[@Lady Hestia] Probably a lotta mistakes in this, but here ya go [hider=Jae Yeong An][center] [h1][color=orange]Jae Yeong An[/color][/h1] [IMG]http://puu.sh/qcwpu/08458582c1.png[/IMG] [color=orange][b]Name: Jae Yeong An[/b][/color] [color=orange][b]Nickname:[/b][/color] Jae Jae [color=orange][b]Date of Birth:[/b][/color] Januray 24, 1998 [color=orange][b]Age:[/b][/color] 17 [color=orange][b]Gender:[/b][/color] Female [color=orange][b]Sexuality:[/b][/color] Demisexual [color=orange][b]Relationship Status:[/b][/color] Single. Recently broke up with a long-term girlfriend. Do NOT talk about it in front of her. [color=orange][b]Group:[/b][/color] White Tigers [color=orange][b]Occupation:[/b][/color] None, she just moved here like a week ago [color=orange][b]Room Number:[/b][/color] Rooms will be assigned, when all characters are approved [img]https://67.media.tumblr.com/52e3b7d137fe695839c7bbc17277d8d5/tumblr_o65s06iwxf1ugb5o7o9_500.jpg[/img] [sub][i]- A common sighting of Jae Yeong around town[/i][/sub] [color=orange][b]In Depth Appearance:[/b][/color] Long side-swept hair that varies between shades of black and brown, depending on if she remembers to re-dye it. A generally cute face with a button nose and cheerful double-lidded eyes, which is a poor indicator for her brusque personality. Can usually be found with a dozy content smile on her face, though that has been rare ever since the break-up. Now that smile is replaced with an unimpressed-looking stare. More tanned than other Korean girls due to the amount of time she spends outdoors. Toned body, especially her legs. Has a vertical scar on her right temple from a hockey game. The scar is usually hidden by her side fringe. Jae Yeong doesn’t put much effort or money into her appearance but still barely passes as “not unfashionable”. Wears clothes that are easy to move around in, usually light-coloured jeans, sneakers, a simple loose t-shirt and light jacket. Doesn’t own much clothing and has one particular jacket she seems to prefer. [IMG]https://67.media.tumblr.com/a915c1ab2b2a41214b1206a0973dc444/tumblr_o65s06iwxf1ugb5o7o1_500.jpg[/IMG] [color=orange][b]Habits | Oddities | Quirks:[/b][/color] Flips phone when bored Squints and looks angry when answering questions Generally avoids eye contact (she’s working on fixing this) [color=orange][b]Hobbies:[/b][/color] Field Hockey Bike-riding Exploring the town Playing guitar [color=orange][b]Secrets:[/b][/color] Her mother’s past affair Her past relationship [color=orange][b]Likes:[/b][/color] The sound of string instruments Walking around during a quiet night Cool breezes Sour foods Eating in general Fried chicken Skittles Animated movies Well-coordinated dance videos [color=orange][b]Dislikes:[/b][/color] Liars, hypocrites, cheaters, etc. Spicy food EDM Sappy romance movies or novels Idiots Dogs Cloudy days [color=orange][b]Fears:[/b][/color] Getting murdered while walking through town in the middle of the night Not being enough for the people she loves [color=orange][b]Personality:[/b][/color] [u][b]Positive Traits[/b][/u] [i][b]Loyalty[/b][/i] Jae Young doesn’t give respect until the person has proven deserving of it. But when she does approve of a person, her loyalty is astounding. If someone is deemed worthy of it, she will support them with everything she’s got. But unless you handle her well, she won’t be very cooperative. [i][b]Laidback [/b][/i] Prefers to take the easiest path to her goal. Almost never stressed about anything. [i][b]Excels in school[/b][/i] Having few friends means lots of spare time. Attends a cram school but is also naturally intelligent. Always thinks things through logically. [u][b]Negative Traits[/b][/u] [i][b]Brutal honesty[/b][/i] From the outset, Jae Yeong is a blunt person. She states the facts as she sees them but doesn’t go out of her way to disparage someone, though she often accidentally makes scathing remarks that alienate people. She prefers reason over emotion as a way of figuring things out and can easily logically disarm most people in an argument. Most people see her as condescending because of her curt manner and detached wit. She doesn’t mind though, “different strokes for different folks” as she likes to say. [i][b]General abrasiveness[/b][/i] Mentioned earlier, Jae Young doesn’t really care what people think of her and treats people’s feelings recklessly because of this. Would never go out of her way to intentionally hurt someone though. This aspect doesn’t ever change, even if she is close with someone. [color=orange][b]Place of Origin:[/b][/color] Gwangju, South Jeolla Province [color=orange][b]History:[/b][/color] Jae Yeong’s parents worked at a prominent aircraft engineering company that sustains their fairly comfortable upper middle class lifestyle. The Ans raised their daughter with a loving and carefree attitude, so it’s a bit of a mystery where Jae Yeong’s current blunt personality originated. When not exploring the town on her bike, she was perusing the contents of her father’s bookshelf, which mostly consisted of scientific journals and books on mechanical engineering. At first she only read them to admire the pictures, but as she got older she managed to grasp the language and key ideas. Began attending a cram school at the age of 13, where she met a cheerful girl who would eventually become her best friend and after a few years, her girlfriend. It was the happiest Jae Yeong ever remembered being. It was also around this time where her academic prowess became apparent and her father received a major promotion at the company. However, this meant that he needed to go on many business trips and work at later hours. While her father was away Jae Yeong discovered her mother’s affair. She secluded herself for a long time, becoming hostile and lashing out at anyone who would try to approach her. Eventually she came out of this state by angrily confronting her mother. The two were able to talk it out and have a repaired, albeit tense, relationship. Her father remains unaware of what transpired to this day. Jae Yeong An received the news that her family would have to relocate to Seoul for the company two months ago. Though initially iffy about the idea, in the end she decided to leave. She optimistically approached her girlfriend with the proposition of a long-distance relationship. Her girlfriend then revealed that she had been cheating on Jae Yeong for several months now and was thankful for the reason to end their relationship. Rough stuff. Jae Yeong was left bitter and heartbroken and has decided to spend her senior year at Sevit Academy to bury her feelings in schoolwork. [/center][/hider]