Rushing towards the others Parum could hear the high pitch draconic voice call out from the corner of the building. Parum wanted to try to prevent a battle, however. While she has no doubts that they could defeat the kobold and whatever allies he may have, the party still had to head to the keep as well as protect the family. The more battles they did, the weaker they'd be, and soon even kobolds would be able to eliminate them if they just keep attacking them. [color=7bcdc8]"Do ti slathalin! mobi ui thric rigluin, pamon tepohaic ekess qe ouith."[/color] Parum appeared some few feet away from the Kobold on the road, not even with anyone to shield her. Her body was open, her sword lowered, showing that she didn't mean any hostilities. [color=7bcdec8]"Si tepoha nymuera di dout darastrix usjalil. Tir ti rechan dout waphic mojka tenpiswo, origato udoka dolruth zyak batobot wux nomag return ekess jacioniv tokeq."[/color] [hider=Translation] [color=7bcdc8]"Do ti slathalin! mobi ui thric rigluin, pamon tepohaic ekess qe ouith."[/color] "Do not fight! There is no need, no one has to be hurt." [color=7bcdec8]"Si tepoha nymuera di dout darastrix usjalil. Tir ti rechan dout waphic mojka tenpiswo, origato udoka dolruth zyak batobot wux nomag return ekess jacioniv tokeq."[/color] "I have heard of your Dragon Lady. Do not throw your lives away here, let us pass so that you may return to her safe." [/hider] [hider=Rolls] Diplomacy = [url=]17[/url] [/hider]