[center][h2][b]Game Of Thrones[/b][/h2][/center] [indent][indent] Well, I would have a few ideas on this, if you give me a few days too think it out, only because i feel like we would need more characters; unless, you were fine with being multiple(very multiple) characters :l I would be as well. If not I wouldn't mind brainstorming back and forth in pm for a game for us both too gm :3 [/indent][/indent] [center][h2] Death Note[/h2][/center] [indent][indent] The Death note one could be more of a one on one, if you'd like. Well I was thinking of having an american interpol agent being pulled into the situation, and psychiatrist with a death god :3 I love playing psychopaths :l I don't know why, I just do. So, I have a neat idea brewing about our antagonist, unless you have any ideas you'd like too plot around with ^^[/indent] [/Indent] [color=00aeef][i] [indent] Nice too meet chuu, I am zhe Lurker :3 I can't wait too roleplay, I don't know if you creeped through my threads, but i tend too post the minimum of three or four paragraphs, i think seven or eight is my maximum so far, i like imagery and gore, so i hope you don't mind ^^ [/indent][/i][/color][@AngelNoire]