The ship rocking back and forth, going from being pursued to rocketing through hyperspace, Sol'id sat just the same. Unmoving and uncompromising as the cargo he sat upon, and the cargo would stay that way until their destination. Which was where they had better be heading next. In fact, in most situations he would have stayed put and guarded no matter what jest or little remark this Gavon told him. But he admitted that he needed to go up and speak to the Captain as well. He needed to make sure his cargo was going where it needed to. "Very well. Let's have a chat with this Captain you seem to know so well." Sol'id said, his voice reverberating through his armored helm. He knew Gavon wasn't exactly who he or the captain said he was, judging from the conversation he had with the man before this Jacque showed up, but as long as he didn't provide Sol'id with trouble, he didn't mind if he breathed awhile longer. He stood up to his full height, took another glance back at the cargo, and headed out with Gavon. [@Rawk]