[color=skyblue][center][h1]Erin Hyde McGarth[/h1][/center][/color] [I]” How long is my niece supposed to stay in this god forsaken place? I would like to take Erin with me so we can bury her parents and then take the child to America so she's away from the painful reminders.” Vivian commented in her native tongue to the doctor while assuming that her ten year old niece was asleep in her bed. “ You can't take my patient Mrs. Moon we have already told your husband this. The child is now an orphan hence she will be placed in the orphanage after we have observed her for 24 hours. Unless you have proof of guardianship or adoption papers it's out of my hands. I'm sorry about this but it was the government's decision.” Someone responded in a calm and cool voice before flipping another piece of paper. “ I'm glad your niece has only a scratches and bruises but the police are wondering if the child had started a fire herself in order to kill her parents or that the incident was just a freak accident. Either way in a way it was Erin's fault at least in my opinion because if she wasn't near the origin point where the accident happened then maybe at least one of her parents would be dead. Now if you will excuse I have more critical patients to tend to.” the voice seemed to echo inside the room. [color=skyblue]” So I'm the reason that everyone is dead? I'm sorry Aunt Vivan. I'm so sorry Aunt Vivan.”[/color] the young Erin cried out. “ It's okay love. You weren't the cause of this because you loved your parents so much. You were born to love not destruction so please ignore what that mean man say. It's okay…it’s okay because I'll always be here with you.”[/i] Erin's eye fluttered open as the hellish memory finished playing out inside her mind. Sweat clung to her body as a sickening feeling filled her stomach as if the girl was a pregnant woman having morning sickness for the very first time in her life. The teenager sat up as quickly as possible only to hear something snapping and tearing in her side forcing the girl to flinch. Her head lowered toward the warm spot that was starting to form. The young woman took a deep breath, counted how long it took for the sudden pain to stop, before releasing the carbon dioxide in the the room. The crimson consumed the middle of the patch by the time she had gotten off the bed. There was no long a reason to wonder why a new wound popped up on her skin or even where it come from anymore since there was no longer on person controlling the body. The lighter half knew that the darker half was unstable as well as unpredictable in many ways which had always caused trouble for years and now Clara had decided to take it just a step farther. A worrisome thing to do considering that everything that the disorder did was to protect the main half or at least that was how the American doctors described the relationship. A knock on the door caused the eye to flicker toward the entrance. [Color=orange]” Erin are you awake yet?”[/color] [Color=skyblue]” Vincent? Is that really you? Ah. Yes I'm awake I'm just not dressed for visitors. Can you give me about 15 or 20 minutes then you can come on inside.”[/color] guilt filled Erin as she finished the lie. She didn't want to see anyone since she felt like a huge burden. Yes the others acted as if they understand why others had picked up her slack but it didn't feel right. It was as if Clara had wounded the shared body on purpose in order to show someone that she could allow harm as easily as she could keep the item safe. The lighter half walked toward the place where the stithes was last located. Thankfully Haru hadn't seemed to move anything quite yet so the young woman quickly redid the stitching just before the door opened. [Color=orange]” Well it looks like you found out what happened while Clara was awake. I'm sorry for not coming back to the high school after things became rather hectic. I promise that it won't happen again.”[/color] [color=skyblue]” I kind of figured that on my own. As for the attack from those people I guess it can't be helped. Actually I'm the one that should be apologising to you and Raven. I should have went looking for you two but I was afraid that Clara would take control and kill you two. Guess I need to learn better control or maybe even stay away from everyone else. Anyway what did you need?”[/color] a sigh passed his lips before asking if the girl wanted to go to a wedding. This surprised her completely. The man didn't even wait for an answer before sweeping the youngest sibling inside his arms and carrying her to the wedding site, which was the most beautiful thing the lighter half had ever seen in a long time.