[center][color=cyan][h1]Christine Ramirez[/h1][/color] [img]https://media.giphy.com/media/r9G0vbFLMKbmg/giphy.gif[/img] Interacting With: [@Mercenary Lord] Abe [@Thundercrash] 7872 [@Subject Zero] Cody[/center] Christine leaned herself up against the hull of the ship still taking in a deep fresh breath of air, it was a whole lot better then the recycled air back in Port Hope. She turned her attention towards Cody and shrugged slightly she hadn't the slightest clue as to why they crash landed on this uncharted rock so long as there was breathable air and they couldn't be found by the Inquisitors she was completely fine with that. [color=cyan]I'm not sure, honestly we should just be happy that we aren't up for death anymore."[/color] Christine said as she started to think about medical supplies, she wasn't sure what was on the ship and decided to ask Abe about it. Christine walked under the hull where she spotted Seven her cellmate back in Port Hope and smiled towards her for a moment. "Abe was it right?" Christine asked looking at the owner of the Auburn Liberty. [color=cyan]"Do you happen to have medical supplies? I used to work at the hospitals before I was thrown into a cell, if we have any injuries I could try and treat them."[/color] Christine said as she looked towards Seven her nickname she called her cellmate because she didn't know her true name. [color=cyan]"How are you feeling by the way?"[/color] Christine asked, she wanted to try and help anyone if they got injured here on this rock.