[center][img] https://s31.postimg.org/txoo7nip7/146941223382343.gif[/img] [color=Gold][h2]Raziel, The Holy Bolt[/h2][/color] [i][u][url=https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=hnKyyzSIJNM]~BGM~[/url][/u][/i] [/center] [hr] Scores of angel wings blanketed the sky as if they were the amalgamation of purity. The angels face was emotionless yet somewhat peaceful, despite the horrors going on below them. Hidden by the clouds of the sky, they were presented with the land below, a land astonishingly beautiful, like a child sleeping under her puffed duvet of white. She could never be more beautiful, more enchanting, more delicate. Unfortunately, that beauty was marred by blood, machine, and evil. They didn't speak, nor did they feel. Hundreds of thier comrades were ripped apart, eaten, reanimated and even raped. It was a sight to behold, and only added fuel to the funeral prier of many. Demons, Machina, both would receive the full fury of not only the angelic forces of heaven, but of its leader, or one of many. From a steel grey cloud, melting into the newly monochromatic landscape, came a brilliant flash that flickered and died. Upon a throne of divine brilliance was the one and only Seraph of Judgement. His very presence on the battle field was only a warning of the untold destruction to come. Just to be in the midst of him was difficult. Raziel, the Holy Bolt, embodied an aura that commanded respect, fear, and utter devotion from his subordinates. Standing at six feet, two inches, his tremendous height was only built upon by the knowledge that his power exceeded that of any other individual on the battlefield at that moment--and not by a trivial amount. It made him seem as if he was titanic. The way that he carried himself, with absolute confidence and conviction, holding his posture perfectly in a domineering, statuesque way, imposing his authority on those around him like a general pacing in front of his army. The most ignorant of demons could recognize his status from these qualities alone. The Holy Bolt's face was rugged, much like his well-toned body, with sharp, angular features that betray the heritage of a normal Seraph. Everything from his jawline, which could cut diamonds, to his powerful brow was shaped with strength, as if he had been chiseled from the bedrock beneath the plains of the earth. His naturally tan skin was reminiscent of clay, and without a scar anywhere on his body, it remained a testament to his holy armor and the man that it protected. Despite the countless dangers of the battlefield, with its treachery and unforgiving combatants, Raziel's light brown eyes remains the most intimidating feature of the timeless realm. Taken alone, they were unspectacular in their appearance, with a hue similar to cinnamon--a common enough color for them to remain rather average. When coupled with the man to whom they belong, however, they become piercing and unforgiving, holding back judgment so swift that they shaped an entire war to better serve their vision. The events bellow, was like anathema to his eyes. Disgusting. Vile. Rubbish. Both Demon and Mankind were nothing but maggots in his eyes, both deserving of his ultimate judgment. Death. And the the Holy Blot would bring it. Hundreds of Valkyrie sat itching to engage in battle, waiting for their generals order, but he remained silent, ever watching. It seemed he was contemplating a mode of attack, when in reality, he unleashed his torrent of emotion, and used it to fuel him. All those on the battlefield would feel the fury of the Lightning General. A young Valkyrie took her place at the feet of her general, bowing low in respect. [b]"The first attack force as taken on many casualties from both Machina and Demon alike. Thier commanding officer is on the deck, fighting a rather large Machina. Demons have taken the surface and making thier way up the hull, only one is on the deck."[/b] Raziel listened silently to the words of the Valkyrie. He knew of the demon she spoke of, the rapist, the shemale, and demon that was especially deserving of his judgment. Turning to the legion of angels behind him, he bellowed; [color=gold]"Worry not for your fallen comrades, they have been judged accordingly. But those who oppose us, the beings of the heavens, shall be judged, and put to death!"[/color] he proclaimed. It was encouragement, not an order, his plan didn't require them at the moment, not the Valkyries. [color=Gold]"My Cherubs, to me![/color] he bellowed, and instantly, hundreds of armored, four-winged angels appeared by his side, ready for battle. He already had air superiority, time to secure the deck, and provide reinforcement. For those who fought underneath the clouds, a bolt of lightning came, a brilliant shock of gold in the graphite sky, forking silently to the unsuspecting deck - the thunderous boom always calling its warning too late. Behind the Valkyrie Officer stood the Seraph of Judgment, holy light arcing off his body. [b]The Holy Bolt had arrived.[/b]