When Abe had said "y'all have fun", he'd intended it as a sort of 'go away and leave me alone' statement. So, naturally, it did not improve his ill humor when two of the teenagers decided to follow him under the ship. One sounded more like a robot than Mary-Anne...an actual robot. The other...he had a slight accent in his tone. Technically there wasn't any particular 'accent' that was widely accepted, but it was different than his, and different from a lot of the prissy bastards he'd grown up with. But it wasn't the accent which got his attention, but rather the offer of help. Now that was the first good thing he had heard since this shit had started. A mechanist. Young guy, sure, but if you started young enough, that was enough time to build up some experience. Unlike engineering, which was a job that took months, years or decades of harsh training and review and practice, mechanics and machinists you could count on, even with a relatively short time of training. He pointed at the guy first. "You. Yes, I would be happy to have some help from someone who might actually know something useful. The Auburn Liberty is an absolute monster for just me and Mary-Anne alone, but with another pair of hands we might have a bit more luck." A shout caught his attention from behind him, and he turned to see two girls looking at his ship with far too much interest for innocence. "Oi!" He called, pointing at the two offending young women with no possible confusion. "You want something from the Auburn, ask me. If I catch anyone touching my shit without my [i]express[/i] permission, I'm shooting them." He turned back to his the two kids he seemed stuck with. "Lord help me," he grumbled. Now he whirled to put his finger on the girl. Weird bugger: she seemed unhinged. Not something he wanted to deal with now, or ever. "You. No supplies. I had just docked at Port Hope and was planning to restock before I was so rudely put on this rock." His mouth twitch in irritation. "So we're all going to have to find somewhere else to get shit from, because it ain't coming from my ship. Please spread the word to anyone who's thinking about raiding my boat. Thanks. Now, unless you're planning to help me, please let me work in peace." Abe beckoned to the helpful kid, taking him away from all the others to talk shop. "The first big issue here is that all of the generators are shot. Here." He unplugged the earpiece from Mary-Anne's cylinder, and her cold, pseudo-friendly voice came to life. "Correct. The Auburn Liberty's power was drained one-hundred percent through the landing process. Fuel reserves are entirely depleted, and with those reserves are the generators. I am powered separately, but I do not possess even the slightest amount of power required to charge any of the batteries. However, that does not mean we are stranded here without power indefinitely." "I've got a few terrible ideas. See, the ship's got all the things we need to charge the batteries in an emergency, we just lack the power source. In space, it would be a very slow emergency charge from solar energy. Of course, since the entire world fucking hates me, Mary-Anne tells me that the digital solar panels were heavily damaged and corrupted in the fall, and were disconnected from the ship's grid. If we can connect those back up, we might have a chance there." He smiled uncomfortably. "Or, we could rig up a lightning rod and charge the ship with a storm. Assuming this place storms, and assuming we can get a lightning rod up high enough, the energy would be easily enough to kickstart the generators, and that could then purge the solar panels. Digital solar panels are cool like that, and I don't really know how they work, but if we can get a surge, they can get themselves back to work." He pointed at the collapsed landing struts as well. "That's another issue there, but honestly I'm not going to worry about those for a while, because power is more important. There's a whole laundry list of problems to solve, but a lot of them are going to take power. You got any ideas yourself?"