[center][img]http://i471.photobucket.com/albums/rr72/alexgormankiddo/Banners/e493afd1-6bc4-414f-9101-f0049aa0c5bf_zps7a7c112c.jpg[/img][/center] Conner looked to the massive Adam as he looked over the massive collection of knowledge. True their were priceless artifacts throughout the home; vases from the Ming Dynasty, statues carved from the finest marble, even artifacts of historical significance such as the Spear of Longinus. The very spear that pierced the side of Christ and killed him. However, the most valuable was the books. Knowledge that could make even the most mediocre of hunters into a finely tuned killer of creatures. Anyone can fire a pistol, hold a sword, but a real hunter has the knowledge on how to kill a monster. At least that was Conner's opinion. As each hunter introduced themselves, Conner moved about the room and took occasional puffs of his pipe. Conner looked to Salyvn as he mentioned that he'd worked for the Order before beside Aiko but he'd never been summoned to the heart of the Order. He asked a valid question, why now? Conner sighed slightly and took the pipe from his lips. "[b]A wonderful question and one that warrants an answer. As Salyvn has mentioned, you have all been hunting for some time. Some of you have hunted along with the Order, others have hunted on their own time, why would I summon this motley crew of hunters to an organization none of them have heard about? Put simply, a storm is coming[/b]" he said. He noticed a few confused look and spoke. "[b]The Order has existed since man began hunting these creatures. At the time, it had been a vampire here, a werewolf there, however according to our documents something came about that forced the strongest of hunters to band together. An enemy so powerful it could unite these monstrous creatures. I do believe that enemy has returned after years of slumber. I have been receiving reports concerning an increase in monster activity, whether it be an increase in number or hostile attacks[/b]" he mentioned. [hr] [center][img]http://i471.photobucket.com/albums/rr72/alexgormankiddo/BeFunky_AdamsBanner_zps2897d45a.jpg[/img][/center] Adam looked to the various hunters as they introduced themselves. Werewolf hunters, wendigo hunters, vampire hunters, each an expert in their own field. He ran a hand through his long brown hair and found himself sizing up the various hunters. Call it a habit. He was used to experiencing human cruelty. Sooner or later he may be forced to fight these people because he isn't their definition of a "human being". Of all the hunter, the knight seemed the most intimidating. The suit of armor was massive and had to weigh more than a few hundred pounds. It would take some serious muscle to weigh a suit of armor like that. Adam looked to the doctor as he explained that something was making these creatures stir. "[b]I find it difficult to believe a group of savages could band together to hunt these monsters in force but I suppose a serious enough threat could be a good motivator. I can't deny the influx of activity. I've been seeing more daemon activity in the past month alone and it's only getting worse[/b]" he mentioned. [hr] [CENTER][h3]MENTIONED:[/h3] [@potatochipgolem] [@TheWizardLizard] [@Roosan] [@Kilyn Rose] [@LazyEgg] [@Inertia] [@Dynamo Frokane] [@AspenIvan][/center]