(GONNA SPELL CHECK AND EDIT IN HEADER MOMENTARILY BUT YEAH I NEED COFFEE) [center][url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BVomQtrtMTM]BGM[/url][/center] Paper Moon let out a sigh of relief as he deactivated [b]UNDER THE MOON’S SHADOW[/b], moving at a normal pace once more. The rogue swung his legs over the provisional personnel carrier’s hull, keeping his eyes away from the paralyzed player. He briskly patted his hands together and surveyed the aftermath of the little skirmish. Gunfire and the symphony of conflict still resounded in the not too far off distance, which only coerced the boy to expedite his progress. After a quick nod towards the building Drauni had taken refuge within the two proceeded cautiously, still at the ready for another attack. [color=#FF7F00]”Drauni, you alive?”[/color] His voice echoed through the interior of the two-story building as glass cracked under his feet. The two gingerly scaled the stairwell as the other individual responded in hoarse tone, [color=green]”Y-yeah! Yeah, I’m alive! I think they got me in the ass though!”[/color] Paper Moon brought his ascent to a halt and awkwardly turned around with an eyebrow raised in disbelief. Strawberry Baby returned a similar expression and motioned for them to continue, regardless of the traumatizing scene that might lay in their wake. The rogue opened to door to find his comrade on the floor, grabbing what was indeed one of his butt cheeks. [color=#FF7F00]”How the… What the even… You were only shooting through the window sill, right? Pretty sure that’s a relatively weak LMG.”[/color] He wracked a hand through his hair as he attempted to make sense of the predicament. Before the rookie could speak Moon waved off any more words and proceeded to the aforementioned window, [color=#FF7F00]”Hey, lucky for you, it’s not like any wounds we receive here are translated onto the other side, right? I mean, what if you died in the game and consequently died in real life? What kind of crummy premise is that?”[/color] During his muse he placed his hands on the pane and gazed out to what he could see of the city. The turrets were still firing on the players below and were continuing to really be a thorn in his side. [color=#FF7F00]”Strawberry, I got an idea for once.”[/color] He said as he glanced back at the girl, glancing up instantly from the ranger crying at her feet. All of a sudden, a gargantuan two-dimensional screen appeared over the city. Had it a physical body bound to it, it would have cast a shadow that’d easily cover a large portion of the city. For the first few moments it was only filled with incessant static, but after some time diluted and focused on an orange haired boy, most of his face out of the shot as he poked at whatever was transmitting the projection. [color=#FF7F00]”Hey, is this thing on? I don’t have something stuck in my teeth, rig- Oh we’re live!? At least give me a signal, like a thumbs up or a wave or somethi-”[/color] Paper Moon cut himself off lest his grave deepen even more and nervously cleared his throat. [color=#FF7F00]”Sorry about that. Anyways, brothers and sisters of the umbral kingdom, may I, Paper Moon, be so humble as to request your attention in seconding Moon Rider’s announcement, but I thought an actual face would help out a bit..”[/color] Frankly, it was quite hard to feed the flow of adrenaline when a giant projection floated above the city. [color=#FF7F00]”This isn’t going to be the generic ‘omg what r u guys doing ur EXP!!! D:’ spiel. This goes far beyond that, this is something more [i]meaningful[/i], emphatic. We, of the Ebony Strykers, have been christrened under a myriad of titles. Low Lives. Newbs. Edge Lords, even. People who deserve to be kept far away, in some remote corner of the DGO under a rock, and if by chance we are met by the light’s embrace, to surrender to the far more veteran and bolstered guilds. That is who we’ve been made out to be.”[/color] His nonchalant voice carried an urgency that captured the attention of many. It was calming, but at the same time, captivating. For once in what seemed to have been an eternity, the city was quiet, borderline motionless, save for the turrets rapidly firing in all directions their servos could achieve. But they too were drowned out by the flux of words soon to continue. [color=#FF7F00]”But… This is not who we have to become. Regardless of our dismal past and our ancestors who bred it, the past is just that. The past. A juncture to add to the foundation holding up the present. Now the kingdom that opened its gates to us is faced with yet another foe. Not an omnipotent dissolution. Not the armored column at our doorstep. Not even Corpse Collector’s ghost spewing obscenities to no end! It is its own people. Us. You, me, and the many others within these walls. I do not know what the future holds for relations between the Strykers and Sweepers, but what I know for certain is that sewing the seeds of apoptosis so early on will indefinitely lead to our fall. So I ask of you, denizens of the Black City, please lower your weapons and contempt, to preserve the kingdom that accepted you into its walls. So what if the other kingdoms look upon us with scorn? So what if we are considered below par by their standards? Who cares? We’re still a young faction in the midst of fleshing out its colors, in spite of our achromatic appearance. That takes priority over maintaining an image to please those who look down to us from their pedestals. I hope my words resonate with all of you, to the core.”[/color] The rogue took in a deep breath. It wasn’t visible in the projection’s resolution, but the guy was sweating bullets. But he had to keep up his relaxed stature, only for a little longer. Although most drew the conclusion that the announcement would stop there, contrary to this notion, Moon only shifted his gaze over to the armored company that laid on the other side of the city’s walls. [color=#FF7F00]”I’m going to follow my gut here, as I usually do, and guess that you Blues didn’t seek your king’s presence before firing upon our city. You have destroyed a notable amount of our emplacements, but probably unbeknownst to you, stray fire has also found its way into the marketing district. Not only does this detriment our trade, but I’m certain you have also thrown a wrench in your own commerce. So, I’m going to put this as politely and delicately as possible.”[/color] The snapping of his fingers resounded through the whole city. It swept over the rooftops, enshrouding those within the walls in its noise. It was then another source sprouted up, permeating the hymns of conflict. At first it was only a faint hum- actually, [i]hums[/i], but as the seconds went on they gradually intensified and merged and blended at a cursory rate. [color=#FF7F00]”Get the fuck away from this city and the people who love it so.”[/color] Enticed gunfire abruptly breathed life into the dull air. Three [url=http://pre15.deviantart.net/54f7/th/pre/f/2014/122/7/3/t_83_storm_by_steamtank-d7guajl.jpg] tanks[/url] raced their way to the gates from multiple streets and organized a security perimeter around the gate. The choir bore their own tune to add to the harmony as their 37mm dual-autocannons fired in close proximity of the turrets lining the wall. Spray painted to the right side of their turrets were decals, crescent moons with a five-pointed star hanging tightly to the figures’ tops. The tanks singled out their targets respectively, exhibiting a measure of unity. Although they were nowhere as seasoned as the operators they were facing should the Cobalt forces break through the gate, the Strykers and Sweepers working in cohesion still stood a chance, or could at least stall the force for long enough. The battle continued to rage on, but with the denizens’ attention still in his grasp, Paper Moon sought to bring his announcement to a close, [color=#FF7F00]”Members of the Ebony Strykers, you are all currently faced with a few paths to walk down from hereon. You could continue to fight among yourselves and solve nothing. Wouldn’t blame you if you simply decided to just return to your homes either. Or, perhaps…”[/color] The rogue summoned all of his remaining faith and let his iconic smile spread across his face, [color=#FF7F00]”Defend this city and show we’re all not just a punch of pushovers. Maybe you’ll get some sweet loot along the way. Sure a tank shell would make a pretty sweet ornament for Christmas, yeah?”[/color] The projection was suddenly filled with static and soon thereafter, evaporated, as if it had never existed. Paper Moon let out an overly dramatic sigh of relief, nearly flailing all of his weight onto Strawberry Baby until she sent a quick jab to his gut. [color=#DC143C]”So, what now?”[/color] The mage asked with her head tilted and her arms crossed expectantly. The boy collected himself and gaze out the window. [color=#FF7F00]”Well, those turrets are still a threat. Have to take care of them or people aren’t going to be able to mount a counteroffensive with lead spewing into their backs. Tanks can keep them distracted, but I'd rather have somebody on our end get the job done.”[/color] Strawberry gave a nod in concord, even though she already foresaw that as their next task. Her vermillion irises flickered as she watched the player pick up his carbine and head back for the stairwell. [color=#DC143C]”Hey. Moon.”[/color] The rogue stopped in his tracks, caught off guard by how oddly friendly the girl’s voice sounded. He raised his eyebrow, left in utter suspense of whatever was to follow. [color=#DC143C]”That speech wasn’t half bad…”[/color] She started, taking a moment to recover from a cough. Although the girl was an expert in soothing others with words drowsed in praise, she still found it hard to compliment someone such as the kid standing right in front of her. [color=#DC143C]”Should run for those contests the academy hosts. Would definitely get your name out there.”[/color] Paper Moon shrugged, unable to mull over the other side at the moment. [color=#FF7F00]”Maybe.”[/color] He brusquely offered in response as he continued for the door, [color=#FF7F00]”Let’s get a move on. Here’s to hoping that Cerulean Knight’s mortality rate is feeling benevolent today. C'mon Drauni, get up or I'm gonna have to kiss it to make it feel better.”[/color] The turrets' attention was drawn to the tanks' appearance. Heated rounds rapidly cut through the air and deflected off of their hulls, unable to permeate their surfaces. With the agro now for the most part drawn, it was the perfect time for the Ebony Strykers and Sweepers to reorganize their manpower and drive off the attacking force. [@Lucius Cypher][@Kimiyosis][@RoflsMazoy][@Mega Birb][@Lonewolf685][@KoL][@Caits]