[center][h1]Reginald Alexander Dorvain[/h1] [hider=Reggie pic 1][img]http://26.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_m0kff5oPih1qcl31io1_500.gif[/img][/hider] [b]Age:[/b]21 Personality: Reginald, or Reggie as he likes to be called, is an amiable type that loves a good challenge and making friends. He is a bit clueless on a variety of things due to a bit of a sheltered upbringing, and can be paranoid at times, but he tries his best to do what's right. That being said, he's not above doing things he'd normally shy away from to ensure his survival in a situation. Other: -Very intelligent and interested in all types technology -Has some self-defense knowledge [/center] [hr] [center][h1][color=Gold]Marra Mamba[/color][/h1] Appearance: Mars is around 6'5 in height, with a mane of wild, shaggy, coarse hair that reaches past his shoulders and holds a chaotic mixture of reds, blues, golds, and a few bits of dark grey, but it's mainly a dark, glossy shade of brown. His skin is a shade or two lighter than his hair, and covered with tiger like stripes criss-crossing his body , taking on the same chaotic mix of colors as his hair. His facial features are rather angular, his eyes holding a golden tint to them, with red, blue, and gold flecks sprinkled through them. His clothes involve a jacket that reaches to his knees, jeans, and no shoes or shirt. His figure is muscular, but not overly so, completing the lean, predatory imagine that he carries about him perfectly. Gem: [img]http://www.samsilverhawk.com/526cabs/marramamba.jpg[/img] Gem Location: Right arm, On the underside of his wrist Power: [color=Gold]Ergokinesis[/color] Mars can absorb energy from any source of heat and use it to do a variety of things. However, he can only hold so much, and not all forms of energy fuel him up at the same rate. His most common and best way to absorb energy is through exposure to sunlight. He could also absorb large amountsof energy from things like lava, fire, and lasers. but they'd still do damage to him. It'd be halfed due to tthe lost, but it'd still do some damage if strong enough. Also, in order to absorb energy, Mars must be completely still and focused on that task, leaving him open to attack. Sunlight is a good reference, as a few minutes or so of absorbing it will leave him enough juice to use his less draining applications for a decent amount of time. Mars can use the energy he's collected directly via beams, blast, and simple constructs(which are the most costly application), enhance specific physical capabilities(such as speed, strength, endurance, etc.) by feeding it directly into his physical body, or imbue objects and people with it to enhance their capabilities. Anything that Mars has imbued can be telepathically controlled to move at his command, though the larger and/or more complex the subject, the more energy and time the process needs. He usually imbues his chakrams with this ability so he can keep control of the battlefield, never letting his foe rest as he tries to slash them to pieces. He can only control about 6 objects at any given time. Mars can 'overload' his physical form, greatly increasing his physical abilities for a short time. Afterwards, however, he'll suffer from a heavy amount if fatigue, possibly losing his ability to keep his form due to straining himself too much. This would be a last resort move, only to be used when he's really backed into a corner. The amount of time he can be in this form is up to 4 posts, depending on how much energy he currently has stored, and the longer he stays in the form, the more likely he'll poof upon exiting it. Also, when in this form, his pupils become like those of a Tiger, a luminescent orb of gold ferocity that'd strike fear in the most hardened of foes. [color=Gold]Precognition[/color] Mars has the ability to see partially into the extremely short future, giving him much improved reaction time against attacks, as well as giving him better aim with his attacks as he knows what his opponent is likely to do next. Also, he can also impart those around him with a similar ability, though simplified to make it easier to understand. This makes it so that they can also react better to attacks and gain better aim as well, the difference being that it comes more in the form of instinct and feeling rather than actually seeing what happens. Weapon: Mars' weapon are Chakrams, circular throwing blades with a keen edge. He can summon ones without handles, made only for throwing, or ones with handles in the center, allowing them to be used in melee combat. He can even separated a Chakram in half to make two slashing weapons, so allowing him to eviscerate his foe in close quarters. The size of the blades can be increased or decreased at his descretion, and he can summon several chakrams at anytime as long as they're of a manegable size( the biggest one he could summon multiple of at a time would be slightly bigger than a basket ball). The most he can summon at simultaneously is 5, around 10 us the most he can have in total, and the smaller the disc, the faster it flies. His smallest disc could fit in the palm of ones hand. Others: Prefers to be called Mars, full name is too long, and just Marra doesn't feel right to him. He also likes to transform a lot, usually taking the shape of some sort of animal, though he will change into another gem on occasion, just to freak them out a bit. [/center]