[color=f7976a][h1] Anaru Kahurangi [/h1][/color] [@CannedBread] [@Ira] [b]A Marine Ship, Headed to The Calm Belt.[/b] Anaru looked at the sea, a jolly look on his face, despite his failure, and his injuries. [color=f7976a]"Well spoken, Vice Admiral, sir!"[/color] Anaru's voice boomed across the ship, as he let out a laugh. Anaru's back was covered in bandages, and several band aids were slapped onto Anaru's body, on random places, but all in all, he looked better than he should after his fight. [color=f7976a]"And I couldn't agree more, I let pirates have their way twice already, there will not be a third time."[/color] Anaru said surprisingly quietly, in a very stern voice. ever since his second failure, he couldn't get the events of both the Conomi Islands, and Drum Island's prison out of his head, he needed to put those pirates in prison, or he'd never be at peace, even now he cringed just thinking about the men he lost for no good reason, the innocent people of the islands burning, and all that was for nothing, it was bad enough, knowing that all Anaru did was assist in the capture of two pirates, but those two pirates escaping, and another massive lost of innocent lives? Anaru could barely contain his grief. [color=f7976a]"I do have one question, Vice Admiral Sir, its about Haki, I think I might need to learn it."[/color] Anaru looked up at the sky as he said this, perhaps this time, after sailing the calm belt, he'd finally grow strong enough to protect people, he'd finally be, Rock Solid. _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ [color=a2d39c][h1]Altsoba[/h1][/color] [@Rune_Alchemist] [@LokiLeo789] [b]Elfen Island[/b] Altsoba was starting to get tired of his captain's frustration, sure, the king was horrible, and Altsoba wanted to put a bullet in his head badly, but the captain needed to act on it, or they'd never get anything done, besides, Altsoba was used to being the pissed off one, it was unnerving seeing his normally cheerful captain act so different. Altsoba sat cross legged on the ground, smoking a cigar, and taking turns leering at his captain, and checking to make sure Izusa left his underwear alone. the Inn Kilik got wasn't great, but it was better than sleeping on the crap-ship, and that much Altsoba could appreciate. the previous days had gone better than expected, him and Izusa managed to steal enough supplies to keep them fed the past two days, and all in all, the island wasn't as much of a crap-fest, as he expected, until they saw the king of the island, Altsoba already hated rulers, but this guy had to be one of the worst out there, watching him mistreat his people, and realizing that the rebellion of the island, had already given up hope of truly surviving, and just accepted death after attempting to take down the corrupt rule, made bile rise into Altsoba's throat, and before he knew it, he was clutching the handle of his gun, it took all his willpower not to roast the king alive then and there. Altsoba looked to his captain as he stood, raising one eyebrow, as Icarus landed on his shoulder, to give an annoying Squawk. hearing his captain declare that the king was going to die, brought a slight smirk to his face, before he quickly hid it. [color=a2d39c]"About time you decided on it, do you have a plan? i'd rather not rush into a well guarded mansion without one, but i'll follow you regardless, captain."[/color] Altsoba put out his cigar, and slid on his coat, covered with hidden pockets containing dials, put on his belt, sword handle, gun, and all, and stood behind his captain.