Henry listened, and in truth, he marvelled. That was Atticus for you, always thinking, always one step ahead. It made sense, and the old pharao amongst their ranks suddenly made perfect sense aswell. He if anyone, should be a expert at what Atticus was trying to achieve. Cheating death, indeed it was no small task that Atticus wanted them to undertake. But Henry was obviously used to that part by now, and he was not gonna let his friends down. Although he had a nagging feeling he would regret this. But the way things were escalating, he had not time to dwell on Atticus whispers. When Veti bristled, like he imagined she would in face of such news, Henry had to take a deep breath. The werewolf was going off on a tear and she pulled Henry into this with such ferocious conviction that he found himself grinning. Fire was good, He could only try to imagine what was going trough the werewolves brain and heart right now. Of course, that was when someone decided to speak against it all. While Henry could agree that it seemed like a strange request to those not privy of the recent events and that Atticus would have been better off not mentioning it as a “private” matter. Regardless of such a little misstep he didn't quite understand the giants words. Surely he could see why it was in the companies interest, the ones that employed him? So, in the way only Henry could, he took Atticus side. His motions fluid, quick and with grace afforded to him by a newfound strenght he had not felt in forever, he was soon at the base of the stone Atticus stood by. He faced the others. “Ladies, Gentlemen. For those who do not know me, I am assisstant Director and Manager of the the Boston Branch. Henry Grimm.” He spoke, his voice empowered by the magic that rested deep within him, bolstered by the closeness of Irelands many rivers and lakes. “I do not need to tell you that this company care for their own, every single one of us are a valued member. Well, as Atticus explained, we lost one a year ago. Causalities are no unknown to us at this point, this job is not without risks.” Henry paused for effect, taking in the reactions. “But know that the founders would move mountains if they could save either one of you. What the company ask in return is for us to do our job. A ankh can bring back one of our own and its within our expertice to find and use it to return Max to our world again. The company benefits, you benefit and we increase our strenght for further missions.” He smiled, eyes staring straight at the Giant. “You are a employee of the company, so is Max. Max gave his life to save all off us from enslavement or a worse fate then that. Without his efforts you would likely spend your life living under a darkened sky, in eternal night and under the rule of a deranged vampire queen. You may not think this concern you, but if you have sense of loyalty towards the company you will treat it as a job at it's still within company structure and it's a internal matter. You can hardly find a better reason, speaking from a company logistic and logical. Questions?” His voice was factual, without a single pause now. It left no reason to argue.