[hider=Sonya Summer Mayfield] [color=lawngreen][h1][b]Sonya Summer Mayfield[/b] | 28 | Female [/h1][/color] [color=lawngreen][h3][b]Home Universe[/b][/h3][/color] [indent]New Earth[/indent] [color=lawngreen][h3][b]Species[/b][/h3][/color] [indent]Metahuman[/indent] [color=lawngreen][h3][b]Appearance[/b][/h3][/color] [indent]Despite looking normal to a degree, Sonya's bestial traits shine through her otherwise normal frame. Giving her an abnormal look to the people who take a longer look at her. To begin, her facial features are soft, and rounded. She has a chin that sticks out of her head somewhat, and a small button nose with small nostrils. She has soft pink lips that are untouched by lipstick - but this is where her mutations come in, sonnyboy. Her mouth is larger than average, and it looks rather strange. When she opens it up, one is quick to notice her very abnormal mouth of teeth. They're long, sharp, and needle-like, and she has two rows of them for her upper teeth. Most people don't even notice the tongue several times the length of her body until it's hanging out of her mouth. Sonya's eyes are quite oddly sized, they have the usual round shape that's consistent with human beings - and they have the usual appearance, too - but they're very large. Twice as large as regular eyes. They're a odd shade of green, they're a dark green color, that is not within normal human range. In fact, most people mistake her for wearing colored contacts. Most notably of all is her hands, and her legs/feet. To elaborate, Sonya has slight orbs on her fingertips and toes, much like frogs (Which are necessary to cling to surfaces). Her feet, on the other hand, are much like frog legs. Her foot structure has been rearranged, her toes are now much longer, and end in large orbs. Both her hands and her feet have orbs at the end of them. Her feet are just large. She has retractable webbing on her hands and feet, which she can freely deploy when she decides to go swimming. Now, to describe her human traits. Sonya is a thin woman with a layer of muscle and body fat that adds padding to her body. She's pretty average heighted at 5'5, and pretty lightweight at 120lb. It's because of that power of hers. She doesn't really have much in the sex appeal area, either (If the frog traits don't kill that either). She has a flat chest (A-cup), and butt. No real curves. Sonya is Caucasian, and has various European countries in her blood. Her skin is a healthy beige color, and doesn't have a single mark on her due to her salamander physiology. Speaking of which, Sonya has a wild and wavy head of blonde hair, not in any style in particular, but it's shoulder length, and is well brushed and cleaned. She has a British accent. As for attire, there's two sides to Sonya's clothing choice. When she's with the RAVEN, she wears a specially made black wet-suit that is porous enough to let her slime through to coat her outfit, and allow her to breath through it. This suit is black, and comes with a skintight layer of armor that can stop a low caliber bullet. It's also flexible enough for her to preform her usual feats of acrobatics. It's specially made for her, as it has experimental technology in it, that turns invisible along with Sonya if she chooses to. The uniform comes with a tactical vest, and a belt - both of which contains pouches (With ammo, flashlight, Datapad, etc), knife/gun holsters, etc. She, on the job, puts on a tactical helmet, with mask. Off-duty, Sonya tends to dress pretty casually (Though, it's pretty rare to see her out of her suit). She'll wear a variety of outfits, but is mostly modest. Though, she was never the pants wearing type, preferring (thigh length) skirts. She tends to wear shoes a few sizes too large so she can fit her large feet into them. Though, if she's in a colder environment, expect her to dress like she's climbing mount Everest! She'll wear heavily padded outfits with layers, and layers, of clothing - not in any style in particular. It's because of her cold-blooded nature. Though, expect her outfits to be a little wet due to the slime. [/indent] [color=lawngreen][h3][b]Personality[/b][/h3][/color] [indent]A surprisingly meek, and cheerful, for someone on her line of duty, Sonya makes herself a pretty approachable person. Being casual and fun loving as possible, despite her line of duty, and the extremely heavy risks pertaining it. She's the type of woman who's more than willing to tell stories, to friends, and be the life of the party. Usually, she tries to be the person who lightens the heavy mood, and attempts to connect with as many people as possible. She's pretty witty, and sarcastic, and usually has a retort for most situations that pop up. Sometimes, it seems almost as if she takes nothing seriously, and thinks everything's one big game. Though, she, at times, stumbles with this facade, and ends up looking very awkward. Sonya is pretty empathetic, and she deeply cares about the people around her. Which is why she tends to go the extra-mile to help people, and keep the world safe from vile Metahumans. She's less concerned with hunting rogue Metahumans, and focuses much more on removing dangerous Metahumans from the equation. And with every job well done, she tends to give herself a pat on the back knowing that she helped someone. Friends of hers get the idea that she's quite eccentric, but somewhat charming overall. Though, she isn't super good in crowds, she tends to avoid them like the plague (due to her own physical mutations). She thinks herself somewhat as a freak, and needs some sort of validation. Which is why she tries to connect and befriend as many people as possible - to assure herself that she's not that big a freak. Sexually, Sonya is pansexual. What? When you're a frog woman, you can't afford to be picky. On the job, however, she's a lot more quiet, and driven. She focuses on the job, and tends to keep the chatter to a minimal. She balances her friendly and open personality with her dedication to the job, and her cold efficiency in carrying it out. She has little qualms in killing a person in the name of duty. She'll justify it in her head as saying they were a bad person, that needed to be removed (Though, even she questions that line of thought at times). What gets in the way of missions is how headstrong, and reckless Sonya can be at times. She's confident enough in her abilities to take risks. The kind of risks that her superiors don't necessarily frown upon. Sometimes they make or save the mission. Speaking of which, she's insanely confident in her sniping talent, and her power, and believes that she's perfectly capable of completing every mission with flying colors. Most importantly, she'll take responsibility for the outcome of the mission, whether it's a failure or a success. However, she takes failures to heart, and beats herself up over a failed mission - even if it's not her fault. She'll get really angry at herself for such failures. Sonya's a firm believer of the warrior's code. She shows mercy to a surrendering foe, and knows not to injure civilians in the crossfire. She'll gladly get in a team mate's face that causes harm to civilians, or acts especially bloodthirsty. To her, there is a very thin line between murderer, and soldier. [/indent] [color=lawngreen][h3][b]Backstory[/b][/h3][/color] [hider][indent]Sonya started out in Portsmouth, England, daughter of two Businessmen that were far too busy for their own good. But, they made enough money for their daughter to live in comfort. She was sent off to school, and given a pretty good education (Nothing that'd classify her as a genius, of course). She was friendly and forthcoming enough to make plenty of friends in school. She lived life as a girl. Still, she had a bit of dissatisfaction with her life, though, she swallowed it, and went along with it. However, once she turned ten, and began puberty, that's when her life changed. As in thrown on it's own head. Sonya's body started going through a variety of mutations. It started with the ability to breathe through her skin, and started swimming better, but it eventually caused more severe mutations. Once she was twelve, the mutations had completed, and she was part woman, and part amphibian. The mutations were, of course, obvious enough to detriment her ability to go about a normal life. She couldn't go to school because everyone would bully her for being a freak, and she was even beaten to a pulp. Her parents literally had no idea what to do with her, and her education. However, one internet search brought up the Academy Program over in America. They knew that it was probably the best for their daughter, and gathered the money to send her to America, where she immediately applied for the Academy Program. She was sent to Academy 218... in Alaska. Which was very different from the UK (Especially in the winter), but she adjusted to it. She trained with many of the students there, and learned her power inside and out with the help of the various Teachers and Students. It wasn't all that complicated to begin with, and had a easy time training with it. Learning what to do with it. Most hilariously, she learned that she could change genders and spent at least a month as as boy before she figured out how to turn back. During her time training, Sonya met a girl named Maria Costello, who was a girl made of ink (and could control and create it). They bonded, and eventually became close friends. Going on all sorts of adventures while in Academy 218. One adventure in particular began with Sonya going out during a blizzard, and ending up frozen. Fortunately, an aspect of her power allowed her to survive being frozen solid, and recover just like it was nothing. She spent a few years of her life in the Academy, as a full student, that is. She pretty lived on the Academy without leaving it, or even any contact from her parents. It turned out that her parents had abandoned her in America due to the fact that they couldn't take that she was a Metahuman now. She was now on her own, and would have to live in America. This really shocked Sonya, and when she told Maria about it, she suggested that they two split off from the Academy, and go with a group of kids (who were similarly shunned by their parents, or horribly mutated) that were planning to leave the Academy and roam the nation. Sonya was so devastated, that she just went along with it. They took the first boatride off, and arrived in Verthaven. They quickly formed a group called the Outliers. They stole, and squatted in houses to get by. Before heading to the next location. They got into all sorts of trouble, and managed to get more people to join their side (Along with people to give them a hand, and help them couch surf). This is where Sonya became the thief she was known as. With her power, she became extra efficient at sneaking around, and stealing whatever she could. Maria also helped with her power, and the two got really close during these robberies. It was like a date! Eventually, they developed feelings for each other, and agreed that they should hook up. Both of them became very experienced with their line of work. The Outliers eventually ended up in Mendel, Louisiana after a few years. After a botched heist pulled on the Vanguard, it was agreed that the Outliers would be absorbed into the larger Vanguard. Sonya and Maria were fine with them, since they finally got a place to stay. Using their abilities, they were scouts and spies for the Vanguard. They participated in plenty of fights, too. Along with never giving up the thievery they were known for. However, once the gang war broke out in 2005, things took a turn for the worse. Their missions got more dangerous, and Sonya and Maria immediately considered leaving. However... they were among the first of the Vanguard to be busted by NEST. NEST got both of them to confess to their crimes, and they were arrested and placed into two separate Prisons for Metahumans (Where both of them received thrashing like no other). Sentenced to two years in prison for all the crimes they committed. The lovers were split up, as they had to fight to survive in prison. It wasn't easy, since Sonya had to do plenty of fighting, but she made it out alive. One year into her sentence and Sonya received an offer that she couldn't refuse. NEST were going to release her and Maria early, if they join the Agency. Since NEST saw potential NEST Agents in both of them, and they were going to be let out of prison for good behavior anyway. Sonya gladly accepted the offer, and was sent to Black Fall to receive basic training at their facility. Where she reunited with Maria after a year. While training there, it turned out that Sonya had quite the eye. She was pretty talented at shooting sniper rifles, far superior than the other recruits (rivaling those with enhanced aim). Her superiors took note of this, and placed her in advanced Sniping training, and Recon. All in all, Sonya spent three years training under NEST, and came out a officer, ready for action. Maria, on the other hand, simply became a rank and file NEST Agent. Her main job was reconnaissance, mostly scoping out an area for the other NEST Agents to go in and detain the target. Other times, she assisted other NEST Agents by unloading on a target with taser rounds. However, at times, there were points where she had to preform an assassination. A Metahuman in Black Fall had transformed into a monster, and began to tear Black Fall apart. She put a bullet right through his head, and brought him down. Her first kill. She kept that in mind as she proceed through the organization. Sonya rose through the ranks with her skill alone, and got promoted for every job well done. Making a name for herself for not being an excellent scout and sniper, but a good person in general. Incidentally, she also managed to get closer and closer to her partner, Maria. They were an inseparable duo. However, her skill got her assigned to more serious jobs. Special ops - and some NEST Black Ops. This is where her sniping talent really shined. Eventually, both Sonya and Maria were stationed in various other places in the US. Philadelphia, New York, Miami, Highroller Heights (She didn't enjoy that at all, hot dry places are Sonya's bane), Boston, and Detroit (She'll never mention that experience again). Eventually, ending up in Stadium City... apart of NEST's ongoing effort against the Tyrants. In particular, this city is where Sonya ended the most lives, and seen the most shit. In the battle against the Tyrants, she's killed plenty of dangerous Metahumans that were apart of the organization, and many Metahumans who were public dangers. However, one mission in particular seriously gotten to her. It ended badly, with several civilians, Tyrants, and NEST agents dead. Sonya herself was injured severely. Her arm was torn off, along with her receiving many broken bones, and cuts, that she wouldn't have survived if it wasn't for her power. She, for obvious reasons, won't divulge on what happened. NEST put her on leave for awhile in order for her wounds to heal, and of course, for her to see a psychiatrist. After she healed, she spent plenty of time idly mulling about what happened. Therapists didn't help all that much. So, Sonya mostly fell on Maria for comfort about it. They hung out a lot, and tried their best to have fun (It worked!). However, the bill was passed that allowed gay marriage, and Sonya and Maria finally married in Chicago. They didn't have a lot of time to plan, or really secure anything other than a park, but it ended up being memorable for the two of them. After a few months, Sonya was ready for duty, and returned to NEST. She and Maria were immediately sent off to the Black Fall base after the Changeling Unit.[/indent][/hider] [color=lawngreen][h3][b]Abilities/Skills[/b][/h3][/color] [i]Amphibian Physiology.[/i] [INDENT]Sonya has the abilities of the strange and wonderful Amphibians (And some Reptiles). Reptilian-like animals that inhabit the land and the water. Which have a wide range of abilities, Sonya, in particular are bits and pieces from all over the kingdom. To get started, Sonya is a cold-blooded person, she relies on external means to regulate her body temperature. Which, in turn, regulates how fast or slow her metabolism goes. By nature, her body is very flexible, and this makes her a very agile person - in and out of the water. You can see her preforming backflips, and leaping around like it was nothing. Along with the ability to twist her limbs. Sonya's body is well adapted for the water. She can swim underwater at exceptional speeds, and hold her breath underwater, capable of staying underwater and swimming like a champ. Like most Amphibians, she breathes through her skin. Most importantly, Sonya's skin is coated in a clear layer of slime that helps keep her moist, regulates her temperature, helps her breathe, and helps her swim. This same slime also provides a defensive advantage. It makes her super slippery, and very hard to grab onto. Most people will find her just slipping out of their grasp. This also makes her a bit harder to hit with physical attacks. Say if you were throwing a punch at her and your fist will just end up sliding right off her. It also renders her a bit more resistance to flames. Much like Salamanders and Newts, Sonya has a regenerative factor. She's capable of recovering from a knife wound in a few days, opposed to a few weeks. Along with the ability to regrow limbs that Salamanders are remarkable for. She can regrow a limb in a few weeks. Also, Sonya can also detach a limb from her body, in case she really needs to. It won't really be as bloody and damaging as it normally would, there wouldn't be a drop of blood. Oh, speaking of which, blood clots pretty quickly due to the layer of slime, and her regenerative factor. Sonya also has a very good camouflage. It'll render her nearly invisible, even while moving, long as she focuses. She can change her skin-color to anything within the color spectrum. Sonya's tongue is also much, much, longer than the rest of her body - basically, she has a prehensile tongue. It's fifteen feet long, and very sticky. She can grab an object from a ways away, and suck it up into her mouth. Helped by the fact that her tongue is pretty strong, too. She's capable of using it to pull herself to another location quickly. As for frog/toad abilities, Sonya's hands take more reptile/frog like traits. They're webbed, and have the orbs in them, which assist in swimming, and secrete a liquid that allows her to cling to objects (Like tree frogs). Sonya's back legs are powerful. Just monstrously strong. They're capable of sending her flying through the air, and landing perfectly. She's capable of jumping around thirty feet forward, and forty-five feet upwards. These powerful legs also help her swim much, much, faster. Sonya has the unique and remarkable ability of the wood-frog. Wood frogs live in the arctic, and have the amazing ability to survive being frozen for extended periods of time. Once her body temperature drops below freezing, her heartbeat and breathing will stop, and her internal water will freeze. She can stay this way for months - once she's unfrozen, she'll be good as new. This is totally useless, but I'm noting it anyway! Sonya has the ability to change genders like frogs. With one thought, she'll begin the metamorphosis from female to male (Or vice-versa). It's a great party trick. Now, she doesn't have too many abilities that belong to the toad (that won't contradict the rest of her power). Sonya doesn't have too many traits from Caecilians. However, her mouth is full of rows and rows of needle-like teeth, and strong jaws. Capable of tearing someone's hand to shreds if she manages to grab a hold of them. In combination with all these Amphibians, Sonya has various sensory enhancements (Hearing, smell, and sight - along with a minor night-vision ability). Also, she reproduces like a Surinam Toad. Have fun. :)[/indent] [color=lawngreen][h3][b]Weapons/Tools[/b][/h3][/color] [indent]Sonya has access to a wide variety of weapons, courtesy of RAVEN. For starters, given her sniper nature, she is armed with a Barrett m82a1 as her main firearm (Can use taser rounds). Painted a slick black color that simply looks badass. It's usually strapped to her back as she goes around crawling. She had an Intervention, but it got destroyed during a confrontation with a Metahuman. She also has a Barrett .50 cal on the side for when things get real. She has a Mateba Autorevolver (Loaded with .357 Magnum Rounds) as her sidearm, and as her alternate, has a modified Glock 26 with a silencer attached to it. Usually her glock is only loaded with taser rounds.[/indent] [color=lawngreen][h3][b]Weaknesses/Limits[/b][/h3][/color] [indent]Sonya's body is soft, and and her skin is very easy to tear. Her skin is easier to cut with a blade, and her internals aren't as well protected as a baseline humans. Someone could tear her skin up with their hands (If they get a hold of her, that is). Landing the wrong way can tear her skin up. While she can regenerate, there's only so much it can take. Sonya's body requires constant moisture for her to keep functioning. Which basically means she'll have to dip into water every now and then to replenish her moisture. Staying on land too long will make her slime dry up, and her body will dehydrate. As a drawback of being cold-blooded, her body temperature must be regulated constantly. If her body gets too hot, then she'll dehydrate, and her metabolism will kick into overdrive. If she gets too cold, then she'll slow down, and get sluggish (Her reflexes will dim, and etc). While she can survive being frozen, she'll basically be in a coma, and will be utterly helpless.[/indent] [color=lawngreen][h3][b]Other[/b][/h3][/color] [youtube]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fhU9O4T_mJU[/youtube] [/hider]