[color=LightSlateGray][h2][i]Andrew[/i][/h2][/color] [h3]08:03 PM[/h3] Andrew’s eyes would be greeted by a spacious interior, low lighting and an enticing fragrance--[i]that [color=Thistle]scent[/color][/i]-- that tickled his nose. The pre-poured glass of champagne with accompanying bottle and ice bucket might tickle his fancy. But alas, [i][color=Thistle]that damn scent[/color][/i] would tickle his nose, causing him to breathe in more it’s aroma. Plush faux leather (Animal Rights and all that, amirite?) would invite an instant sense of relaxation giving poor Andrew no standing chance against the comfort. Tempted into sitting back and enjoying the ride and [i][color=Thistle]that damn scent[/color][/i], Andrew would breathe in more of the airborne sedative, eventually succumbing to its effects. Frederick knew this as he pulled up to pick up the kid. Hell, it was his luxury car. He specialized in….procurement for “discrete” individuals. Where the kid [i]thought[/i] he was going must have been an involved event, from his attire. [b]“Such a shame.”[/b] Frederick mumbled, as he drove to his destination. In his line of work, you got paid well. More than well, in fact. But, not to ask questions. [b]“I gotta find out where he got that shirt from.”[/b] [hr] [hr] [color=Cyan][i][h2]Ram[/h2][/i][/color] [h3]10:31[/h3] Her skin had glistened with an ethereal ebony shine, naturally smooth and soft. She’d smelled of cocoa and CoCo in complimenting parts, a blend of sweet and bodied. They’d connected briefly, but intensely, lovers for just an encounter. She was beginning to forget his voice and he didn’t know her name. But nonetheless, she weakly let out a breathless [i]“Have a... good night,”[/i] as he closed the door to her loft. It was an ideal situation for him, and Arturo Ramon “Ram” Plateado left his mystery lovers loft with an irresistible smirk prominent on his face. [i]’Oh, it’s been a good night indeed.’[/i] [hr] [hr] [Color=magenta][h2][i]Miles[/i][/h2][/color] [h3]10:38[/h3] Miles tore off after the figure, a devilish grin underneath his cowl. [i]’Finally, some action!’[/i] The figure was already turning down another alley by the time Miles began to keep pace, so he turned with it, delving into the waiting darkness with abandon. He reached out with his hand and urged Fitz’s hand to extend from it, latching onto the second level of a fire escape. Pulling himself up in an arc, he extended his other arm and stretched Fitz’s right arm to grab a window sill. He made his way down the alley, closing the gap between the purse snatcher and himself. [hr] [hr] [color=LightSlateGray][h2][i]Andrew[/i][/h2][/color] [h3]10:46 PM[/h3] Andrew would likely awake from the jostle from his cuffs deactivating. Their time release expired, they quickly lose power, dropping him to the floor. His formal clothes replaced with a type of carbon reinforced fitted jacket and undershirt. His pant were made of the same material. Looking around the empty and large area, he would find it to be the open first floor of a nondescript building. Only a table with two small, square objects that appeared to be phones, sat in the room. [hr] [hr] [Color=magenta][h2][i]Miles[/i][/h2][/color] [h3]10:43 PM[/h3] The snatcher moved quickly, but the barriers in the alley worked to Miles’ favor as he Released Fitz’s arms and came down on top of the thief, curled and poised to deliver a kick to the criminals back. [i]’Stay tucked, wait until the last second---and NOW!’[/i] He kicked out with his feet using all of his force. His feet connected with something [b]hard[/b] and [u]solid[/u]. He hardly stumbled while Miles landed on his back and butt, more confused than bruised. [b]”What the….?”[/b] He asked with a groan. What the hell was on this person? The thief didn’t turn back to look at Miles, nor acknowledged him in any way, it simply began running again. [b]”Asshole!”[/b] Miles called after him as he began his chase anew. The criminal took a left, as did he. Then a right, while so did Miles. Coming out on a rather empty street, Miles noticed the figure a ways up, heading into a rather nondescript building. [b]”Oh yeah? Let’s do this,”[/b] Miles said to himself as he charged the rest of the way forward, determined to bring that purse back. He burst through the room and saw a figure standing in the center of the room. His target! Tough or not, Miles was getting that purse back. He took a running start before diving forward onto his target.