[@Banana] [center]With Claire and Yuki[/center] "I'm sure she knows other ways to get you to let your guard down...Ow!" murmured Claire. Yuki punched Claire's shoulder and blushed. "A-Anyway, maybe we're looking at this the wrong way." "What do you mean?" Yuki started playing with her hair. "I mean, well...we've been going at this like we're at war with them. Maybe we could try something else?" [center]Meanwhile, with Miriam[/center] "Wow, this place got effed up." Miriam spoke in a casual manner as she ran alongside the Genocide god. "I guess it's because of the clones? Was it because of some fights? I mean, my fight ended up with blood covering some islands, so I guess it would explain a bit. Still, I wonder who fought here. I can't see any signs of people I might know." The place was a wreck. Almost everything was either ruined, destroyed, or otherwise untouched. Considering the only things that were untouched was the house they were going toward, that meant that this place had seen more than its fair share of ravaging. [center]Meanwhile, with the Bandits[/center] "'kay." Resin yawned as he walked away in some random direction. Cherry still looked at the squid kid with an incredulous expression on his face, but then just shook his head, and looked away. Resin walked, and walked, and walked...until he found himself in a void of sorts. A small boon granted by his creator. He found himself in the presence of Clariko and her little project.