Name/Nicknames: Samuel Murphy / Murph Race: Human Age: 22 Appearance: Brown haired, hazel eyed, a strong upper build with a slightly hunched posture. He has a scar on his left hand from an old farm injury shaped like a crescent moon with a horizontal line through the middle. At full height he is a little over six foot. [img][/img] Personality: Samuel is a country boy. The furthest he had ever travelled before Santa Somabra had been the post office in the town over. Growing up the younger brother in an adopted family meant he always had to try harder, push further and jump higher to get noticed. Not out of pride, but a need to do right with the family that had taken him in as a child. In High School this need to prove himself got him to Captain of the football team and made him an honour student. Deep down Samuel is afraid. He’s afraid of not being the man his father would have wanted or living up to his Uncle’s expectations. It’s why he turned down a scholarship and moved to the city. He needs to make a mark his family both living and past can be proud of. Bio: Samuel never knew his mother. She died before he turned four. Samuel remembers his father as a good man, one who doted on him and his older brother. When the War came his father was called back into the service. His Uncle took Samuel and Samuel’s older brother James in. Growing up on the farm wasn’t an easy life, but Samuel was able to get the best out of it. His brother didn’t. While Samuel worked, his brother did everything possible to avoid it. Skipping school and staying out late. Samuel would often do his brothers homework. During the day Samuel was as happy as any kid could be, but at night when he was sure the others were asleep he would pray for his dad to come home. His dad never did. Samuel his adoptive family dug a grave for his dad and said their good byes. It was at that grave Samuel promised to do his dad proud. Samuel worked hard. When the football team try outs came it was no surprise to his family when he made the team and eventually team captain. His brother and he drew more distant as time went on. After an argument with Samuel and the rest of the family, James left home. A week later they heard he had signed up to join the army. Samuel finished High School and spent three years working at the farm. On his 21st Birthday his Uncle sat him down and gave him an ultimatum. “Get out of here and make a life for yourself or I’ll throw you out.” He gave him a hundred dollars and a bus ticket to the city. The following day Samuel left Bakerstand and travelled into Santa Somabra. Unsure of what to do he asked for a job at the first place he got off. The Santa Somabra Police Department gained a new officer that day. Finally after months of training he is ready to become newest addition to the S.S.P.D. Other: He’ll be starting at the S.S.P.D HQ ready for his first beat around the city. Feel free to give him a hard time. I fully expect this character to chewed up by this city and if he’s lucky, spat out. There were too many Samuels at the police academy, so everyone just calls him Murph.