[hider=Medbh] [h1][b]Medbh na Thara[/b] | 20 | Female [/h1] [h3][b]Home Universe[/b][/h3] [indent]The Blackening[/indent] [h3][b]Species[/b][/h3] [indent]Human[/indent] [h3][b]Appearance[/b][/h3] [indent]Medbh is 167cm (5'6”) tall, with blonde hair, green eyes, and pale skin. Her hair, as is the custom with female monastics of the Invitto Church, is left uncut, and tied into a single long braid. Medbh wears a long, loosefitting, hooded tunic done in a distinctive plaid patter with the colors of brown, yellow and orange, to symbolize her belonging to the church as a monk, and orange and yellow pants. With this is a dark gray wool cloak to be used in cold weather and in the rain. The Cloak is long in the front as well as the back, and has pockets for holding in the front as well. Medbh wears a steel item called the Holy Sun of Zun Sole Invitto, a piece of metal shaped like the Sun, which she uses as a broach. Medbh's cloak also has two rings died into the front of her cloak on each side, showing her ability to read, write and speak the High Language of the Church.[/indent] [h3][b]Personality[/b][/h3] [indent]Growing up in a monastary has made Medbh a very serious individual. She is quiet, only speaking when she has demed it necessary. She comes off as a bit cold and unfriendly; more interested in her studies and projects than she is in interacting with others. Medbh prefers to avoid what she considers “unnecessary contact” and will keep all discussions and converstations to a minimum, as well as end all that she is caught in as soon as possible. Medbh hates excess and huberis; and tries her best to act modest and humble. Understandably, as a monk, she is very religious, and will usually consult the Solar Law, the moral code of her religion, for making a descision. In accordance with the Solar Law, she hates violent confrontations, and with try to negotiate with those showing agression towards her; however if violence is brought to her, she will retort without mercy, as is also dictated in the Solar Law. Despite her seemingly cold and careless exterior, Medbh is actually very much concerned for the well being of others. Perhaps the thing that Medbh struggles the most with, however, is her over-concern, often jepordizing her own safety and the completion of her goals to ensure that what is right is being done. As a monk and a noble, Medbh has shown little concern for “commoner's” laws, that is the rule of those who are socially lower than her, especially when she consideres them to be opressive and morally wrong. Medbh has an interest in foreigners, which is a sight that is not common in Euerna. One of her common companions is a traveler, Muça of Bragança, a traveller from a land to the far south. Medbh considers it her duty to exterminate that which can be considered demonic or unholy, such as Vampries, Zombies and Fomorians. Medbh has a particuar hatred of Fomorians, and has trained specifically to exterminate them. The suit of armor she wears under her Monk's clothing is actually crafted from the skull of a Fomorian, which was cut into pieces by a monk skilled in fire magics, who was able to cut and form the armor for her. Her next greatest hatred are Morthail Cultists, those humans who have adopted the state religion of the Vampires. Medbh has been known to personally kill and punish followers of Morthail, prefering to kill survivors of her attacks by way of Crucifixtion. Medbh is shown to have discomfort around women, largely due to her perception that they are a “disctraction” to her goals by way of attraction. Medbh has taken a vow of celebacy to keep her focused on the greater good of keeping the word of Zun Sole Invitto alive, and purifying the world of Vampires and their Morthail Cult; something that would only be hindered by chasing women. [/indent] [h3][b]Backstory[/b][/h3] [indent]Medbh Nic Shéan was born in the year 33 PN (Postquen Autem Nigrites “after The Blackening”), to a family of noblemen in the northern kingdom of Ulaid, in the captial of Tara. She was given the name Medbh at the suggestion of a family member, who belived that the name, meaning Drunken, would inspire skill in battle through frenzy, and any strenght or bonus would be needing in this new world. Medbh lived with her parents until the age of 5 when it was decided to send her to be educated in the land of Albi, in a monastary of the Church of Invitto. Meadbh was sent off across the Sea to the Island of Prithani, to the territory of Albi, though the land was officially part of Ulaid, as opposed to the neighboring Kingdom of Albion. At the Monastary, Medbh was enroled under the tutalige of the monk Aodhán. Medbh did not take well to Aodhán, considering him a bore and to be too strict for her liking. Often, Medbh would sneak out and travel across the rocky cliffs of Albi, only to be found later in the day by Aodhán, who would reprimand her, only furthering Medbh's dislike and causing the cycle to repeat. However, the travels across Albi did introduce Medbh to somthing that she never saw growing up as a child in Ulaid. That was the suffering of the common person; which was rather apparent in the harsh land of Albi. While escaping from the Monastary again, and traveling across the land, she stumbled across a small fishing villiage, one that had been ruined by the attacks of the Fomorians. The villiage was rife with starvation and poverty, and the experiences she felt while visiting this town disturbed her very much. When she was found by Aodhán again, he took notice in the disturbance of the child, and inquired to her what had happened on her journies, to which Medbh explained. Aodhán tried his best to explain the situaton of hte world, and how things had only gotten worse after the rise of the vampires. These were things that she has not known, and, out of curiosity, she finally began staying to listen to Aodhán's lessons, and carried out studies of her own to learn more about the Vampires, the Black Empire, and the Fomorians. Medbh would come to known the Fomorian's more intimately when they attacked the Monastary when she was 15. The beasts rampaged, destroying the gates, killing most of the defenders, and setting fire to the wooden building. While trapped, Medbh was rescued by Aodhán, who fought his way out of the main monastary and out to the natural mounds a few miles away from the monastary. Where he had set up a personal dwelling carved into the side of the hill for sensitive work and meditation. Medbh and Aodhán stayed in the dwelling for 3 days before Aodhán left to go back to the Monastary looking for survivors. He never returned, having been attacked and killed by Fomorians. Thus Medbh was forced to live in this solitary dwelling for 2 years, spending this time studying over the materials that were left for her by Aodhán in the event of his death, as well as training in magic with the Cath Sidhe, a species that lived among the mounds of Albi. Medbh studied in his self-defense and magic material, for as long as he had instructed, before following his directions to leave Albi and travel back to Euerna, to the western kingdom of Conachta, for further training by masters of war and magic in the Monastary at Kernglas. At the age of 17, Medbh returned to Euerna, using a raft that she had constructed out of lumber and cloth from the burrow, sailing across the Great Sea from Albi to Euerna. Making her landing in the Kingdom of Leghn. Medbh was captured by guardsmen in Leghn and imprisoned for illegal entry into the city of Ailth Caith. Medbh was brought before the local lord of the City, Tormod Mac Asgaill, an Ostman who took a liking the monk, and forced her into becoming his concubine in exchange for not killing her. Medbh was locked in the palace of Tormod, who then attempted to rape her, only for the Monk to respond by strangling him. Upon the discovery of the dead king, Medbh was forced into hiding as she tried to escape from Ailth Caith and Leghn, taking a series of underground routes. She was eventually captured, and scentenced to exectution. While in prison, she met the traveler Muça of Bragança. Muça, who had been imprisoned for heretical beliefs, formulated a plan with Medbh to escape. Muça and Medbh managed to make an escape at their execution, escaping from Ailth Caith by way of Muça's confiscated ship, and sailing from Leghn to Conachta. While at Conacht, Medbh, was denied entry to Kernglas, by the Abbot Raghnall, who demanded that Medbh prove her worth by completing the trials of the Seasnach in Prithani. Medbh thus spent two years in the Theghndom of Ealdland, subject to the 4 trials while serving as a Ceorl to the Theghn. The trials invovled Traveling to the Theodish Empre to obtain the body of a Vampire to return for processsing into Morthail Dust, an alchemical ingrediate being studied for a cure for Vampirism. A task that was not easy; while in the captial of the Empire, Medbh was locked in the Royal Catacombs, and had to fight in the dark labrinth, trying to kill and avoid a very much alive vampire who was trying to infitrate and destroy the Empire. Medbh suceeded and was subject to the task of memorizing the entire Book of the Sun, a task that was notoriously difficult. Medbh was subject to the trials of Pain, that was, she underwent vicious tortures to prove her purity, lest death prove her unworthy of service to Zun Sole Invitto, and finally the Trial of Purification, that was, to kill a Fomorian singlehandedly, a supposedly impossible task, given the natural armor, size and strenght of a Fomorian. Only a few had succeeded in this task, and Medbh agreed to do it, where most of her fellow trialers abandoned the attempt at this point. Medbh journied out to the local Fomorian center and took to battle with it. While she found she was unable to battle it with standard weapons or enchantments, she soon realized that it's size could be a disadvantage to it. Fighting on a high cliff, Medbh tricked the beast into charging at her, narrowling avoiding it, and sending the giant off the cliff, into the sharp stones below, impailing and killing the creature. Medbh then decapitated the beast and brought over it's head as a sign of her victory. The Theghn then decared Medbh to be a true Champion of the Sun, and had a local craftsman fasion the skull into armor for her. Medbh, now 20 years old, took her place in Kernglas, to study and perfect her fighting abilities. [/indent] [h3][b]Abilities/Skills[/b][/h3] [indent] Solar Magic – As a monk of Zun Sole Invitto, Medbh is capable of calling on the power of the sun in the form of ritual magic. She can bring out the sun's light in a localized orb, that provides illumination and warmth. As well, she can call on the sun to heal minor to moderate wounds, and to aid in the healing of major injuries. Medbh's personal strenght also increases noticably in Sunlight, becoming superhuman in her combat ability during a bright, sunny day. The use of light also makes her quite the danger to vampires. Battle Skill – Medbh's travels have made her quite the formidable combatant, and she can more than hold her own with the sword and the bow. Arcane and Ancient Knowledge – Medbh knows much on the topic of philosophy and magical theory, as well as on many mythical creatures, due to her time studyhing under the Cat Sidhe. [/indent] [h3][b]Weapons/Tools[/b][/h3] [indent]Sword of the Sidhe – A silver coated weapon given to Medbh by the Cat Sidhe duing her time training with them in the Hills. The sword functions as both a regular sword, and as a focusing agent for magic, much like a wand or staff. The sword is often cloaked in light to make it more dangerious and potent to the undead and the unholy. While the blade is made of steel, the hilt and scabbard are made of pure silver.[/indent] Fomorian Skull Armor – This armor was crafted from the Skull of a Fomorian, the unholy giants created by the Vampires. The Armor is notoriously strong, able to block most melee attacks, and even resist gunshots entirely. It is, however, vunerable to heat, especially cutting heat such as lasers or plasma cutters. [h3][b]Weaknesses/Limits[/b][/h3] [indent] Limits: Medbh is bound by her code of honor, and as such, cannnot do anything that she determines to be immoral. Medbh is reletively weak during night, reduced to the status of a normal human, which prevents her from utilizing her more advanced combat tactics. This also applies to being in an indoor structure with no access to natural sunlight. Weaknesses: When fighting against an enemy that is vampiric or demonic, Medbh becomes noticbley angry and vicious, and before long will likely go entirely berserk, both becoming a danger to her allies, as well as lowering her ability to think rationally, hindering much of her battle tactics. In additon to being reduced to lower power levels at night, Medbh also becomes weak and sickly at these times if she uses magic too much, to the point that she may be unable to use her weapons from their weight. Medbh is uneasy and sometimes unwilling to work alone with women, which can become annoying quickly at times. [/indent] [h3][b]Other[/b][/h3] [indent]A song for atmosphere [youtube]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uKUYlee4STE[/youtube] [/indent] [/hider]