The ideas I've been having lately are predominantly fantasy themed. I don't find normal school / academy RPs to be interesting, but I recently starting thinking about putting that premise in a location where it doesn't often see use: savage fantasy. I'm thinking of a setting wherein monstrous races such as Trolls, Goblins and Gnolls have reached a certain level of cooperation to the point where there are some anarchic, monstrous cities beginning to crop up. In one of these cities is the first attempt at a school BY the savage races and FOR the savage races. Subjects range from history of the Orcish clan wars to studying the strange, almost unique traditions of magic that the different races have developed. Naturally, fight training would take the place of gym. I don't have a specific plot in mind for that one, but I feel like there are a lot of possibilities open. It's like a violent, inner-city Hogwarts with less supervision and rules. Campus might not be as impressive, but considering that the students have free roam of the town when they aren't in class? Should be enough space for plot hooks to emerge. I still want to do a vehicle-heavy fantasy game too, like Mad Max meets D&D. Tried that before, learned some things about how not to run a group, would like to do it again and do it properly. Hmm... other idea I had was an old one, but one I've never been able to try. It's sort of a post-apoc one, though not wasteland-y. Premise is that nuclear war had become a reality on Earth, and many factions were trying to find ways to survive the income destruction. One such attempt was an experimental facility with the goal of realizing time travel in a usable form. They got most of the way to succeeding before a bomb fell near the facility, and the ensuing wave of radiation triggered the incomplete machine, tearing open a ragged wormhole forward in time and sucking in anyone near the event, completely leveling the entire facility in the process. Cut to the future. Civilization is dead, but Man survives. The travelers from the past find themselves in a world that, in some ways, adapted well to the radiation. Rising sea levels have resulted in huge swaths of the North American interior looking like the amazon rain forest, and the cities are drowning under the mesozoic-looking megaflora. The natives who live in this world have regressed to a hunter-gatherer existence, taking up spears to go forage and hunt in the overgrown city ruins. Though strong, agile, and well-informed about how to survive in their world, the future natives lack any ability to read (though their spoken language remains similar enough to modern tongues to be understandable) or other elements of higher education that are taken for granted in the modern day. This is the world that the travelers from the past find themselves in. With the hole in time dumping them unceremoniously into this Tarzan-meets-Fallout world, they have to lean on the future natives to teach them how to function in this terrifying new world. The future natives, in turn, could benefit from the advanced knowledge carried by the travelers from the past. Perhaps the city isn't as deteriorated as it first appears, and someone with the correct understanding might be able to still use some of the ancient systems, be they hydro, lights, or something else. Naturally there are threats in this world, the descendants of the few mutated horrors that proved to not only be functional, but actually better suited to this new world. I don't have a specific goal for that RP beyond daily life and survival, but I like the premise.