Sebastian brought Twombly straight to Aeron's room as the female had yet to leave, she was too busy planning how she was going to get back at Twombly for making her wait. [b][color=f26522]"We are here Ma'am,"[/color][/b] the Tiger called, shoving Twombly forward before closing the door as he left. He knew better than to stick around if Aeron was having one of her fits. She hated waiting and the longer she was usually forced to wait, the angrier she got, which would explain why Sebastian had essentially sped through the dome and ran multiple red lights to get the Maned Wolf to his destination. [b][color=00aeef]"You. Are. Late,"[/color][/b] the female Jackal bit out, her eyes narrowed and her long ears pinned back, [b][color=00aeef]"By an hour to be exact... you better have a good reason for being late or I'm going to hang you upside down from the ceiling using nothing but fishing line."[/color][/b] At this point, she was sitting up in bed with her Shari still draped over her shoulder, running the hanging fabric between her fingers. While she usually wasn't a mean person she could be rather cruel should the situation called for it, though she [i]really[/i] didn't want to hurt him. Maybe just scare him a little. As she waited for his response, she shifted around on the bed for a moment before simply sliding off and walking up to him. While she was a clear eleven inches shorter than the male, not counting her ears, she was still a rather imposing figure and never let anyone forget that she was a rather tough customer. Once she was close enough to him, she placed a small hand on his chest for a moment before simply fisting the fabric and yanking him down to her height, forcing him to look her in the eyes. [b][color=00aeef]"You don't ask someone out on a date, and then never show up to pick them up like you promise Tommy-boy,"[/color][/b] she pouted, [b][color=00aeef]"Its not very nice of you... did you really want to hurt my feelings?"[/color][/b] The lanky maned wolf whimpered slightly, knowing he'd done wrong by not paying attention to the time. Thankfully, he [i]did[/i] have a reason for becoming so abscent-minded; he only hoped the reason was good enough for one of the dome's more prominent mob-bosses to forgive him of such a major transgression as nearly standing her up on a date where the two of them could relax and just be themselves. Carefully, he pulled a small box from his pocket and got down on one knee. [color=ed1c24][b]"I was up [i]all night[/i] trying to think of what to get you for this little occassion."[/b][/color] After a tense pause, he opened the box, revealing a large collection of throwing knives, each one with an brightly colored, neatly rolled-up, expertly inscribed ribbon attached to them. [color=ed1c24][b] "For the woman who needs to be prepared for everything."[/b][/color] He said, closing the box and pulling [i]her[/i] down to [i]his[/i] level for a pre-date kiss. [color=ed1c24][b]"So about that date, still have the time to take that offer?" [/b][/color] Aeron's ears flicked up for a moment when he kissed her, then one ear went down when he pulled back. [b][color=00aeef]"Well then..."[/color][/b] she murmured, [b][color=00aeef]"I guess I can forgive you this one transgression, just make an alarm next time so you aren't late... you know I hate that. Anyway, yes.... we can still have time for that date."[/color][/b] She offered the male a small smile before throwing her arms around him in a hug, clearly pleased with the knives he had given to her. [b][color=00aeef]"Next time, please don't give me a mini-heart attack though. So not used to men getting down on one knee in front of me,"[/color][/b] she stated, gently tapping Twombly on the nose, [b][color=00aeef]"So, where are you bringing me? You did plan that at least right? To make up for being late?"[/color][/b] Moving to her feet after being pulled down to his level, she brushed off her knees and placed a hand on her hip. She had left it up for him t plan the first date considering he had been the one to ask her, albeit it was rather sudden and unexpected despite the two having known each other for years. In her mind, for the longest time, he was just the person who supplied her with the weapons that she needed for a reasonable price, and occasionally snagged some of her clothes. [color=ed1c24][b] "Well, I figured we'd stop by The Hole for a few drinks, something to eat, maybe find something else to do while there."[/b][/color] His last offer was probably a bit much, since it was only their first real date, and entertaining her with the idea of taking a mission to blow off some steam was likely counter-productive towards relaxing. Since Twombly hadn't taken his car, they were forced to ride in Aeron's, with Sebastian being their reluctant designated-driver as the new couple sat together in the back seats. [b][color=00aeef]"So, what else have you been working on in that basement of your's?"[/color][/b] Aeron asked, crossing her legs and leaning against the male as they relaxed in the back seat of the stretched out SUV, [b][color=00aeef]"Anything good that I should consider purchasing?"[/color][/b] She playfully nudged him, clearly wanting to know if there was anything good that she may want to get her hands on. With the way that he liked to modify weapons, she was always interested in his tinkering. It was then that she realized she was talking shop, something the two of them weren't supposed to be doing since they were going out. She was so used to only really talking about business with him, or yelling at him for stealing some clothing from her. [b][color=00aeef]"Nevermind... not supposed to be talking about work..."[/color][/b] she muttered, rubbing her face, [b][color=00aeef]"Going to take some getting used to considering that's all we ever talked about unless I was threatening you for stealing my undergarnments... why do you do that?"[/color][/b] [color=ed1c24][b]"Well, we [i]could[/i] talk about your choice of clothes... since that is familiar territory."[/b][/color] He replied, nearly ready to answer her previous question before she quickly recanted with a question about why he would take some bits of her clothes and hide them in her next payment to a client. [color=ed1c24][b]"As for why I kept taking them, I was wondering when you'd upgrade your security system... again."[/b][/color] He answered, Aeron could always afford the best and most expensive security and survaillence systems, and knowing she had a repeat-offender of her privacy on payroll was often more than enough incentive for her to upgrade... giving him the easiest access to some of the best technological challenge of breaking and entering possible. It also made for interesting conversation whenever they'd meet again, often with a funny story on how she thought it had [i]nearly[/i] ruined a deal, only to watch as the seller dropped the price in half or something along those lines. Keeping track of the details was always hard when he was too worried about about whether or not his boss would rip his throat out for going too far for the fifth time that month. As the limo came to a stop at the local Hole, Twombly stepped out, and offered a hand to Aeron so she wouldn't need to expose too much of her legs trying to get up from her comfortable seat... or trip on the running boards of the SUV. It was a bit of an entrance, even though they were extremely past-due and most shutter-bug happy onlookers had left, but their appearance still turned the heads of many as they were waived through by the local bouncer, as Sebastian gave the crowd a dissapproving stare. While she was known well enough, Aeron didn't really show her face unless she absolutely had to, mainly because she was a little too wrried about the fact that she would need to fight people off. Some didn't take too kindly to her methods, though it wasn't really something they had a say in as long as she got the job done. Holding onto Twombly's hand, she remained close to the male as she offered a smile to those who looked at her, even offered a few waves to those who waved at her. [b][color=00aeef]"I'm a little surprised that you decided to bring me here,"[/color][/b] she said with a smile still in place, [b][color=00aeef]"I would have thought you would want to keep me to yourself at this point."[/color][/b] It was clear that she was teasing him, mainly because her tone was rather playful towards the end. [b][color=00aeef]"Also, to answer your question about my choice of clothing, I like the mobility that I have in it,"[/color][/b] she replied, [b][color=00aeef]"That and for some reason, it just feels normal to me, super comfortable."[/color][/b] She used her free hand to smooth out the front of her skirt, not at all bothered by the fact that she was showing much more leg than most would think was acceptable.