The mage looked to the Ogre, intrigued by how much sense that huge beast's statement made. Apparently, he wouldn't be able to cheat on his deal with the big one. [color=fff79a]"Smart observation, my friend! If you do remember what you want, let me know when you come back and I'll do my best to get it for you."[/color] Yashar looked to the remaining of his guests. He was growing tired of their petulance. [color=fff79a]"I don't possess all this gear you want. Or at least can't give such powerful and expensive equipment before the job gets done. That's how rewards work."[/color] The lack of common sense on his new minions was astonishing. The fact that the Ogre was the only one showing some manners was baffling. [color=fff79a]"But I'll tell you what. Behind the inn you will find a blacksmith, he can direct you to a great friend of mine who can get you guys some gear. It won't be the best possible gear, but it should be good enough to kill some humans with it. Just hand this letter to the blacksmith and he will show you guys where you should go."[/color] Pulling a small piece of paper from what seemed out of nowhere, in absolute silence he wrote a presumably short message on it. Finishing the message he folded the paper and fused both it's endings and the edges, making so the only way to read it would be by ripping the paper. Outside he simply wrote: [b][i]"To ZE by Y"[/i][/b]. Walking to the half-elf, he said loud enough so the orc and the ogre could hear, [color=fff79a]"If you want gear, give this to the blacksmith and follow his instructions."[/color] Going back to his usual tone, he continued, [color=fff79a]"About this drooling... Look, I ain't a healer. You could always look for one in the city. It has a big market place and I know for sure two healers are there for this week."[/color] [color=fff79a]"The inn you're going is at the east of the town. It is reasonably small, but painted in a vivid red color. It's named The Red Mug and..."[/color] He stood in silence for a while, looking at his guests. The half-elf staring at him with that weird metal object flying around. The orc was pulling his axe out of the wall. The ogre was standing there, smiling at the Quaggoth. No way in hell those three would be able to follow simple directions. [color=fff79a]"You know what? Take this map with you! It's enchanted so it will show you the area around you and how to get to a location of your choice. Currently, it's limited to the area of this city, but if you can find other maps and an enchanter, you could add other locations to it."[/color] The orc didn't seemed to be even listening to him, too busy freeing his beast from the statue. The ogre was blinkly staring at him. The only one who seemed to be listening was Stride, but even then the mage wasn't very sure, so he simply added [color=fff79a]"Open the map. Say where you wanna go. Follow the big arrow that wil show up. As simple as that."[/color] With nobody left in his tower, he finally closed the door and prepared to meet the last guest.