[hider=Gamera] [img]https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/-WA581a7LzAI/VZ9QVyDWJEI/AAAAAAAANKw/nfLui2hGYxc/w800-h800/IMG_2973.JPG[/img] Name: Gamera Gender: Female Age: 51 Race: Kaiju Faction: Earth Defenders Personality: Gamera's desire to protect is legendary and known throughout the world, always on the front lines shouldering and taking everything anyone can throw at her. Very adamant about showing she's no pushover ready, to dig her heels into the dirt and show just how stubborn she really is, when it comes to a challenge or obstacle. Gamera is a very straight forward individual letting you know quick exactly where you stand with her and not wanting to keep anything hidden, she is in fact nearly incapable of keeping secrets. She is very intelligent for a Kaiju thinking up plans to defeat enemies, preferring to figure out different ways to combat a situation this trait is undermined a most of the time by her ‘front line’ mentality. At her core she wants to protect those in need and may come off just a little bit conceded being sure in herself and her abilities she can’t resist a damsel in distress nor can she ignore anyone genuinely asking for help this being said she is slow to trust and has little friends she also has a nasty habit of holding grudges for a very long time. She always believes people have a hidden agenda or something they aren’t tell right off the bat; this way of thinking has probably curved her personality to be unneededly forthcoming. History: A bioengineered 'Guardian of the universe' created by Atlantis to defend them against another one of their bioengineered weapons called the Gyaos a flying experiment gone wrong. Things didn't go so well for Atlantis in the end, however Gamera was a success and left for the future generations in case the human killer Gyaos should ever come back. The year was 1995 when A ship carrying plutonium collides with a floating atoll off the eastern coast of the Philippines, one of many incidents occurring throughout the area. As the anomalous formation approaches Japan, a team of scientists led by Naoya Kusanagi. During the investigation, the atoll suddenly quakes, destroying the slab and throwing the scientists into the ocean. One member of the team, Marine Officer Yoshinari Yonemori, sees the eye and tusk of a giant turtle. At the same time an ornithologist was investigating a village that was apparently attacked by a ‘giant bird’. While at first skeptical of the claims the researcher discovered what looked to be human remains in a bird pellet (droppings). It wasn’t until later that the Kaiju known as Gyros was identified as these giant bird like creatures, this discovery was possible with aid of special runes and texts found from Atlantis itself; a be it they were merely chicks at the time. To prevent further attacks, the government decided on capturing the the giant birds. The creatures were lured to the Fukuoka Dome baseball stadium, where two of the three are successfully captured. The last one escapes to the harbor, where she is killed by the giant turtle encountered by the scientists. The remaining birds escape before the turtle reaches the stadium. Thanks to the same text, it was revealed the giant turtle was Gamera a sort of guardian or defense system to counteract the Gyaos but because of the damage she caused Gamera was treated as a threat. It took some time, but eventually all the bird monsters were taken care of, leaving only Gamera left standing tall like the mountain. Powers/Abilities: Melting Furnaces: Gamera can ingest coal, oil, fire, magma and uranium and they are sent here to be burned. Thermal Energy Conversion Intestines: This is where burned material is converted into thermal energy. Plasma Fireball High Fever Muscles: Gamera's muscles can produce ten thousand times the force of any human and can withstand high temperatures (High Fever), more so than any conventional metal and are very durable. Shell: Gamera's shell is known for it invulnerability, the only known time it has been breached was by Guiron, who struck the same place over and over again. Her underbelly does not have this resistance however. Thermal Energy Conversion reactor (Plasma Conversion Furnace): Gamera's blood can absorb heat, flames, high voltage current and nuclear fuel. These energies are converted into electrons, protons and atomic nuclei and stored as plasma energy to be used. Life energy from the Earth, Mana, can be converted as well. The power of the total release of Plasma is unknown. Flight Vanishing Fist: A one time shot where she envelopes her fist with all the thermal energy shes absorbed into one devastating punch. Kaiju Transformation: Gamera's Transformation turns her into her 55 meter tall turtle like self Other: Knows she isn't a natural born Kaiju like godzilla and hates to be reminded of such Like to talk to Godzilla being that they are similarly aged Doesn't trust mechs too much or monsters that used to be 'evil' [/hider]