Godzilla Jr was first discovered as an egg on an undiscovered sister island to Monster Island after a team of scientists were conducting environmental research on the island. At the same time, Godzilla also happened to arrive on scene, having an interest with said egg. However, said egg happened to be in a nest of another kaiju, said kaiju being the flying mutated pterosaur known as Rodan, who must've been taking care of it as if it were her own. As the two kaiju fought one another, the humans were able to hastily move the egg back into their ship, with Godzilla being able to defeat the rival kaiju and forcing it to flee. When they got back to the lab in Japan, the egg hatched revealing a baby toddler that to the scientists' surprise, was an infant Godzilla! For several days the scientists took good care for the baby Godzilla, giving it all the love and affection it desires. That is of course, until Godzilla showed up in Japan to supposedly investigate the egg. At the same time, the GDF decided to test out their new weapon, the Mark 2 Mechagodzilla (not to be confused with Kiryu), and was put into battle against her. But at the same time, Rodan happened to make it's unexpected appearance as it also combated Mechagodzilla, but while doing well during the battle, even she was knocked out of commission. Despite the android being almost able to kill Godzilla thanks to her combination with a battle pack known as the Garuda, and was able to paralyze her, almost on the verge of letting go the final attack. As Baby Godzilla cries however, it awakens Rodan as it sacrificed all of it's remaining essence to Godzilla Sr, allowing her to develop the Spiral Atomic Ray attack and severely damage the android to almost rendering her unusable. In the end, the scientists were forced to give Baby Godzilla to her and the two head straight into the ocean. Baby Godzilla was then introduced to another island known as Birth Island, where Junior would remain for most of her early years, until eventually growing into a teenager. Once old enough, she traveled with her adopted mother to Monster Island where she remained ever since. However, occasionally, she will sneak out back to Japan in her human form and visit her "surrogate" parents at their lab, despite Godzilla Sr not recommending she does.[/indent] [b]Powers/Abilities:[/b] [indent][list] [*][b]Atomic Breath:[/b] Like her mother, Godzilla Jr can breath out a fully functional, but slightly weaker atomic breath. [*][b]Kaiju Transformation:[/b] Also like her mother, Godzilla Jr can grow up to 30 meters high when in her kaiju form. She looks quite similar to her adopted mother, but is more green, has a very light underbelly, and has very small dorsal spines [*][b]Superhuman Strength:[/b] Same as Godzilla Sr, but slightly weaker. [*][b]Enhanced Regeneration:[/b] Same as Godzilla Sr, but slightly weaker. [/list] [/indent] [center] [hider=Theme 1 | Calm] [youtube]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5R2coe-d04U[/youtube] [/hider] [hider=Theme 2 | Battle] [youtube]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UzFGE_6dVRE[/youtube] [/hider] [/center] [/hider]