[@SunsetRoses] Mako smiled a genuine smile at the thought of someone dressed like him, "[color=00a99d]Surely not...I am one of a kind...[/color]" His eyes betrayed him now, a look of betrayal twisted within the gray as thoughts and memories came rushing in. Having watched her acts of magic over the last two days he turned to her and spoke, "[color=00a99d]You are a practitioner of true magic. Then you might know about how prophecies can control people? Twisting good people to do monstrous things.[/color]" He continued to walk ignoring the other humans on the team and only paying attention to getting to the bank, "[color=00a99d]I am the bringer of destruction to Atlantis. I was to young to be executed, thus I was cast out.[/color]" He looked at her again, "[color=00a99d]But this life suits me much better than my old one.[/color]" His eyes looked forward again, "[color=00a99d]Now you know more than just my name.[/color]" When she talked about the tech lovers he just smirked, "[color=00a99d]Most metals I can bite right through...the stronger ones I use a couple other gifts I have.[/color]" He showed her the black cylinder that had little runes carved in it, "[color=00a99d]Atlantean magics...[/color]" He put it away and smirked again, "[color=00a99d]they can steal all the electronic money they want...I want the gold. If this is Europe's largest bank then there is gold within.[/color]" He whispered the next words, "[color=00a99d]I believe that you and I would be effective in retrieving it.[/color]" Mako was no fool, he knew he would need allies if they were all to remain a team and someone with magic was the perfect fit for him as his fighting was mainly close combat. It also didn't hurt that he found her rather enjoyable and beautiful...in the way one sees the beauty of a hurricane.