[@Belle] [center] [h3]Tiras Sky[/h3] [/center] [hr] Tiras made his way to the tournament slowly. He saw what happened to his half brother and almost had kit go to get some things to try to help heal. He stopped realizing that that would reveal his hidden nature. He saw Lyra's outburst and shook his head, that would not bode well for her. He quickly made his way back toward where he was to see his half brother get carried to the tent. He made a whistle sound and his black falcon flew to his shoulder...which probably revealed his tendency to wear leather. Before he could do anything with the falcon, Lyra found him and expressed her feelings. He nodded. [color=lightblue]"I understand. At least he is still breathing to be worried about"[/color] he was going to continue when a sound caused his head to snap up. The sound of screaming. He looked at his falcon and his eyes changed color for a brief second. He did not occupy the body like he did occasionally with kit, but he did give it orders. The falcon shot into the sky and circled above the choas above before flying back to Tiras. He let the falcon land on his shoulder and his eyes changed briefly again. He looked at Lyra. [color=lightblue]"The King has been killed...it would seem the tournament has been cut short."[/color] He heard the frightened crowd stampeding and lightly pulls Lyra to the side of the stables. This was to prevent being trampled. He hoped she didn't notice the color change...he mentally scolded himself for that as he scooped up kit on his arms to keep the fox safe. He tried to spot his sister, but the crowd was thick. Too many frightened people...how was this mess to be fixed?