[color=maroon][h2][center]Aaron Fletcher[/center][/h2][/color][center][img]http://i.imgur.com/krky97Z.png[/img][/center] As Aaron was pulled into a taxi cab by Emma, he couldn't help but admire her for a moment. This was a determined girl, one that knew what she wanted and when she wanted it. And, for one reason or another, he was at the top of her list. He had no idea why, he was the kid that usually kept to himself and was only known because of who he was on DGO. That must've meant a lot, then, for him to end up heading to the house of the girl he'd fought alongside and had a crush on for the last year or so. Somewhere along the trip, he laid his hand over hers in some meek show of affection, and earned a knowing smirk from the driver. As the vehicle pulled up to Emma's residence, Aaron paid for the ride without hesitation. She had covered the movie and snacks after all, might as well return the favor. The pair entered the house and made their way through the house, a simultaneous hint as to what was to happen soon and an offer on instant ramen was made. Unable to suppress a laugh at the suggested menu, the American had to stop on the stairs for a moment to calm himself. [color=maroon]"Heh, it's alright, I'm still full from earlier. Thanks, though."[/color] He was soon enough led into her room, a space not much bigger than the bedrooms at the academy. Able to make himself comfortable quickly by sitting on the bed, he listened as the Irish girl explained her immediate plans. He could've sworn, there was a flirty undertone to that or something, and he was almost sure she was making a show of her movements. And the door to the bathroom left half open? She had a plan, alright. Deciding to stand and look through the selection of manga, sliding the books and magazines back into place as he went. Unsurprisingly enough, every few covers featured a girl with an unrealistically large chest along with a fair few tentacles surrounding her in a threatening manner. [color=maroon]"Welp, that's Japan for ya..."[/color] Shrugging off the images and taking out an older edition of an action comic, he sat back in his previous position and started to read through. The boy looked up as he heard Emma's voice come from the bathroom, speaking of her grandmother's conveniently timed and guaranteed absence for the night. Thinking for a moment, he called back, loud enough to be heard over the water. [color=maroon]"If you don't mind me asking, how old is your grandma?"[/color] He waited for a response as he flipped the page, confused for a moment, and soon remembered that he would have to read the manga right-to-left for a coherent story.[hr][color=tan][h2][center]Phantom Regality[/center][/h2][/color][center][img]http://i.imgur.com/XcVYNVc.png[/img][/center] Having ducked into an alley to avoid being minced by Rangers, Phantom Regality had no idea what to do next. As Moon Rider's placid attempt to regain control over the city apparently worked, he reemerged just in time to see the static-ridden face of Paper Moon appear over the city and give a more heartening speech. Put beside each other, it was clear which one could be called the better one. Opening up his messages and starting to write, he had his now near-dead thrall stand guard for him. For a piece of tissue paper, that unfortunate Assassin from earlier was a good shield. [quote][b]To:[/b] [color=tan]Paper Moon[/color] [b]From:[/b] [color=tan]Phantom Regality[/color] [b]Subject:[/b] [color=tan]War, apparently?[/color] [color=tan]I need to meet up with you somewhere, I get the feeling this level of insanity can probably be stopped if one side stands down. Don't get me wrong, I'd love the EXP, the only problem is that most of it'll come from Strykers.[/color][/quote] The short message away, the Necromancer strolled out onto the street to find a large portion of the Black Guild gathering on the street. And for once, everyone didn't have a gun to someone else's head. The supporter almost thought he was dreaming for a minute.