As the party was adjusting to this new encounter, the kobold used the time to peek around the corner before continuing to shout behind them in draconic: [color=lightcoral]"Vur astahii seem ekess ti qe shafaer hesi symba!"[/color] Whatever those words meant, it caused a voice to respond, sounding like another kobold as well. The house in the way muffled the response enough so nobody could make any sense of it, but the nearest kobold drew a dagger from their belt. This wouldn't end peacefully... [hider=Mechanics talk] Here, I made a quick doodle of the immediate vicinity of the situation. There are more details around and it is not exactly to scale, but we'll make do with this for now. [img][/img] Also, it would seem the first in the initiative order is Parum. [@Ryonara], the stage is yours! [/hider] [hider=Translation - Draconic] The words, when translated, mean [color=lightcoral]"And they seem to not be on our side!"[/color] [/hider]