[h3][center][color=00a651]Meirin Kurenai[/color][/center][/h3] Meirin was visibly annoyed as Khan and Ssarak spoke about Tyrael. The last thing she wanted to talk about was the demon. While Meirin has tried to be nice to demonomancers like Khan, Colette, and even Baulder on the rare times they meet, Tyrael represented exactly the sort of things Meirin hates about demons and demonomancers. They had no control over the power they had, being guided by their whims and corrupted emotions. While Tyrael surely had his reasons for doing what he did, they were obviously flawed, like all demons. Meirin was more than happy when the conversation shifted from him to the naga; Meirin couldn't say she had much interest in them, but out of politeness she would still give them her undivided attention. Meirin let Ssarak do most of the talking since he knew the most about where the naga were going. Meirin could always try to give some nuggets of wisdom, but the matriach seemed like a wise woman herself. The naga were stubborn at times, and if Mar was any proof, rather backwards. But they wouldn't have made it this far if they couldn't learn from their mistakes. [color=00a651]"Are there any plans for you and your clan once you've settled in, Matriarch? Perhaps the college could help you in some way. A key to survive is unity after all, and even if we aren't kin the college will never turn their backs on friends."[/color] Meirin said with confidence. While she had no authority to actually say the college will help, Meirin certainly knew that if she heard the naga was in need, she would be one of the first to volunteer. After all they've been through, Meirin didn't want them to suffer any thing worse.