[h3][i][u][center][url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-O4Qh5MZ0t8BGM]~BGM~[/url][/center][/u][/i][/h3] [hr] [color=daa520][i]"Oof! Sometimes I'm really glad I'm so small. Why the human did such a small air vent, anyway, was their budget low or something?"[/i][/color] [url=http://i.imgur.com/YL1urob.jpg]Diana[/url] thought as she dropped from an air vent that lead straight inside the Elicitor's cargo bay. Once she was in, Diana took the time to scout her surroundings, padding along a high catwalk as she searched for and recorded the movement patterns of the drones that took care of most of this section. If there was a place to hold their cargo it would have to around here, somewhere. [color=daa520][i]"First, I need to get a cargo manifest. That human there should have one."[/i][/color] Diana approved the human from above, before drop kicking him for a good few hours of sleep and stealing the cargo manifest with easy. [color=daa520]"Now, let's see, where you are?"[/color] Diana said to herself as she crept around the shadows once more, toward a suspicious area.What she would find was a rather large container kept in what was the heart of the Elicitor. Looking at it now, one had to wonder what this so called prize was. A weapon? If that was the case, it was big given the amount of space it needed. Perhaps it was some kind of living creature? A monster or goblin or devil who could make the skies tear open and rain blood with the corpses of its enemies? Perhaps it contained a trickster, one who could change the tides of wars with words alone. Whatever the case, it was unguarded for now, most Machina personnel were scattered all over, defending the base from attackers. So then, that left it up free for grabs, the Machina apparently not factoring a spy infiltrating their defenses. What could possibley reside in this cage that had prompted High Queen Eos to obtain it so badly? [color=daa520]"Never look the gift horse in the mouth and all that..."[/color] Diana said before getting close to the container. She looked around it for any traps, pressure triggers, lasers (which she actually could see with her draconic eyes), even the good old booby traps that no Machina in their right mind would do. When she was satisfied with it, Diana came back to the container's door, gasping when she noticed that it had a digital lock. "I should have thought so. Well, I don't have time to lose, so I'll have to do it the old way." Diana simply jammed Ascalon on the pin pad before using her draconic powers to pump some electricity on the circuits, hoping that it would open, or at least fry the lock. To her luck, the lock was overcharged and released with a heavy thunk on the ground, allowing Diana to open the doors freely. What she would find inside was not a weapon, nor a beast, but a single person. It seemed someone had put a cage within a cage, a metal one to be specific that housed a single individual. She wore nothing but a straight-jacket that kept her arms to her side, the upper edges of the material raised up to cover her mouth, disallowing any kind of speech. Furthermore she wore a pair of white pants, as if she was a patient from some kind of hospital. Chains shackled the ankles of her bare feet to the floor while a tight leather band was coated over the prize's eyes to blind her. The girl that everyone was fighting for was silent, unconscious, occasionally rustling and moving aside her dark hair. Diana was surprised when she found out the cargo to be a person, apparently a human of all things. At a first moment she doubted if it was a trap or not? But, soon enough, she was convinced that the right thing to do was set this person free whatsoever. She had been on a similar situation once and never felt the urge of taking lives needlessly for the Angelic forces in this war. The dragon couldn't help but feel some sympathy for whoever this person was. With a swing of Ascalon, using her inhuman strength, Diana sliced the bars clean before cradling the girl on her arms, though Diana hesitated to remove the restraints, wondering if they were there for a reason. [color=daa520]"Hey, you? Are you well? I'll help you get out of here, just tell me if you can walk or not, right?"[/color] Diana said as she cut the restraints on the girl's feet and mouth. [color=0072bc]"Wmpf?"[/color] the girl mumbled before clanging metal woke her up. She shifted around slowly, as if caught from a long drunken stupor of stillness before turning in the direction of the dragon girl. She was being carried? Why couldn't she move? That wasn't dwelled on for too long because Diana took quick care of her metal restraints while also slicing open the straight-jacket clean down the middle. That allowed the girl to speak freely, while her blindfold also fell to the floor. Blinking, she looked up at her savior with a confused expression, giving the dragon girl a good look at the prize's eyes. One red. One blue. [color=0072bc]"Who are you?"[/color] [color=daa520]"I-I'm Diana, but that's not important now. I have to get you out of here, you seem to have fallen victim of someone from the Human Realm. Don't worry, I'll protect you until you are safe."[/color]Diana cut the remainder of the restraints, knelt before the girl and caught her into a piggy back ride, making sure that she was safe before beginning their retreat. [color=daa520]"So, do you have a name?"[/color] Diana asked while trying to recall the Fortress' schematics, for the fastest way out of there. [color=0072bc]"Oh! Um, my name's....I think Bastion? I'm pretty sure that's what I'm called,"[/color] the girl said, more surprised that this Diana was giving her a piggyback ride. Her restraints were gone but she kept the remainder of her straight jacket on for modesty, using it as a...literal jacket. Well then. What was so special about this girl that the Machina saw interest as to kidnap her?