[hr][center][h1]||| Character Tab|||[/h1][/center][hr] [b][color=ed1c24][h1]This thread is for accepted characters only. Do not post your sheet here unless you are accepted. Just don't. You're only going to waste space. Please place all sheets in a hider[/h1][/color][/b] [hr] [hr][h2]|| Universe Sheet ||[/h2][hr] [pre][hider= Universe Name] [h1][Universe Name Here][/h1] [h3]Genres:[/h3] [indent][Put the genre of the here (Scifi, Fantasy, etc)][/indent] [Description of said universe here, be detailed as possible] [h1]Species[/h1] [list][*]Simply list what inhabits your universe with a description. If it's just simple humans, ehh, just omit it. [/list] [h1]Other[/h1] Anything else you want to put down? [/hider][/pre] [hr][h2]|| Champion Sheet ||[/h2][hr] [pre][hider] [h1][b]Character Name[/b] | Age | Gender [/h1] [h3][b]Home Universe[/b][/h3] [indent]What universe is your character from?[/indent] [h3][b]Species[/b][/h3] [indent]Note the species of your character.[/indent] [h3][b]Appearance[/b][/h3] [indent]Just provide a brief description of your characters appearance - even if you provided a picture.[/indent] [h3][b]Personality[/b][/h3] [indent]You don't have to be super long here.[/indent] [h3][b]Backstory[/b][/h3] [indent]You can be brief here, I don't really care that much.[/indent] [h3][b]Abilities/Skills[/b][/h3] [indent]Simple list what your character is capable of here.[/indent] [h3][b]Weapons/Tools[/b][/h3] [indent]What tools does your character use?[/indent] [h3][b]Weaknesses/Limits[/b][/h3] [indent]List the weaknesses AND limitations of your character (They're different, you know lol).[/indent] [h3][b]Other[/b][/h3] [indent]Anything else?[/indent] [/hider][/pre]